
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Peeping Tom

This happened to my sister a couple of years ago.

She lived in a place with two rows of apartments. The backs of the apartments faced each other and there was a large courtyard in between. Some of her friends lived across the courtyard and she could see their apartment from hers. The apartments also all had the big sliding glass doors that lead onto the back patio.

She was up until 2 or so in the morning studying, and she walked to the kitchen from her bedroom to get a snack. That's when she looks out the sliding glass door and sees a man leaning over the bushes and looking into the window of her friend's apartment.

She freaked out and started frantically calling her friend about 5 times until she finally answers. That's when she has to tell her "there is a man standing outside of your window and you need to get out of your room now." The guy sees the light in her bedroom turn on and he runs off. All this happens while her roommate is on the phone with the police

Less than 10 minutes later, the police show up and start looking for this guy. I have no idea how, but they end up finding him - he's hiding in the trunk of a car.

He's arrested, and a day or so later they are searching the guys house. It turns out he was an Uber driver in my college town and had been spying on people for months. I guess he found his targets while giving people rides home. He had special cameras/lenses that could take photos in between blinds and in the dark. He had pictures of girls sleeping naked, couples having sex... and I'm sure all kinds of other creepy shit. He had also stolen Victoria's Secret packages from girls front doorsteps that were found in his house (still packaged with girls names and addresses).

He was sentenced with some jail time and I believe he is still in jail now.