
don't bother

--------- Synopsis --------- I expected to wake up in one of three places: the hospital, heaven, or hell. Imagine my surprise when I found myself slowly spinning on playground swings, seconds before the massacre of Uzushiogakure was to take place. A young Kushina, who is apparently my little sister, stared at me from across the playground. Male OC --------------------- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12446766/1/Spirit-of-the-Triage Wrote by Emily4498

SrMori · Tranh châm biếm
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59 Chs

Chapter 15 -> Part 15

"Out of curiosity, how did you get the Iwa agent to drop her guard?" Sakumo asked curiously.

"I pretended to be the Kyuubi."

The Hokage and Sakumo flinched.

"Oh, for heaven's sake! Quit being such sticks in the mud. It worked, didn't it?"

"Kid, watching you start to transform and attack your little sister is not a pleasant experience," Sakumo commented.

"Yeah, well, don't get caught in a Genjutsu next time. I wasn't caught. Wanna guess why? The Kyuubi, so I would appreciate it if you at least talked about him civilly while in my presence. Better yet, let's include him in the conversation!"

I have nothing to say to those creatures.

I'm making them be nice, so you need to return the favor.

I'll return the favor when the favor's been given.

"Enough about the Kyuubi, Kichiro-kun."

I scowled. "At some point before I make Jōnin I'm going to have to transform, at least to see what I can do, so get over it, I'm not going to go insane."

The Hokage just changed the subject. "Hatake-san has insisted that you are ready for promotion to Tokubetsu Jōnin."

I rolled my eyes. "There has to be a mission requirement for a promotion like that."

"Mission count means nothing. Today's spar was supposed to determine whether you were ready."

"I don't specialize in combat. If anything, I specialize in medical Ninjutsu."

"I am aware, but several other things have also been brought to my attention. You are pursuing an interest in Fūinjutsu, correct?"

"No, that's Kushina. And Minato by extension."

"The seals you've developed claim differently."

"Just a few explosive notes and storage seals." It wasn't a lie, I had only made a few explosive notes and one or two storage seals.

"I have invested more than a passing interest in Fūinjutsu myself and I can assure you, these are not explosive notes." He held up a stack of my notes.

Shit. How did he find those? They were supposed to be sealed away with the rest of the Uzumaki records. I scowled in response while the Hokage made a show of shuffling through my notes.

"It seems like you've delved deeply into one particular branch of Fūinjutsu."

My arms crossed defensively.

"Your notes are missing a very conspicuous seal."

I rolled my eyes.

"From this, I get the impression you knew you would become the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki for some time beforehand."

"I never gave any reason for you to think differently."

He laid the papers down.

"Is there a problem? I'm entitled to my own research."

"You were seven years old when this research began and it stopped shortly before you were first deployed. The references here in your notes are not to any library or any base of information in Konoha. In fact, I distinctly remember a visit I made to the Uzushiogakure library, about five years ago, and these references match up quite well. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would assume you learned from the Uzu library itself."

I didn't answer.

"Tell me, how did you obtain access to information?"

"I am fully capable of reading."

The Hokage took a deep breath. "Hatake-san, do you know how your student has such extensive knowledge in Fūinjutsu?"

"I only addressed the topic a handful of times when explaining the standard use of storage seals and again when teaching him to utilize explosive notes. All other knowledge he has obtained on his own, thus I cannot answer your question."

"Over the past two-and-a-half years, you've caused me more headaches than any other individual in this village, Kichiro-kun."

"My pleasure." Maybe that comment was a little uncalled for.

The Hokage held up one of the seals, the Shiki Fūjin. "How did you gain access to this seal?"

There was no compulsion to answer, so I remained silent.

"Did you share this with anyone?"

"Do you take me for an idiot?" I demanded. "Of course, I didn't, but your student gave a copy to my sister if you're worried about information leaks. I told her it was a forbidden seal so I doubt she shared it with anyone other than Minato."

"How do you know it's forbidden?"

"It's suicide to use, the fact is written all over the seal. If it wasn't forbidden, it should be."

"Almost all of these other seals can be used to seal a Bijū."

"I knew I'd end up becoming a Jinchuuriki, so I thought I'd get ahead and try and figure out what seal would be used beforehand. It didn't work if you're interested. Mito created an entire new seal array and I'm only partway through deciphering it."

"Why does the seal matter?"

"I'm an Uzumaki and I'm curious. Besides, I might as well figure it out before Minato and Kushina take an interest."

The Hokage nodded. "Are you capable of using these seals?"

"Yes," I gritted out. "But it will be against my will."

"From your earlier reaction, I assume you understood my proposal to the Raikage."


"I plan on sealing the Hachibi into one of the Kumo shinobi in exchange for an agreement of peace."

"Kumo is perfectly capable of sealing their own Bijū."

"Their seals don't last and end up forcing the Jinchuuriki to control the Hachibi alone."

"Yeah, how are you going to persuade the Raikage to let Konoha get their hands on the Hachibi and expect us to just give him back."

"Because you will be the only one to attend the sealing."

