
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Creepy kid

Hi, this is really my only creepy encounter I've had to this day. my family was out late one night and I was at home alone. I never really bothered to go out with my family much because I'd rather be home watching movies or playing xbox. Around the time of this encounter I was maybe around the age of 8 or 9.

One evening I was downstairs sat with my dogs and it was raining heavily outside. When I was watching tv I heard someone knock the window to get my attention. (My sister usually does this to tell me that my family are home). Instead of seeing my sister I saw this man soaking wet with his good up looking through my window. He waved at me and smiled and I was just sat there like "omfg who tf are you". He shouted at me through the window and said "come to your front door a second please. I'd like to talk to you". I shook my head and said no but he kept goading me to open their door. I've always been told never to open doors to strangers however I did it anyways cause I'm was a fucking idiot. I left a slight creek in the door so I could talk to him but if he was to try anything I can shut it quick.

When I opened the door he said "Hello. I'm a art student with paintings and I'd like to show you some if you've got a spare few minutes. Maybe you'd like to buy one." Now I was thinking to myself who tf would go out at 8 o clock in the evening where it is cold, pissing down with rain and pitch black to sell paintings. I replied back saying "no thanks". After that I quickly slammed the door and called my parents to come home quickly. I never told them what happened because I knew it would send my mum into a panic attack knowing that something could of happened to me. I'm 18 years old now and every time I think back to what happened that night I get angry at myself for being so stupid.

TL;DR some creepy fuck tried selling paintings to a 8-9 year old at 8 o clock in the evening while it's hammering down with rain.