
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Why do all rich guys gave to be so creepy

This incident happened about five years ago and I'll never forget it.

I was out in the city drinking with friends one night when we bumped into one of my ex's friends, we'll call him Joey. In my drunken, hyper-friendly, dumb ass state, I thought it would be a good idea to go off with him and his two friends, Ron and Brad (I honestly don't remember their real names) to catch up. Luckily, one of my girlfriends (let's call her Jill) was out with me at the time and she reluctantly came along, knowing how drunk I was. She was also acquainted with Joey so it may have made her feel more safe.

We ended up at Ron's apartment, which was pretty close to the bar we had just left. The night started out harmless enough. Ron poured everyone shots and then we all talked. I bantered with Ron, and Jill became comfortable enough to go off to the living room area flirting and making out with Joey.

Ron showed us his panoramic windows displaying the view of the city then went on about the large sum of money he came into recently and how he was able to afford his expensive city apartment, blah, blah, blah. He seemed like a generally nice dude, but I had no intention of hooking up with him. The showing off didn't help. I was still feeling pretty drunk and flirty so I continued to banter and chat with him anyway, despite his constant attempts to kiss and pull me close to him.

Their friend Brad had been pretty quiet during this time—probably because he was ridiculously drunk, eyes glazing over, words slurring. He made the occasional joke or comment, but that was it initially. Then Ron mentioned something about boating and Brad drunkenly started to tell us about his life.

While I don't remember all the details of what he told us, again I had been drinking, but was slowly sobering up at the time, I do remember that the way he spoke about his life made me realize we came from completely different worlds. This guy was most likely ultra rich—he spoke of riding private jets, yachts, going to insane parties with lots of cocaine and orgies, etc.

Then he started talking about the movie American Psycho, specifically, the scene with the business cards and how hilarious and relatable it was. That creeped me out, but I didn't think too much of it. If you haven't seen the movie (or read the book) I recommend you do. It's about an investment banker/serial killer. The scene in particular demonstrates the disturbing nature of the character and how out of touch he is with reality. If you've seen it, you'd understand why it's creepy that this guy found it "relatable".

Brad went on to discuss a guy he didn't particularly like and how insignificant he was in the grand scheme of things. And how people wouldn't think twice if the guy died. He talked about how he and his friends have the ability to make anyone disappear if they wanted. He was almost laughing when he talked about how easy it was. And alluded that he had, in fact, made it happen in the past.

That sobered me up quick and I glanced at Jill to gesture that we should head out soon. She wasn't listening too closely to Brad as she was preoccupied with Joey, but she had been staying pretty alert and nodded at my gesture.

I don't know if Ron was really paying much attention to what Brad was saying either, but I was glad when he change the subject to something lighter. Then when he said, "more shots?", I knew that was our cue to leave.

I declined and said Jill and I had to head out. Ron and Joey protested and tried to convince us to stay, but we swiftly made our way out of the apartment, down the elevator, and out of the building. I remember my heart racing as we ran out of there.

I later found out Joey barely knew those guys. But then again, I barely knew Joey except that he was my ex's friend. I was so embarrassed and pissed off at myself for putting me and especially my friend at risk for something so stupid and not worth it. I don't think we were ever in any real danger that night but I'm glad we didn't stick around to find out how true Brad's stories were.