"Yeah, the Raikage is going to let a nine-year-old take that kind of responsibility."

"Well, right now, your sister is the only other person available with the Uzumaki chakra necessary to safely perform such a seal."

"Uzumaki chakra isn't required."

"I'd like to keep Kumo thinking it is."


"I suppose you would rather go out to one of the other war fronts and handle that yourself."

The Hachibi is in no state to help advocate for the freedom of the tailed beasts. Take your Hokage's offer and seal him on your terms and mine.


I don't want to do this.

Then leave the Hachibi to be repeatedly sealed by a faulty seal, escape and attack the village, furthering the hatred focused at my siblings.

It doesn't mean I want to sentence someone to becoming a Jinchuuriki. They probably won't even have a choice in the matter.

Then demand that you pick out the next Hachibi Jinchuuriki from the Raikage.

He won't listen.

You don't understand the fear that accompanies any mention of myself and my siblings. He will concede.

Fine. I still don't like this.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but you will do it. I believe the Nibi is also held by Kumo, so I want you to take a trip and meet that Jinchuuriki.

You're not the boss of me.

When it comes to my siblings, I am.

I scowled. "Fine," I answered everyone. "But only on two conditions. First, I choose from a list of candidates in whom the Hachibi will be sealed. Second, I go to Kumo to perform the sealing and meet the host of the Nibi." You've thought through freeing your siblings.

I have.

Care to share?


Sharing is caring.

Shut up, little rat.

Two heads are better than one.

Not when one is your head.

At least come up with something legitimate. I don't listen to ad hominem arguments.

He just ignored me.

I'm still curious.

"Uzumaki, are you listening?"

"Not to you. What do you want, Hokage-sama?"

"You're in communication with the Kyuubi."

"Yes, I am and you can't stop me."

Both the Hokage and Sakumo's jaws tightened, but they didn't comment.

Someone knocked loudly on the door.

"Enter," the Hokage called out. The council trudged in a moment later. "Thank you for arriving promptly. I will get straight to the point. In a few minutes, I will be going to the Raikage to propose an agreement. Konoha with securely seal the Hachibi for Kumo in exchange for a cease-fire."

"This is unwise," Danzō said immediately. "Konoha is still strong—"

"Konoha is strong enough now, but if we continue fighting this war on four fronts, we will lose. The Kiri and Suna conflicts can be resolved within the year, but the conflict with Iwa could extend for some time, our villages are too well-balanced."

"This agreement appears as if Konoha lost the war!"

"It is not the entirety of the agreement, councilman. Kumo also possesses the Nibi, whose host is not yet a shinobi. The agreement will be a tailed beast and a non-aggression treaty in exchange for the sealing of the Hachibi."

Interesting. I approve of this agreement.

No one asked you.

"Will this individual be incorporated into the village forces?"

The female council member intervened before the Hokage could answer, "Shimura-san's point is valid. Through a stroke of luck, we have the Raikage in custody and the ability to make any demands we wish."

"Sure, we can demand that Kumo defer completely to Konoha," I argued, "But Kumo will not abide by unfair terms for any length of time and should we win any of the other wars, the moment Kumo breaks contract it will incite the other nations to do so as well and possibly ally themselves against us. We could not survive against a formal alliance of the other nations."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," the Hokage agreed with me.

"Do you always allow Genin to control your arguments, Sarutobi?"

I snorted. "Chuunin," I corrected. "I'm a Chuunin and I know I've mentioned this before."

The woman glared at me, furious.

"Hold your tongue, Uzumaki," the Hokage ordered. I made a show of zipping my lips closed and the Hokage whipped a kunai at me that just barely grazed my cheek. Sakumo slapped the back of my head. "Now, I have already begun discussing Uzumaki-kun's role in this matter with him and his analysis of my point of view is accurate. As of right now, Kumo is under the impression that an Uzumaki is essential to a successful, enduring seal and I wish to maintain that illusion. Thus, Uzumaki-san will be essential to this process. I will not tolerate disrespect on anyone's part, is that understood?"

I glared at the Hokage, but nodded anyways. I could be polite. Reluctantly, the council members agreed. Sakumo had melted into the background, his presence all but forgotten.

"Now, this is the agreement which will be presented to the Raikage, who is waiting in the basement. I do not wish to arrive with an entourage. My current choice of a companion is Uzumaki-kun. I know there is an objection to this. Besides his age, is there any legitimate objection to this? If so, what is a better alternative. Shimura-san, do you have anything to say?" I winced.

Danzō ignored the veiled jibe. "First, Uzumaki-san has no experience in politics. To place him in such a position would be unwise. Second, Uzumaki-san is nine. Even the most prodigious of individuals his age are no match for a Kage. Taking a boy like him would only weaken your position."

I opened my mouth to counter, but the Hokage cut me off with a look. I clamped my mouth shut.

"My final point is that if he can't keep himself under control in a situation with minor repercussions, how can you trust him in a meeting with one of the other Kage?"

