
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

The guy

This just happened, not half an hour ago, and I want to write it down as best as I remember it in case something worse happens, or this guy comes back. Enjoy.

I got off of work around 9 due to it being a truck shift, and headed home exhausted. I stopped to get gas, and made the rest of my trip home. When I took the turn into my neighborhood, I saw someone get into the turn lane for my neighborhood as well, but didn't think much of it. So I'm driving, and the car behind me pulls over onto the side of the road right before the turn onto my street. Here's where it gets creepy.

Now I take turns slow in residential neighborhoods, especially at night. I love animals, and I'm afraid I might turn and hit an animal or a person if I'm going too fast. Apparently, this asshole thought I turned way too slow, and followed me home. When I realized the headlights shining through my back window looked like the ones I had seen pulled off on the side of the road, I panicked. I thought I was going to get attacked, killed, something, right outside of my own house. So I sat in my car and held onto my knife, trying to breathe. I have an anxiety disorder, and it was going full swing at this point. Now I am a girl, and I have trouble holding weight on my body, and I'm not very strong, so the best chance I had for defending myself was my knife. My first thought was this man could overpower me and kill me if he really wanted to, and I can do nothing about it.

I kind of froze in my car, waiting for something to happen. This guy to get out, try to get into my car, shoot me, something. But after what seemed like forever, this guy in his truck pulled up next to me, and I opened my door a bit to talk to him, since I'd turned the car off. Stupid, I know, but my brain wasn't functioning at this point. He rolls down his window, and starts talking.

Guy: "Do you know me?"

Me: "I dont think so."

Guy: "Then why are you following me?"

Me: "I'm not."

Guy: "Then why did you turn so slow?"

Me, in panic mode and struggling to think of something to say: "Dude, I live here."

Guy: "Why didn't you get out of your car then? Are you scared because I'm following you?"

Me: Silence, because at this point I'm about to start hyperventilating and I can't do that if I need to stab this guy before he kills me.

Guy: "You're-" I didn't catch the last part, that was around the time my hearing stopped working fully. He then sped forward, pulled into a driveway, and took off back into the neighborhood.

I can only assume he lives in here, unless he followed me for a while and I just didn't notice. My mom got into her truck with me and we went to look around for his truck, and she thinks she found it. She wanted to know where this guy lived. I don't remember much, like car type or color or even what he looked like, but i remember the right led lights behind me and thinking I was dead. I'm safe and inside now, but that was still the most terrifying experience I've had in a while. Thanks for reading.

TL:DR: Dude in a truck thought I turned too slow, followed me home, and scared the fuck out of me.