
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Lunch with me

Few years ago I was 18 years old, I had my first part time job as a tour guide that showcases the hidden community in our neighbourhood. I was leaving work and was walking to the train station.

It was broad daylight and a man that was around his 50's. He blocked my way on a busy street and asked me if we could grab lunch. I sternly said no, and he said "no we will go eat now."

I am an introverted person and I obviously panicked right away. I mumbled on something that my dad is picking me up now.

What he said next literally gave me chills - he said "tell your dad you'll eat lunch with me."

I tried walking away and he grabbed my bag. Now I started hyperventilating, thank God a lady saw me and asked if there is a problem. I told her in another dialect that the man is harassing me please take me to the train.

She grabbed my hand immediately and dropped me off to the train station. I wouldn't know what would have happened if the lady didn't intervene, as the man looked intimidating.

Scary man who wanted to eat lunch together, let's not meet.

You never really know your neighbors.

I'm new to reddit and I don't know if this is the right subreddit but I definitely have an interesting story I'll share.

I grew up in a nice suburban neighborhood. All the kids around the area would play together. We had a clubhouse in my backyard and would play kick the can, ghost in the graveyard, and basketball games all summer long.

There was one girl, I'll call her Ann, who lived around the corner from us. She would always invite neighborhood girls to swim in her pool and spend the night at her house. Her dad was always super friendly towards all of us girls.

Several things happened at that house that didn't sit right. My mom told me every time me and my sister came home from Ann's house we didn't feel well. I remember one day going over to swim. Her dad had a camera, cornered me and took a picture. I remember feeling really weird about it, but I brushed it off. Another time I remember going to Ann's house to ask if she could play and she was crying and when I asked why she said she thought thought her dad liked the twins who lived on the corner of the block more than her.

At one sleepover, we played the game Life and her dad brought us koolaid like he always did and we eventually all went to bed. The next morning I woke up and my socks were off. I couldn't believe it. I laughed and told all my friends, "Look guys! I took my socks off in my sleep!" None of us thought anything of it though.

Fast forward a couple years later. There was a back room in Ann's attic that no one ever went in. One day Ann's curious mom finally went in and she found shelves and shelves of tapes. She was horrified to find these tapes were filled with footage of her husband jerking off with people who he had drugged's feet! He had crazy foot fetish.

I remember coming home from school one day and my mom telling me I was on one of those tapes. Obviously I was drugged, thank God, so I have no recollection of it. But I immediately remembered waking up with no socks that one morning.

Ann's dad got arrested, but before he started his sentence, he put a plastic bag over his head and killed himself. Just goes to show... you never really know your neighbors.