
Don't Complicate Love

What happens when Chat Noir starts visiting Marinette every night? After a few months, Marinette starts developing feelings for him, but she keeps telling herself that she likes Adrien. Chat Noir also develops feelings for Marinette, but he keeps telling himself that he likes Ladybug. Tikki and Plagg are suffering from their obliviousness... Marinette can't choose between Adrien or Chat Noir. Chat Noir can't choose between Ladybug and Marinette. Why is Love so complicated? Read to find out! (None of these characters are mine. All credits for this show and its characters go to Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag)

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3 Chs

The Humiliated Girl

This story contains no bad words/curse words. It is suitable for children 8+

Marinette, Adrien, and the rest of the class are all 16 years old.

I hope you enjoy it! (This is a MariChat story)

Third P.O.V

It was 7:59 AM, and Marinette was still asleep. She had school at 8:00 AM. In a minute, her alarm began ringing. "Ugh! Shut up, you stupid alarm! Just one more minute!" Mumbled Marinette as she shut off her alarm. "Marinette! You're going to be late for the 3rd time this week!" Shouted Tikki in her high-pitched voice while she pulled Marinette's hair gently in a way to get her to wake up. Marinette sat up in her bed, then said, "Fine,"

She climbed down her ladder and began changing into some nice clothes. She decided to wear a canary yellow shirt, a black mini-skirt with 3 small buttons on the left side, short black boots, and her hair was braided. She wore black sunglasses and left them on the top of her head.

Of course, Marinette wore her small pink bag with Tikki inside. Before she went downstairs to say 'Hi' to her parents, she put 2 cookies in her small pink bag for Tikki to snack on. Marinette walked downstairs and saw her mother and father baking some macaroons. "Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!" She said. "Hi, sweetie!" Her Mom said as she put a tray on the counter. "Take this, and eat up," Marinette was confused. 'How did she know when to get my breakfast ready?'

Marinette ate a butter croissant, 3 macaroons, and she drank a cup of tea. Once she finished, she realized she was 14 minutes late for school. "Aah! Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! I NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL!! BYE!" Shouted Marinette as she sprinted to school. When she arrived at Ms. Bustier's class, she saw a displeased Ms. Bustier standing in front of her. "Why are you late, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" Asked the annoyed teacher.

"I-I'm s-sorry Ms. B-Bustier. I-I overs-slept," Marinette stuttered in fear. "That's the same excuse you use every day! May I know what made you sleep longer?!" Asked the irritated teacher. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows in worry. 'I can't tell her that I dreamt of Adrien kissing me! She'd kill me! And worst of all, I'll be humiliated in front of everyone... Including Adrien!' Marinette thought. "Ahem... Hello? Marinette, answer me, please!" Ms. Bustier said. (A/N: Oh god, I think I'm making her a monster here) "I-I was dreaming... Of me being a... Fashion designer! Yeah, I was a fashion designer in my dre-" "Ok, now please go to your seat," Ms. Bustier said, calming down.

Meanwhile, as Marinette was talking to Ms. Bustier, Adrien couldn't keep his eyes off of her outfit. 'She looks... Ravishing!' He thought. 'Stupid Adrien! I like Ladybug!' He thought again. Marinette sat in her usual seat, the one behind him. "Girl, you're always late. Like, always! " Whisper-shouted Alya. "I know... The truth is, my dream was about-" "Let me guess, about Adrien?" She guessed. Marinette sheepishly nodded. "Oh, Mari. You're helpless..." Alya mumbled.

After School

"Yeah, so, that science experiment today was fun," Said Marinette. "Yup, it was... Anyway, sorry girl, I can't go to your house, today. My Mom needs me to help her make food for one of Paris's hotels." (Not the Bourgeois hotel) "Oh, that's okay, Alya. Anyway, I'm a bit busy with my clothes designs," Marinette admitted. Alya smiled and walked to her house. Marinette cheerfully began walking until someone stopped her. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng! My favorite person, I like to see every day!" A familiar sarcastic (May I say, idiotic) voice was heard. "Hi, Chloe..." Said Marinette dully. With a blank look on her face and her smile gone, Marinette continued walking home. "Hey! Where do you think you're going!?" Chloe shouted as she stopped the young girl. "Home," Marinette answered. "Nope. No pathetic girl like you is going to leave home like that. First-" Chloe stopped herself when she saw Marinette's sketchpad in Marinette's hand.

