
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


So age 7 is when I witnessed my sister and her friends playing with an Ouija board and even though I didn't take part something still attached to me. Almost immediately activity started happening. Our cats were hissing and swatting at something that wasn't there. My dog would have panic attacks around doorways and would snarl and bark and basically go in full defense mode.

The night after the Ouija board was played with the pictures hanging in the living room and resting on the entertainment system and candles my mom has throughout the living room and kitchen were all moved. Nobody had seen it happen but everyone (Mom, older sister, myself) in the trailer has heard the noises but nobody got up to check. My sister and I knew what was going on but our mom didn't. She thought we were up all night playing and yelled at us for rearranging everything.

Fast forward a few months it's one of the few rain, thunder, and lightning storms in Anchorage and I had a friend staying over. We'll call him Ian(not his real). We were playing army man 3D on PS1 in my room with the blinds up watching the lightning and listening to the rumbling of thunder when there was a loud smack at my window. We both jumped and looked at the window thinking lightning must have struck(we were young, not that bright) but I mentioned to Ian that it was probably a bird flying into the window. Moments later the rain, thunder, and lightning stop. Condensation sets in on the window and on the window is an outline of a person's face, chest, and arms sprawled across my window. Ian starts crying and begging for his mom to come get him. He ends up going up but he tells his mom and my mom that he had a nightmare.

Now about the trailer we lived in was raised about 6-7 off the ground and we dad have friends in the neighborhood who would occasionally pull pranks and we also had lots of creeps on the neighborhood who were caught peaking in windows, BUT...the imprint on my window did not look human. The nose looked like it was torn off along with part of the lips and the arm span seeming too long to be a person's. I never spoke of this incident until 2 years ago.

On three separate occasions my sister had the cord in her headphones to her walkmen cut. All three times I wasn't home and my sister was either at a friend's or in the shower. My mom and sister honestly thought it was me cutting them to get back at my sister for something she did but after the 3rd time of the wires getting cut and proving to both my sister and mom that I wasn't around to do it and that they weren't home either is when they really started to believe something was happening.

After the headphone incident my grandmother came to visit to help with my sister and I. She was digging through the closet looking for mouse trap when she discovered the Ouija board. My grandmother came unglued when she found it and went on a rant to my sister and I about what can be opened and what can come through by using it and that it's not a toy. My grandmother then proceeded to destroy the board and then blessed the house. After my grandmother told my mom everything that happened and that she shouldn't have let my sister buy it. My mom was unaware that my sister had purchased it from an estate sale just down the road from us. I spent that night at my dad's house to kind of get away from the drama at my mom's.

The following day I come home and everyone seems on edge and nobody would talk to me really.

After settling down in my room my sister comes in and tells me, " Grandma saw a ghost boy last night in mom's room".

I didn't believe her at first till she went into more detail. She told me, "Grandma woke up at 3am to the hall light being turned up to where it was super bright then being dimmed all the way down and when she sat up to get her slippers on she heard the door creek open a little more and thought she saw you. She called out to you but you wouldn't answer and when she got close enough to see it wasn't you she started screaming. She said the boy was dressed in an early 1900s sailer suit, had pale/grey skin, dark blue/black around the eyes and lips and he grinned at her before vanishing".

My mom, grandmother, and sister slept in the same bed that night.

After this event things were quiet for a little while. Occasionally cupboards would open and close, we would hear foot steps in the hallway, voices from time to time yelling one of our names from another room.

Fast forward 3 months. My mom finds out she's having another baby. We're all happy but unfortunately we are struggling so we have to re-home our dog and cats 🥺😭.

My mom gives us a week to spoil them with love before we take them to their new home(they were all taken to a new home and they had happier lives with a bigger yard and acres of land to explore with a new family). I was playing with with Little Bob (our Jack Russel Terrier) by throwing a blanket over me and he'd pull it off and would cover himself with it and I'd pull it off of him. It's a game we've been playing since we had him. I throw the blanket over myself when I hear things get super quiet before Little Bob starts to whimper and growl at something. Before I can take the blanket off I hear a deep, raspy, old man's breathing behind me and then a really loud exhale. I froze and couldn't move and my dog continued to try and defend me. After Little Bob jumped in my lap things felt more relaxed and the feeling of a presence in the room was gone.

Fast forward 6 months. My new born baby sister is here and we're having a nice quiet evening at home. I'm in the day room(added on addition to a trailer, basically a second living room) my mom and her friend who we'll call Yolanda were in the main living room watching TV and my mom's friend was singing to my new born sister in Spanish when I hear my mom and Yolanda scream followed by my mom screaming my name. I come running down the hallway thinking something had happened to my baby sister when my mom stops me and demands that I go to my room and grab my Halloween skull face plate mask with horns running across the top. I go in my room and bring it to her. She snatches it and throw it in the trash. I'm confused and ask my mom what is going on she sits me down while Yolanda is praying in Spanish while calming down my baby sister and tells me this. " I saw a figure crawling down the hallway on all fours. The limbs looked like they were dislocated and looked like they had on that mask I had thrown away, please tell me that was you. Please tell me that was you trying to scare us". I told my mom there is no way that was me and I honestly started to cry because i was so scared. My mom and Yolanda both saw it and they also saw me come out the day room and that night we all slept in my mom's room.

I'll post part two tomorrow. I promise. After telling these stories through texts or telling them in person I get the feeling that something is watching me and sometimes foot steps in the hallway can be heard like it wants me to know it's still here. Thank you