I didn't move, but in my head, I acknowledged that Danzō did have a point. Then again, I knew I'd probably attack the Raikage once or twice if I was forced into the same room with him for an extended period. The Hokage would probably spend more time keeping heads from rolling than negotiating.

"I agree with Shimura-san," the two other council members chorused.

The Hokage looked at me. I shrugged. "Do you want me to defend myself or something?"

"Considering you were just accused of ineptitude and immaturity I expect you to be a bit more indignant."

"Well, you have no intention of changing your mind, so I don't see how arguing would change the outcome, aside from setting the minds of your council at rest, but the council isn't a group of people to be placated, but a group meant to advise." Take that for immature and incompetent.

The Hokage looked back at Danzō, who was not happy.

"He's still a boy! How do you intend to maintain your power with a child—"

I frowned, the argument didn't feel right.

"We have our differences, Shimura-san, but in this case, I believe a child would have a bigger impact on the Raikage than any Jōnin I could choose to accompany me. I'm sure you understand the importance of providing a united front. You discredit Uzumaki-kun's accomplishments. If I recall correctly, he was one of the reasons the war with Suna turned in our favor, as well as a significant part of the reason we are still holding the front with Iwa. We both know Kumo has a much more liberal point of view concerning Jinchuuriki. The Raikage has recognized Uzumaki-kun as the first perfect Jinchuuriki, whatever that means."

"It means someone who has partnered with the Bijū sealed inside of them and has potentially increased their strength by an exponential factor," I explained.

"If you're so strong, why haven't you been on the warfront?" Danzō demanded.


"Enough! Shimura-san, you have proven yourself incapable of giving sound advice and remaining respectful to the other parties present."

"He's still your teammate, Sarutobi," one of the remaining council reproached. "Such action in present company is inappropriate."

"No, the actions of this council are inappropriate!" The Hokage stood up sharply.

I did not want to be here for this fallout, entertaining as it may become. I knew drama when I saw it. "I'll wait outside—" I moved to leave.

"Sit down, Uzumaki," he ordered. The seal on my forehead gave a painful twinge to make his point.

"I really should—"

"Sit down."

I sat and yanked the kunai out of the back of my seat then tossed it onto the Hokage's desk.

The Hokage motioned at the wall. I glanced in that direction and noticed someone push themself off the wall. I recognized them as an Uchiha, who looked slightly strange dressed in the standard Jōnin uniform instead of the uniform of the Military Police I was accustomed to. Instead of a hitai-ate, I noticed he had a strip of black cloth around his forehead before my attention was drawn back to Danzō.

"Uchiha Kagami?" Danzō exclaimed in disbelief. "He died over fifteen years ago, what game are you playing, Sarutobi?"

"This is no game, Shimura-san! We are in the middle of a war! When Uzumaki-kun made that off-handed comment about your personal army, Shimura-san, I thought you were just covering holes in our defenses, quietly feeding intelligence, maybe covering a few missions my shinobi didn't have the time or energy to complete. Since he was declared dead, Uchiha Kagami has been working as a non-entity. I gave him the task of summarizing your activities alongside Hatake-san."

Danzō's jaw clenched.

"What was meant to be a task of a few hours turned into a three-day investigation alongside an entire team, an investigation that has still not been completed." The Hokage picked up a large box from behind his desk and slammed it onto the desk. "These files provide the picture of an extremely detailed campaign against the Uchiha clan. One thing caught my attention. Orders, thankfully not yet filed, limiting the Uchiha to village guards and ordinary police!"

Wait, what? How were the Uchiha already being marginalized? How long was the coup in the making?

"You look a little confused, Kichiro-kun. Let me say this plainly, this council has acted behind my back and undermined my authority, not because of a mistrust of my leadership abilities, but because they have personal interests and grudges which did not align with the village as a whole."

Yeah, I should have ignored orders and just left, damn the consequences. I had no right to be in this room.

"The three of you may not be specifically beholden to the needs of the people of this village, but I am. The Uchiha clan helped found this village, and I'll be damned before this leadership is turned against its own people! Do you have any idea of the potential fallout of these policies, Shimura-san? The Uchiha are a powerful, and prideful, clan and if they turn on the village there will be little left for the other countries to sweep away."

"The Uchiha are cursed! Whether we give them reason or not, they will turn against us. It is in our best interests to make sure they don't have the strength necessary to tear apart this village from the inside!"

"No, it's in your best interests, not the village."

"Your sensei—"

"I'm perfectly aware of the Nidaime's dislike of the Uchiha clan, he lived through a time when his clan waged an endless war against the Uchiha. That war is over and the enmity should have died with him."

"You're implying you planned the death of the Nidaime—"

"How dare you! Tobirama-sensei taught me everything I know!" The Hokage roared and I barely had a chance to brace myself before the power of the two men swept through the room. My chair shuddered as Sakumo grabbed the back to steady himself. I couldn't even muster up any humor at the fact that Sakumo was the second-youngest in the room. Power-wise, every individual in the room could theoretically grind Sakumo and I into the ground twice over, even with the Kyuubi's assistance. By the time that thought finished processing, I was unconscious.