
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

The three ghost

As a child I lived a long time with my mom by my grandma and my aunt, because my father was a total asshole. They are interested in occult and paranormal things. My grandma even married a demonologist, my grandpa, who I have sadly never met, because he died years before I was born.

They were young, when they married and after a while they bought a house my grandpa stumbled accross at his researches. Actually they didn´t want to live there that long. My grandpa just thought it would be helpful with his studies. But they felt so comfortable there, that they stayed.

In his studies my grandpa discovered, that there are three paranormal beings, who exist in this house and over the years he managed it to figure out a bit, who this beings are.

He asked the locals about past owners of the house and did a bunch of things to contact the entities and in the end, he got three names and a bit backgroundstory about them. Thomas, Maria and Jonathan.


I will start with Thomas. He was the most active one of the three in the house. Once he was one of the owners of the building, who died because of a sickness according to old locals my grandpa asked. They described him as a nice person, who cared much about other people, even if he didn´t know them and helped others as good as he could. He had a open ear for everyone and tried to give them always a good advice, how they could solve their problems.

But also he had his bad days and when he was in a bad mood he was throwing things through rooms. A characteristic he had even after he died (but not that extreme). He never showed himself in form of a person and till this day I don´t know, how he looked, I never had a photo.

He only showed himself in form of shadows passing by or in little movements. When he had a bad day on the other hand, he was tossing things down. One time he even managed it to throw a glass down from a cabinet in our kitchen. My grandma was very angry at Thomas after that.

In the beginning I was very afraid of him. For me that whole stuff was new and I was just a little child, but my grandma said that there is nothing about him I have to fear. She then told me, that if I see the shadows or movements I can greet him. That would make Thomas happy. I tried it and my fear was gone.

Till this day, if I see something moving in this house, even when it is just the wind, I greet Thomas and I know it sounds weird but sometimes the surroundings is filled with happiness after that.

My aunt and me tried once to contact him through a ouija board, but nothing happened. It seems like he don´t want to communicate in other ways with us and we respect that.


So enough about Thomas. Next one is Maria and one of the entities I am a bit afraid of, although my grandma and my aunt told me, that she is also harmless. She haunts the attic and would show herself just a few times. In all those years I lived by my grandma I only noticed her three times in the form of steps and silent humming. I never went in the attic alone and till today I get goose bumps when I am up there. It is cold there and sometimes there is a slight smell of a perfume. My girlfriend meant that it smells like flowers or something.

I don´t know much about Maria. She was once the daughter of someone, who owned the house. According to notes it was in the late 1800. My grandpa also mentioned that he could feel some sort of strong sadness one time, when he was in the attic for his studies. I really want to know her story, but I think that I will never find it out.


Out of all ghosts he is the most mysterious one. He appears only at certain times, when it is very cold outside and fog lies over the landscape. Then sometimes you can see him in the early morning hours going through the mist around the house.

He has the appearance of an old man with a very kind and peaceful attitude. When you meet him he won´t talk to you, he won´t stop walking. He just looks at you with a kind smile and something will tell you, that everything will be alright. That you are welcome here. I really don´t know who he is. About him there is nothing much in the notes. Just his name and how he would behave when you meet him.

So this was a little different story today, more of a information than a experience, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways and I wish you a wonderful day.