
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


My mom was 20 years old and she had plans with her friend Julie who is now my godmother.

Julie was walking to my mom's apartment and didn't realize she was being followed.

Julie walked into my mom's apartment building and there were two guys behind her. One of them put a gun to her head just as pressed my mom's bell.

My mom had just gotten out of the shower and put on her winter coat and pressed the intercom button. She said hello a few times but no one answered so she said she wasn't answering the door.

What really was happening was Julie had saved my mom by not saying anything so my mom wouldn't buzz the two strangers in.

After that they made Julie get into their car and drove into an alley and both violently raped her and then pushed her out of the car.

My mom called Julie's House and her mom said she was on her way to my mom's apartment. Suddenly my mom got a call from a bar and it was Julie. All she said was that something happened.

My mom didn't have a car so she hitchhiked. A big windowless van pulled up and she got in. Inside were 8 guys. They told my mom they could do anything they wanted to her including rape her and kill her, and that she really shouldn't hitchhike.

In my opinion all they had to say was hitchhiking was dangerous. They didn't have to say they could rape and kill her. They were college students which they told her. She said she was where she was supposed to be ( in actuality she was about 8 blocks away from the bar) but she was really afraid of them. She told me that the way they said they could do whatever they wanted to her sounded really threatening. As if they were fucking with her but also seriously threatening her.

She found Julie at the bar extremely pale with two black eyes and looking totally traumatized. She broke down and started crying and told my mom everything. They went to the hospital and did a rape kit. The police were very dismissive and the doctor wasn't much better. They implied she wanted it and only called rape. Even though she had two black eyes. The way rape victims are treated hasn't changed much since.

My mom was very lucky her best friend protected her by not saying anything. She could've yelled for help and tried to run inside but if she had they both could've been raped or even killed. I'll always be grateful to Julie for protecting my mom.