
Between this World and the Next

The next couple of hours were agony for you. Sliding in and out of consciousness, you could do nothing but wish the poison would hurry up and finish it's job. Anything was better than laying there, feeling as if your entire body was being flayed from the inside out.

All three men stayed by your bedside the entire time it seemed like. When you were lucid enough to see them, you always saw Sam first, sitting beside you, his hand on yours, his eyes full of pain and heartbreak. It was eating him alive that he could do nothing to help you. Cas and Dean paced the room, always coming to stand behind Sam when you woke. Dean's hand would rest on his brother's shoulder, giving him comfort, knowing how hard it was for him to watch you like this and do nothing.

"Sam." You muttered, your lips parched and peeling, your throat like a desert. 

"Shh, Y/N. Cas is trying to find a way. You need to hold on, please." He begged you, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"It hurts so bad. Please, make it stop." You pleaded, screaming as another round of pain ripped through you, and you wanted to do nothing more than curl up in a ball, but your body was too weak, and you couldn't move it.

"Y/N..." Sam cried, wishing he could do something, anything to help you.

Slipping once again into unconsciousness, it was unsettled and full of dreams. Dreams of the Dragon coming after you. Nightmares of Sam dying in front of you, or of him never making it back from Hell. Death showed up, and you couldn't tell if it was a dream, or if this was another of his tricks.

"Help me." You pleaded with him, as your dreamscape turned into his living room, and you no longer felt the agonizing pain you were going through.

"Sit." He ordered, and you glided over to the chair, perching on it, still confused. This felt like a dream, but it also reminded you of the times you would disconnect from your body, visiting Death from far away. 

"Sir, what is going on?" You asked him, feeling yourself floating in and out of the scene, like a ghost.

"You're dying." He stated matter of factly. "There's nothing I can do to stop it, but I wanted to see you before you went."

"But you're Death. You can't figure something out?" You asked him, wanting nothing more than to be able to spend more time with Sam.

"There are somethings beyond even me." He stated, before handing you a glass of his finest whiskey. "Now, drink and relax. The next few moments won't be that easy for you I'm afraid."

Taking a sip of the smooth, burning liquid, you felt a tear sliding down your cheek. After all the years you had lived, you didn't want to die.

"I called you here to tell you how much you mean to me. You've always been my favorite Reaper, like a daughter to me. I will never forget you."

His words startled you, but before you could say anything, he was fading out of sight, your mind going blank, your body going rigid as the pain consumed you once again. Taking deep, gasping breaths, you opened your eyes, your vision fuzzy. 

Sam was still in the seat by your bed, his head resting on your chest, his long, silky locks hiding his face from your view. Focusing all of your strength on your hand, you raised it, the movement shaky as you gently brushed the hair back. "Sam." You whispered, his head shooting up, his eyes red and blotchy.

"Y/N." He answered, his hand grasping yours. Slowly the pain vanished from your body, leaving you blissfully numb, and you knew your time on this planet was almost over. With a tear rolling down your cheek, you smiled at the love of your life.

"I love you." You whispered, your eyelids feeling heavy.

"I love you too Y/N. But please, you need to fight. I need you." He pleaded, his tears falling on your hand as your eyes closed, your body giving up it's fight.


With a sharp breath, you shot straight up, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Taking stock of your body, you realized you no longer hurt. You felt as good as new, stronger than before. Back to your normal Reaper body. Standing up, you made a circle, finding yourself in a new and unfamiliar place. It was dark, nearly dusk. "Sam?" You called out, seeing nothing but the silhouette of trees and bushes around you.

"Dean?" You tried when Sam didn't answer. Reaching into your coat, you pulled out your knife, backing up until your back hit one of the gray trees, it's limbs leaveless. Wherever you were, it was bleak and dreary, with no sign of life anywhere. Realizing that Sam and Dean were no where close to you, you began walking, hoping you could figure out where you were. As you walked along the foreign forest, you began to see eyes staring back at you. Eyes of red and yellow, following you as you moved along. Sounds began to reach your ears, heavy breathing along with grunts and growls. Feeling the hair raising on your arms, your steps became quicker, the scenery never changing. 

"Where the hell am I?" You muttered, as you came to a clearing. Bones lay scattered throughout, and you knew that wherever you were, it wasn't good.

As you stood there, trying to figure out your next move, wondering how you could have moved from your death bed, the eyes came closer, morphing into different monster bodies. That's when you realized you had heard of this place. It had been talked about in story books meant to scare young Reapers. To let them know not everything went on into the void. This was the resting ground for monsters, a place called Purgatory. And being a Reaper, of course you had been brought there when you died. Which brought tears to your eyes as you realized you were dead. Sam was no doubt getting ready to burn your body, giving it a hunter's funeral while you fought for your life in this strange and scary land.