Chloe snatched the sketchpad. "Hey! Give that back! It's private!" Marinette shouted. 'Oops! I shouldn't have said that!' Marinette thought. "Ha! Private, you say?" Chloe said, getting an idea. "Hahaha! Everyone! Get a load of this! Marinette has a crush! Marinette draws pictures of herself kissing Adrikins! HAHAHAHA! As if! Back off, Dupain-Cheng! He's MINE! " Chloe shouted. Chloe flipped to another page. "Ooh! This dummy even drew a picture of Chat No-" "Chloe! Stop! That's private!" Adrien defended as he snatched the sketchbook out of Chloe's hands. Adrien wanted so bad to look at the drawing of Chat Noir, (That Marinette drew) but he had to give the book to Marinette.

Adrien looked at where Marinette was standing, but he couldn't find her. "She left? Chloe, this is all your fault! Also, I'm not yours!" He shouted. Chloe was hurt. Her eyes began forming tears, and as she held them in, her eyes became damp (Meaning of damp: Slightly wet) Chloe ran away, with Sabrina behind her. "Chloe! Don't be sad..." Sabrina said, her voice slowly fading away as she ran in the distance, following Chloe.

Adrien decided to look for Marinette. "She probably went home, dude. You should take a look in her house," Nino suggested. Adrien nodded and began walking away from the school. As he approached the sidewalk, Nathalie and the bodyguard, Simon, pulled up next to him. "Adrien, where are you going?" Asked Nathalie in her normal monotone voice. "I'm looking for my friend," He answered. "No, Adrien. Come in the car," Nathalie said. "But-" "Adrien, get into the car, now. Your father awaits your presence," She interrupted. He sadly nodded. Adrien sat in the car and buckled his seatbelt.

Adrien tried to think of ways to give the sketchbook to Marinette. After a few minutes, he found an idea. 'I know! I'll give it to her as Chat Noir!' He thought. He smiled to himself, then Nathalie said, "We are here." Adrien unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. He got out of the car and walked inside his house. He knocked on his father's office door. "Come in," Said Gabriel.

Adrien opened the office door. "Take a seat, son," Said Gabriel. 'Looks like I don't have a name, anymore' Adrien thought. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts and obliged. They both were sitting on Gabriel's desk. (A/N: I don't know if there's a desk in his office, just imagine them sitting on one... -_- ) Adrien sat on one chair, and Gabriel sat on the other.

Adrien's P.O.V

My father was sitting in front of me, of course, not a single face muscle moved. His facial expression was always serious.

There was only one picture of my father with a different facial expression.

Yes, don't judge me. I took a weird photo of my father. Anyway, he finally decided to talk. "So, Adrien. Nathalie got your report card today. You got an A for Math. Why is that?" He asked. "What's the matter with an A?" I asked, frowning. "You're supposed to get an A+, not an A!" He said. "Isn't it the same thing?" I asked. "No, Adrien! It's not! I am not allowing you to go back there unless your grades improve! Understand?" He shouted. "But--Fine!" I shouted. I grabbed my bag and opened the office door. I walked out and slammed the door, leaving my speechless father there. I swear, sometimes he can get a little melodramatic.

I stomped my way up to my room. Once I was inside, I slammed the door. I felt like I wanted to shout until I become hoarse. "Whoa, kid! Calm down!" Plagg said as he zoomed out of my bag. "How am I supposed to calm down!? My father wants me to get an A+ when I keep working so much in school! I try my best! Maybe he should try going to school one day. I'm sure he didn't do that when he was small. he obviously isn't educated well enough! I feel like I could just-" "KID! CALM. DOWN. Breathe in, and out," Plagg said. I followed Plagg's instructions. And sure enough, it calmed me down.

"Let me ask you a question. Which of your friends that you frequently visit daily calms you down the most?" He asked. "Um... Nino?" I answered. Plagg facepalmed. "No, you dingbat, it's someone you visit every day! You don't visit Nino every day. You don't even see him outside of school. Let alone visit him!" He explained. "Um... I don't know... Tell me who!" I shouted. "Okay, okay. We should start calling you a dense potato. Anyway, you visit Marinette every day! Plus, when you return home and transform back, you keep telling me and babbling on and on about her! It's as if you have a crush on her!"

