
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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Something is attached to me

This is my first-ever post to Reddit. I am only posting these experiences now because something has been following me since I was little, and it has found its way to my new apartment. All of the experiences below are completely true. This post will be organized by houses/apartments.

\#1- Old Farmhouse

In this house, I experienced the most paranormal activity. My parents and younger brother all witnessed these events, so I know they are true. My dad is a cop and at this point was working all of the terrible rotating shifts that all new rookies would be given. This meant that my mom was often at home alone with us kids. Especially at night. Little things started happening at first. Picture frames would swing on the walls like someone had brushed their hands against them, lights would go on and off for no reason, we would hear footsteps upstairs when no one else was home, and our dog would get locked in random rooms without explanation. The first truly terrifying experience we had was when my brother was around 3. He was tucked in for the night while my mom and I watched TV. I had gone into his room with my mom to say goodnight and had watched her close the window, place the rocking chair near his bed, close the door and turn off the lights. We went down to the TV and heard whispering noises coming from the baby monitor she had in his room. As we listened more, we heard a loud shriek and banging noises. We both rocketed up from the couch and ran to his room. The light was on, the rocking chair was next to the now-open window rocking back and forth, and the door was wide open. I had never seen my mom more terrified before. My brother was fast asleep under the covers and was far too small to ever move the rocking chair himself. After that night, I had terrible night terrors where I would wake everyone up screaming and throwing things. I would sleep walk and talk to someone in my closet called "Sally" and would hear voices all day every day. My parents witnessed objects moving around me with no visible cause, would hear the voices talking back to me while I was sleepwalking, and would hear me talking in a low guttural voice that was not my own. The event that made us move was when we had gone out for groceries in mid-winter after a fresh snowfall. we were about an hour getting groceries, so there was enough snow to cover all our footprints. My dad had closed and locked the front door, had turned off the lights, and, because it was winter, the windows were all closed and locked. Some of the windows were even painted shut. When we got back from groceries, every single window was open, music was blasting from the stereo, the front door was off its hinges, and the lights were all on. At this point, my dad told us to stay in the car while he called a buddy of his on shift to help him clear the house. As my dad went up to the house, he noted that there were absolutely no footprints leading to or from the door. None in the yard, or backyard either. There was no one in the house and no signs of anyone ever being there. The most terrifying part of this event was that the painted windows had been ripped open. The wood had splintered and we all agreed that no human could have had the strength to do that. On top of being painted shut, my dad had also nailed some shut too to avoid a draft. These windows were opened as well. We moved after that and I believe that whatever was in that house followed me to the next five places.

\#2- Tiny City Home

At this house, we didn't experience anything too frightening until the end of our stay there. Little things happened throughout the first three years that spooked us a bit, but were harmless. Light switches would click on and off while we watched, the dog would bark and growl at nothing in corners and at the ceiling. My dad would always lose his keys and they would show up in the crawl space that we had under the house. I was always terrified of that crawl space. None of us would ever go near it without someone else being there. When I would sleep walk, I would always end up in the crawl space with the lights off. After the first three years, my mom got really sick and almost died three times on the operating table. With all the stress of watching her go through this, whatever was in the house got stronger and more bold. We would wake up to find pictures of our family smashed or on the ground, scratches on the door to the crawl space, and would see shadow figures out of the corner of our vision. Once when I was taking a bath, I was held under the water by my head from what felt like a hand. I knocked all the bottles off of the tub which alerted my dad. He came in and swears up and down to this day that he saw a disembodied hand holding me under. After my brother got pushed down the stairs, we finally decided to move.

\#3- Country Haven Home

My parents never saw the house before they bought it. It was cheap, and close to my dads new posting and that's all that mattered. My parents currently still live there. It has five levels including two basement levels. I only lived at this house for three years, but had multiple frightening experiences that haunt me still. The most notable was when I was home alone with my dog. I was watching tv in the basement and decided to go get a snack. I left my dog laying on the couch sleeping. As soon as I hit the kitchen, I heard Charlie barking and snarling at something in the basement. He had never made those sounds before so I was rightly scared crapless. I called my dad and begged him to come home because I thought someone was in the house. He told me to run out the front door and go to the neighbours. The problem with that was that I would have to run past the basement and whatever was down there to get to the front door. Even running to the side door had the same issue. So I booked it. As I ran past the basement, I saw a shadowy figure standing in front of my dog. Charlie had all the hair on his back standing up. When Charlie saw me running, he hightailed it out of there too and joined me at the neighbours. My dad came home with his gun and went through the house. No one was there. A few days after that experience, I moved out to go to university. My parents haven't had any paranormal experiences since I moved out.

\#4- Dorms

In the dorms I lived in, it was apartment style. We lived in a five bedroom detached house. I had four roommates, two bathrooms and a kitchen for us to cook in. All of my roommates experienced their own paranormal events while living with me here. One of them didn't believe in ghosts before, but now does. We would hear people talking in the vents when we were all in the common area not talking. The scariest conversation we heard coming from the vents was someone screaming at their friend to "F--- Off!". We were all sitting in the kitchen not talking because we were eating. No one else was in the house with us and we all ran from the house and sat on the porch until it was time to go to bed. My one roommate experienced her alarm going off at 3am every morning for the entire year. even when it was unplugged with no batteries, it would go off. All of us would see creepy shadows and people walking through the house and up the stairs. One roommate had her boyfriend run out of the house at 4am scared crapless. He never told us what happened and he never came back. Our landlord at one point thought we had an illegal sixth person staying with us because she would always see someone staring out of the attic window. The attic that was always locked. The worst experience at this house was when all five of us were standing in the kitchen and we heard laughing coming from the vents. As we were frozen listening, the fridge door whipped open and the kettle turned on simultaneously. We all stayed in our cars that night.

\#5 & #6- My Own Two Apartments

I decided to move into my own apartment for the duration of school because of health issues and the activity that scared all my roommates. I had to move from the first apartment about three months in because I found black mould. My landlord moved me to a different unit. In the first apartment, I only experienced lightswitches going on and off, my kettle being turned on in the middle of the night and noises I couldn't explain. In my current apartment however, I have recently been experiencing feelings of heaviness and I'm terrified constantly. It feels like someone mean is watching me and wants me to fail. Because of COVID, I am now confined to my apartment and working from home. In multiple Zoom meetings, my coworkers have asked who is in the room with me. I am alone. I have no pets or roommates. But my coworkers swear up and down that they see someone walking back and forth in the frame. I have had clients ask who else is talking to me because they can hear someone in the background speaking. My boyfriend has noticed me talking to someone in my sleep while I'm sitting up in bed. My boyfriend had an experience that changed his mind completely about ghosts. He was sitting at the kitchen table while I was cooking, and heard someone yell into his ear to GET OUT. He freaked out and turned around just to have a potted plant thrown at his head. He refuses to stay at my place and tries to limit the amount of time I spend at his to avoid inviting whatever is attached to me into his place.

I honestly am so done with whatever this is. I'm trying to ignore it but needed to vent and get these things off my chest. These are my experiences. I hope that you enjoyed reading about them!