
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


Alright so this happened to me last night. I want to share this with you all because it's pretty creepy. For some context, I've been working at a bank for about 7 years and have always enjoyed the steady income that it has given me. 2 months ago I was laid off of this job and having no other form of income, I began to feel very stressed.

One night later, as I put my kids to bed, my heart began to race uncontrollably. I thought I was having a heart attack but as I began to calm down, I realized that I had just experienced an anxiety attack. I never knew what an anxiety attack was before I experienced it so it really scared the hell out of me. The next day I decided to go to a doctor to see what I could do to prevent this from happening again. He told me the best thing to do to cope with anxiety is for me to walk as often as I can. Walking releases endorphins which results in happier moods. I took his advice and decided to walk every night at around 7:00 to 8:00.

Walking was great! I enjoyed the peacefulness of it and I began to meet new people in my neighborhood that I never knew existed. I observed the intricate details in all of the old, well kept houses. The grand pillars that guided the stone walkways to the carved, maple doors or the different sized bricks that somehow fit together to create beautiful walls. The more I observed the houses, the more I wondered about the one house that stood out from the rest.

It did not look as well kept as the others. I wouldn't say that it looked haunted but it looked like it was vacant. I never saw a tv glow from a window or a light of any kind. There wasn't even a car in the driveway. It was just existing with the other houses. I asked people who lived in the general area if they knew of anyone selling it or if it was being renovated and no one really had an answer.

Last night, as I walked down a sidewalk, I came to a typical street corner that I pass every night when I walk. The corner has an old stone bench and it faces the vacant house. As I walked, I saw an older woman sitting down on the bench facing the house. When I walked closer to the woman, I noticed the strange attire that she was wearing. It was like what you would wear to a funeral. She had an all black dress with a black hat and a black veil covering her face. To make the situation less unnerving, I said hello to her and in the quietest, raspiest tone, she said "hello". It sounded like she had smoked A LOT.

Now your probably wondering why this has bothered me so much. Although her demeanor was quite unsettling, the most unsettling thing about her was that after she said hello to me she crossed the street and walked inside the house that I thought was vacant. It's like she waited for me on that night just to show me that the vacant house isn't vacant.