"Plagg, don't be silly. I love Ladybug," I said, unsure of my answer. "Keep saying that to yourself. But trust me, after a few weeks, you'll realize that you're in love with Marinette," Plagg said. 'Do I really love Ladybug? Stupid Adrien! Yes, you do! Marinette is just a friend! To Adrien, and to Chat Noir! She's just a friend!' I told myself. "-rien! Adrien! Snap out of it! Leave your thoughts!" Plagg said. I snapped out of my thoughts and walked to my bed. I laid down on it. "Hey, kid. Didn't you say you wanted to deliver Marinette's sketch thingy to her as Chat Noir?" Plagg reminded me. "Oh, yeah! Plagg, claws o-" "Wait! Don't you wanna lock the door first?" He asked. "Oh, yeah..." I said as I walked to the door and locked it. "Kids, these days. So forgetful," Plagg mumbled. "Plagg, claws out!" I shouted.

A bright green light flashed as I transformed into the Cat hero; Chat Noir. I opened my window and jumped out. I began jumping on top of many rooftops. I landed on Marinette's balcony and knocked on the hatch door. (A/N: Is it called 'Hatch door'?) There was no answer. I slowly opened the hatch, hoping that Marinette wasn't changing her clothes or something. Once it was halfway open, I saw Marinette lying on her bed, crying into her pillow. I instantly went inside her room, and asked her, "What's wrong, Princess?"

Third P.O.V

Marinette stopped crying, then immediately sat up."N-nothing! N-nothing's wrong!" She said, sniffling. Chat raised a brow, then asked, "Princess, I know when something's wrong. So, please tell me. What's wrong?" Marinette decided to answer. "There's this bully in my school. Her name's Chloe. You know how I have a sketchpad, right? So-" "THE SKETCHPAD! I FORGOT IT! Oh, no!" He interrupted. "What? I thought Adrien had it...?" Chat's eyes widened. "Y-yeah, he g-gave it t-to me! Yup, he gave it to me, so I can give it to you..." He lied. "Okay? Where is it?" She asked. "I forgot it at home," He replied truthfully. "It's okay. Can you give it to me, tomorrow?" She asked. He nodded. "Wait, DID YOU SEE ANY OF MY DRAWINGS?!" She shouted. "No! Never! I would never do that! It seemed private, so I didn't look at your drawings," He said. She smiled. "Thank you," She thanked. He smiled back. "Your welcome, Marinette," He replied. She hugged him, and he hugged her back.

A minute later he pulled away from the hug. "Anyway, you were crying a lot just because of Chloe stealing your sketchpad?" He asked. "N-no. Can you keep a secret?" She asked. "Yeah, of course. How do you think I keep my identity a secret?" He said. "Oh. Anyway. I have a c-crush on Adrien Agreste... Please don't kill me! And don't tell anyone!" She shouted as she hid under her blanket. His eyes widened. 'She has a crush on... me?' He thought. He chuckled. "I won't kill you, princess. And of course, I'll keep it a secret," He assured. "But seriously, that made you cry? The idea of you having a crush on him makes you cry?" He frowned. "No. Chloe opened my sketchpad and flipped through the pages. S-she flipped to a page where I drew A-Adrien k-k-kissing m-me," She admitted. "Oh. I didn't know that" He lied. "I know! It's so embarrassing! SHE HUMILIATED ME!!!!!" She shouted, hiding under the blanket again, a tear rolling down her face.

"He probably hates me, now!! Ugh, my life is trash! It's so unfair! All I have in my life are bullies!" Marinette said. "What about me? Am I a bully?" He asked. "No. You're a really good friend," She said. He smiled. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go get your sketchpad from my house," He said. She nodded. Before he left, he wiped the tear off of her face. "Be right back, princess," He said as he jumped off of the balcony. She smiled. Tikki came out of her bag that was sitting on Marinette's desk. "I have a feeling you like him as more than a friend," She said. "No! Tikki! Don't be ridiculous! I like Adrien, not Chat Noir. Plus, he likes Ladybug, not me. I'm just a friend to him," Marinette denied. "Say that all you want. But I know love when I see it," Tikki said as she giggled. Marinette groaned.

