
Meeting the Prophet

"I found this boy creeping around outside, muttering to himself. Thought you might be interested." Meg muttered, tossing him into the room. Grumbling under her breath, she walked away, no doubt double checking to make sure that no one else was trying to enter the hospital.

"Who are you?" You asked him, watching him closely. He seemed different to you. There was something, like a spark, that made him more than human, but you couldn't quite place your finger on it. "Or, what are you?"

"Just a student!" He stuttered. "Please don't kill me!"

"We're not going to kill you." You assured him, not missing the scoff Dean let go behind you. "But why are you here?"

"I...I have no clue." He tried to tell you, fear completely controlling him. "Lightning cracked, and I couldn't seem to control myself. I climbed into my mother's van, and drove here."

"You were coming for this, weren't you?" Cas asked, suddenly back to himself as he held out the tablet. The scared man took one look at it, and nodded.

"But what is it?" He mumbled into his coat with his arms wrapped around him.

"It's a tablet. The Leviathan tablet. I bet you're a prophet, aren't you?" You spoke softly, not trying to scare the man any more than usual.

"A prophet?" He squeaked as Sam came to stand behind you, his hand resting on your shoulder. Seeing the tall man behind you, the scared guy started scooting backwards, quickly running into the wall.

"But first, who are you?" Sam asked him.

"K...Kevin." He sputtered. "But I'm not a Prophet! I'm just in Advanced Placement!"

"This is too much." Cas muttered, flashing out of the room, leaving the tablet laying on the bed. Groaning, Dean ran his hands through his hair.

"Great. Just great." He muttered. "I'll go try to talk to him."

Dean left you and Sam with Kevin, the supposedly new prophet. Glancing at him, you grabbed Sam by the hand, pulling him into the corner of the room, away from Kevin's ears. "What do you think?"

"I do think he's a prophet." Sam thought out loud. "He doesn't seem to be faking his fear, and you would have sensed if he was a Demon or Angel."

"Yeah." You agreed. "But showing up as soon as you pulled out the tablet? Do we trust him, or ... Sam!" You exclaimed, watching as Kevin grabbed the tablet, throwing it into his bag and running out the door. "He's gone! With the tablet."

Without a word, Sam raced out of the room, his long legs eating up the distance between him and Kevin. Racing behind him, you almost slipped as you flew down the stairs, holding onto the railing to balance yourself. Coming around the corner, you ran into Dean, almost knocking the two of you onto the ground. Sam was behind him, as was Meg, everyone looking utterly confused. "What's going on?"

"Kevin took the tablet and ran off. Sam's chasing him." You answered, before turning to the doors left open in Sam's haste to get Kevin. Racing outside, you tried to find Sam in the dark of the night. Even with your heightened vision it was hard, but you could hear their footsteps as they raced through the trees.

"This way!" You exclaimed, racing after them. As you made your ways into the trees, you saw Sam running a straight line to get to Kevin, while Kevin ran frantically, weaving his way through the trees in an effort to lose Sam. Moving off to the side, you raced ahead, your Reaper skills making you faster than both of them. Coming to a stop in front of Kevin, you placed your hands up, ready to stop him when he barreled into you, knocking both of you to the ground.

Out of breath from the collision, you couldn't move with Kevin on top of you. Seconds passed by before Sam was there, easily pulling Kevin off you, handing him to a winded Dean who had just caught up. Reaching down, Sam pulled you to your feet, checking you over to make sure you were okay. "Listen, we're not going to hurt you." Sam started to say, just as two people showed up. A male and a female, it was easy to see they were Angels as they lowered their blades.

"We're here for the prophet." The woman explained. "Let him go with us, and the rest of you will be unharmed."

"Hester." Cas announced as he came forward. "It's been a while."

"Castiel. I wish I could say it was good to see you." She answered, as the other Angel took a step towards Kevin.

"Inias, leave him alone." Cas muttered, once again acting like the powerful Angel he used to be.

"Castiel, you know this is our job. We will take him somewhere safe, to the desert, where it will become his life's work to protect and translate the tablet." Hester started to say, but just then Dean spoke up.

"I don't think so lady. We don't trust Angels." Dean exclaimed before pressing his hand to the back of the tree, where he no doubt had placed an Angel banishing sigil.

Everyone vanished, including Castiel, which made you nervous. He was nowhere near being able to care for himself in the real world. "Dean, was that the best idea?" You asked him, as Sam made sure to stand by Kevin. Making sure the prophet didn't try to bolt once again.

"It was our best shot. I don't trust those Angels, and they sure as hell aren't getting their hands on him." Dean muttered. "Cas will be fine. Even though his eggs might be scrambled, he's still Cas. He'll find his way back to us."

Sighing, you knew it was the best that could be done. "I think we need to leave. This place isn't safe anymore."

Nodding, Dean reached over, grabbing Kevin and dragging him along behind him. Sam came over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked you softly, his hand resting softly against your barely swollen belly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You assured him.

"And the baby?" He insisted, and you took a moment to feel deep within yourself. Everything seemed okay, even though you had never been pregnant before. You had no idea how this really worked. "I think the baby's fine too."

"Good." He breathed out. Keeping you close to him, you followed Dean to the Impala, where he shoved Kevin into the backseat. You went to take the other side, but Meg beat you to it. Glancing quizzingly at her, she shrugged her shoulders.

"I took care of your Clarence, I deserve to come with you." She muttered.

"You can sit up front with us." Sam suggested, and you slid into the front seat, keeping close to Sam as Dean started the car. It was a weird mixture of people inside, a Demon, a Reaper, a Prophet, and two hunters. Hopefully soon, an Angel would get added to the mixture once again. "Where to?" Sam asked Dean.

"I know a place off the tracks. Should keep us hidden, at least for a while." Dean explained, turning the Impala onto the highway.
