
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


I am from india and i am going to tell you guys the real incidents thats taking place presently.

Due to covid 19 i was forced to come back from Middle East and stay in home quarantine for 14 days. As i was from a middle class family we only had limited resources. With a family consisting of my parents a brother and along with my sister and her son it was unthinkable to stay in quarantine in my own house. So it was my uncle who come up with the idea of me staying at his newly bought house which was a little bit far from my house. He said that if i am okay he could make the arrangements for shifting me there. I also thought it as a good idea since i was not too confident with staying along with my parents and my 10year old niece since it was considered dangerous that i came back from another country. So right from airport i went straight to the house which my uncle was talking about. It was a little bit difficult to find the right location since it was a rural area with not much people around. The house was located in middle of a big property with no houses or anything around it. My uncle was there to receive me and he kept social distance and took safety measures. As I entered the house I understood that my uncle have done a good work to make the house clean. The house was an old one with three bedrooms a kitchen and a drawing room. The drawing room , kitchen and a room was made ready for me whereas the other two rooms were locked and when i asked about it he said that it was full of furniture's and belongings of the peoples who owned the place earlier. From enquires i understood that he bought the house from a person who was settled in foreign somewhere and he haven't stayed here for one day. Before him it was a real estate person owned the place who had no intention to stay but to sell the house. It gave me chills that no one stayed in the house for more than twenty years is the house i am going to stay for the next 14 days.

My uncle said goodbyes and went home and it was getting darker. I was thankful towards my uncle as he have put lots of effort in arranging this place. He even arranged the kitchen with required resources for another 14 days. As it was getting darker i got a little bit strange feeling from the silence which i was feeling. Not even a single sound could be heard other than my own heartbeat . As it was a rural area it must be surrounded with sounds of little insects and all. But it was opposite of that ,silence everywhere. It was getting much darker and i was thinking of sleeping as i had jet lag . I slept without any problems and suddenly i woke up with hearing a sound from next room or something. I was unable to identify whether i heard it for real or was i dreaming. I stood up and went towards the spot from which I thought i heard the sound. I was not sure but I thought i heard the sound from one of the locked rooms. I tried to open it but it was locked. I thought of looking at the small cracks which was at the bottom of each doors. I looked through the cracks and i was not able to find anything. Suddenly i heard the same sound from the room which i was sleeping in. This time i was damn sure as i was awake and not sleeping like earlier which gave me shivers. At first i was not even sure i heard the sound as i was sleeping but this time it convinced me that the sound i heard for the first time was too real. I slowly went back to my room and I inspected the room with fear. I was unable to find anything . But i could find out that my bedsheets were in the floor. I was sure that i rolled it into the bed while i was getting out of the bed. Then who did it who put my bedsheets on the floor. While thinking about it i got into my bed and slowly i was again falling into sleep. Suddenly i heard some kind of whisper in my room . I found out that it was coming from near my legs. With fear i looked towards my leg and saw a head near it. I suddenly understood that someone was sitting in the floor near my bed and its head was the one i was watching. I was left without any movement. I had the idea of screaming and running from out of there but the thing that i was in a remote place and it might take a lot of effort to find someone in this midnight made me stay there . I started to watch the thing thoroughly. I found out that it was still . No, i am mistaken it is breathing. The slight up and down movement of its breathing was there. The courage to study it came from the thing that it was not looking at me . It was facing towards the floor. Time went by . No me or it made any movement. The idea whats gonna happen next went around my head. Suddenly i thought of taking a photo of it in my phone . I slowly tried to find my phone which i kept in my bed. I took away my eyes from the thing and searched for my phone slowly. I couldn't find it. Blaming my phone i looked towards the thing and it gave me a shock that it was not there sitting but standing and looking towards me. I was frightened towards death as it was looking at me . Its face was not clear. But it was more 6 feet and had a humanly posture . Suddenly it started to move towards me and i closed my eyes and started to cry. After some time since nothing had happened i opened my eyes . Yes it's gone i could find nothing in there . Suddenly my hand touched something it was my phone . Was that here before ,no . I searched everywhere in the bed but i was not able to find it earlier. I looked for the time and it was 2:30 . I was thinking about the things happened . I was trying to convince me that it all was a dream . But i got shivers whenever i think about the thing. I made promise my heart you can only believe something when you have proof about it.

I decided to take pictures or videos whenever i come face to face with it . "Only if i could find my phone". Its the next day of the day in which the incident has occurred i am writing this . I will tell you if anything happens tonight. Till then take care. God ,this silence here is giving me chills .