A few minutes later, Chat Noir returned. "Hey, princess," He said, startling Marinette. "Aah! Who are y-- Oh, hi Chat. You startled me," She admitted. "Yeah, startled..." He sarcastically said. She shot him a glare, and he chuckled. He gave her the sketchpad, and she thanked him. "Hey, kitty? Wanna watch a movie?" She asked. "Sure, what is it called?" He asked as he snuggled under the blankets. She replied, "Bird Box... Alya told me it was a nice horror movie to watch," "Ooh! I love horror movies! But... You once told me that you hate horror movies," He said. "Yeah, I know. But I want to try watching one. I want to see if I can handle it," She explained. He nodded. She sat next to him under the blankets. "Do you want to cud--Nevermind," He mumbled. "Huh?" She asked. "Nothing," He lied. He didn't know why he wanted to cuddle with her. 'Friends cuddle, right???' He asked himself.


20 minutes after they started watching, there was a scary scene. (A/N: I'm not sure if that's true or not. I haven't watched the movie. I'm just making things up) "RAWR!" Said a monster in the movie as it popped out of nowhere. "Aah!" Marinette shouted. She automatically clung to Chat. "What? Are you scared?" Chat teased with a smirk on his face. "N-no... Just startled!" She lied. She let go of Chat and sheepishly sat in her spot again. "If you want, we can hug... or cuddle," He offered, mumbling the last 2 words. "S-sure," She agreed.

Chat Noir, one of the heroes of Paris, and Marinette, the baker's daughter, were cuddling. How ironic? Marinette wasn't sure if he wanted to cuddle with her that much. Because she knows he loves Ladybug and not her. Chat Noir, on the other hand, wasn't sure if she wanted to cuddle with him at all. Because she told him she loves Adrien Agreste. Yes, he's aware that he is Adrien Agreste, but she doesn't know that.

There was a funny part in the movie, and Marinette giggled like a child. (More like a witch, or a llama, lol) Chat thought it was cute. He looked at the time. "Princess, it's getting a little late. Should I leave?" He asked. "If you want to," She replied. "I'll stay a few more minutes, then I'll leave," He said.

They continued watching the movie, and 10 minutes passed. "I'm going to leave, princess. I hope that's okay with you," He said. "Sure," She said. She paused the movie and went up to the balcony with him. "I enjoyed our time together, princess. The movie was nice," He said. "Yup, it was. I also enjoyed our time together, chaton. Is it o-okay if I c-call you t-that?" She asked. He chuckled at her awkwardness and nodded. "Of course, princess. Just, not Camembert," He said. He shuddered at the thought. "Sure. But why?" She asked, a bit curious. "Because, I hate camembert," He said. He swore he could hear Plagg shout, "Hey! I don't hate the things you eat!" in his mind. He smiled. "Bye, princess. I'll see you tomorrow night," He said. He kissed her cheek and leaped off the balcony.

Once he was completely out of sight, Tikki came out of Marinette's purse and joined her on the balcony. "Hey, Tikki," Marinette greeted. "Hi, Marinette," The kwami of creation replied. "Are you sure you love Adrien and not Chat? Because you two cuddled while watching the movie," The kwami curiously asked. "Yes, Tikki. For the hundredth time, I love Adrien, not Chat... Looks like I haven't said it enough..." Marinette said. "Clearly," Tikki mumbled sarcastically. Marinette playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, let's go to sleep," Tikki nodded as Marinette climbed onto her bed, and flew after her. Tikki landed on the small bed Marinette made for her and began sleeping.

The young girl smiled at Tikki's cuteness and snuggled under the blankets. She closed her tired eyes and began dreaming. This time, not of Adrien, but of Chat Noir. Marinette immediately opened her eyes and asked herself, 'Why am I dreaming of Chat Noir? He's just a friend, right?' The young girl was beyond confused. She was bewildered. Yeah, that's the correct word. Anyway, she just shrugged it off and continued dreaming of the Cat-themed hero. Her kitty. She wondered if he still loved Ladybug. She fell asleep quickly.

Hey, everyone! This was the first chapter of my MariChat story. MariChat is my favorite ship in the show. Anyway, I wrote 3003 words in total without this Author's message :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You are free to comment whatever you like, but keep it suitable for any children here on WebNovel. NO CURSING, PLEASE!

Thank you for reading this chapter! Goodbye!

Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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