
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

They know where I live

One night I was in bed with my bf, it was about 1:30AM. I get a text from a random number saying "Is this *my name*.. Sorry for messaging late and out of the blue like this but I don't think *my boyfriends name* is being honest with me and i need to talk to you". We exchange a few texts and basically they're accusing my bf of cheating on the Both of us.

Obviously I was annoyed, but bear in mind it was June 2020, bang in the middle of coronavirus lockdown in the UK. We'd spent everyday together since March, he denied it all and insisted he didn't know who this person was.

The same number starts texting him, angry texts, calling him a "lying rat" etc. Not looking good for bf.

But this is where it gets weird... this person gives no specifics, they won't tell me their name, what my bf has done, only that he was a liar and that I was an idiot for believing him. I'd ask but they would just reply vague angry texts. They're grammar and spelling was good, but they'd use slang words from our local area.

We assumed maybe it was some kids who found our numbers off Facebook and were having a laugh so tried ignoring it.

Then nothing, until my bf gets a text the following afternoon asking him to meet them at a local social club for "some company". Me and a friend got straight in the car and went down there, no one was there & the club was closed cos of COVID.... But we couldn't help feel like we were being watched, it was really weird.

A few days go by and the same number starts texting me again, this time the text language is all weird like spelling mistakes and saying "yu 2" instead of "you two" that kind of thing, it felt like it was a different person texting me. They seem a lot angrier with me now cos I didn't believe them straight away, THEN they text me; "Yur so dull" (...) "I see him leaving yur house earlier LMAO". Cocky I said something like funny that where's my house then, and they reply with my Fucking street name 🤯🤯🤯 they also knew things about us like the fact he was in the army (but I guess you can figure that out from his social media photos).

I called them loads but it would just ring twice and cut off. Tried searching the number on whatsapp and on few social media sites, nothing. Only on Instagram the number would come up with a location of a film company in Raalte, Netherlands... when I'd google the number it's provider is Tismi, I've never heard of it but looks like it might just be a fake number.

They've never asked for any money or anything like that either.

Don't get why someone would go through that much effort just to wind us up. Last text I had was "Ok!