
Don't Drag me into a Fight

Wren Quillsworth, a dragon slayer who sacrificed himself to defeat a demon lord and save the realm of Draconia, found himself facing divine benevolence. In recognition of his heroic feats, the gods offered him another chance at being a hero. However, Wren, desiring a simple and peaceful existence, implored the gods for a different fate. His plea was heard, and he was reincarnated in the serene village of Punsburg within the Jestopia Kingdom of an alternate world, setting the stage for a new chapter in Wren's extraordinary journey. Despite Wren's aspirations for a normal life, his daily encounters unfolded with unanticipated turmoil. The envisioned tranquility continuously eluded him, replaced by a series of unforeseen challenges and disruptions, painting a vivid contrast to the peaceful existence he had initially envisioned. Wren's life took unexpected turns. Did he find the peace he longed for, or did it turn out to be as challenging as his previous adventures?

Sai_suke · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

I am Just a Normal Villager


The peaceful village of Punsburg trembles as a towering 20-foot monster, known as Gloomshatter, wreaking havoc. Houses crumbled, rocks and trees are hurled through the air, and terrified villagers flee for their lives. In a desperate attempt to fend off the colossal beast, soldiers from Punsburg, led by the hilariously named Captain Seraphina Tickleton, shout futile warnings from a safe distance, yes, from a safe distance, one can say it has a long distance too. But the monster responds their warning with a thunderous roar and powerful beams on the village.

"Ha myself, I'm just your average writer, known as Wren Quillsworth. The chaos unfolding outside my window has become all too familiar to me. Living on the border of the whimsical Jestopia kingdom, our village, Punsburg, experiences these weekly monster invasions like clockwork. Creatures, motivated by reasons as absurd as seeking fun or responding to perceived annoyances, emerge from the nearby forests. It's just another day in the quirky life of a Punsburg resident, where our troubles include dodging rocks thrown by mischievous monsters more than anything else."

"Now as usual someone will knock my door."

Knock knock.

"Come out quickly! Gloomshatter is at it again, causing havoc in our village."

"Here it is. By the way, who knocks the door to call people during this kind of situation. However, time to make my exit. Perhaps my only friend in the village, Jasper, is out there, diligently working to evacuate everyone. I must join him to lend a hand, as usual."

As Wren came outside, a huge rock fell on his house, smashing it into tiny pieces of rubble. The place that used to be his cozy home now looked like a jumble of broken rocks.

"Here we go again, Gloomshatter picking on my poor house. I can't help but wonder who decided to call this rampaging menace 'Gloomshatter.' It's ironic, really. Instead of gloomshatter , it's more like a 'Home Shatter.' Ha, the twist of my fate! My latest written creation lies in ruins, crushed beneath the weight of those relentless boulders again."

Jasper, Wren's friend, approached him from behind and inquired about his well-being. Wren reassured him, saying, "I'm fine, don't worry. We need to swiftly evacuate everyone. Hurry!"

"The village had become a masterclass in dodging Gloomshatter's assaults. It was a collective skill, evident from children to a spirited 90-year-old, all gracefully sidestepping the monster's onslaught as if it were a mere routine. Witness the elderly gentleman's finesse – a testament to a lifetime of experience, gracefully avoiding the chaos. Meanwhile, the children, playfully dodging attacks, showcasing an impressive dance of agility, seamlessly evading Gloomshatter's threats while sprinting to safety."

As the villagers hurriedly made their way to safety, a murmur of unease permeated the air. From the midst of the anxious crowd, a concerned voice broke through, articulating the shared sentiment, "Where is the hero of our village? Why hasn't she made her appearance yet?" The question lingered in the minds of those seeking reassurance, as they navigated the chaos, awaiting the arrival of the figure whose presence had become synonymous with hope and protection in times of peril.

Out of nowhere, a powerful female voice reverberated through the village.

"Halt, you monstrous menace! My cherished people are not your playthings. I'll put an end to your rampage here to secure their safety," declared the hero. With unwavering resolve, she clutched her staff, channeling her focus into summoning a potent fireball that materialized in front of her. With swift precision, she unleashed the blazing projectile, sending it hurtling towards the monster—an assertive move to protect her people from impending danger.

Wren couldn't help but think, "Hero, my ass. She can't even put a scratch on it with her attack." In the midst of his thoughts, a voice from the villagers rang out, "Don't lose hope, hero! Try again; we're all with you."

Hearing the sentiments of the villagers, the hero responded with gratitude, "Thank you, my fellow villagers. Your encouragement means everything to me. I, Lady Seraphina Swiftblade, shall vanquish this foe with my next strike." With newfound determination, she poised herself once more, ready to unleash same fireball attack against the menacing Gloomshatter.

"Encouragement, my ass. If their words made you stronger, you'd be a top-tier adventurer by now. Well, I guess I'll have to assist her secretly, avoiding any unwanted attention," contemplated Wren in the recesses of his mind.

Focusing intently on that fireball, Wren deftly applied his skills, subtly enlarging the fiery sphere. Craftily, he manipulated it in a way that made it seem like the hero was single-handedly generating this impressive display of power. As the hero prepared to strike, Wren synchronized his move, unleashing his hidden attack on the unsuspecting monster. In a resounding burst, the creature was swiftly reduced to ashes.

"Ha, someone might question why I didn't just crush that monster from the start with this level of power. Well, there's a tale behind it.

In a past life, I was renowned as a Dragon Slayer in the realm of Draconia. But due to certain reasons, I was reincarnated into this peaceful village, Punsburg."