
Twisted Love

911 what's your emergency...

Lucinda: um there are two terrorist wearing some sort of Troll costume, there also attacking the...

Trolldactor: you there, stop what your doing immediately...

Lucinda: oh shoot, harry there armed...(call ended)...

Trolldactor: but we don't have any gun's...

Lucinda: yh I noticed but it's more practical to tell your 911 operator that the terrorist have guns to make it more of an emergency so that they actually take you seriously and arrive sooner to help you so...

Amenadiel: Luci are you good?...

Lucifer: yh am good brother...

Amenadiel: oh good, for a second there I thought you were a gonna...

Lucifer: well it's gonna take more than that to get rid of the Prince of 🔥Hell🔥

Amenadiel: right...

Lucifer: ohk, I got a plan brother, you tackle the defense mechanism over there and I draw them to you for you to punch...

Amenadiel: am sorry what...

Lucifer: yh, just like the old days back in heaven...

Amenadiel: right about that, I really need to tell you something...

Lucifer: what is this about, did you impregnate one of these hopeless souls...

Amenadiel: what, of course not brother...

Lucifer: ohk then hit me...

Amenadiel: I don't have my powers anymore...

Lucifer: am sorry what, your joking right...

Amenadiel: I wish I was brother...

Lucifer: and you couldn't have chosen the worst time to tell me than now...

Amenadiel: well I didn't know how else to tell you brother...

Lucifer: great, now that we need a super powered Angel on our side we lose him to poor old first time sinner over here...

Amenadiel: do you think I wanted any of this stuff to happen Lucifer...

Lucifer: well not on purpose but...

Lucinda: hey, now is not the time for your antics anymore you two, get your heads in the game, I've already alerted the cops, there'll be here soon...

Trolldactor: where do you think you're going little insect...

Lucifer: ohk we still have one shot at this, it's now or never...

Amenadiel: what are you planning to do Lucifer...

Lucifer: just watch my back brother...

Trollingador: I can't wait to taste you humans for dinner soon...

Lucifer: am sorry but I refuse to be on the menu for any restaurant or Troll...

(Lucifer jump's high in midair and pops out his wings just for a hot second to release his Angel Blade's made from his very own wings and targets them straight at the light bulb in the room to put it off leaving everyone in total darkness...)

Lucifer: I never thought I'd use these bad boys again...

(He pop's them out one more time and starts slashing the Trolls with his killer Angel wing's and manages to cut through them just slightly enough to put them on their knees for a while, Lucifer's wings can be transformed from normal feather's on the wings to Killer Angel Blade's at the tip of the feather's for protection and so not only can he fly with them, he can also turn them into weapons of mass destruction as well...)

Amenadiel: Lucifer are you ohk...

(Few seconds later)...

Lucifer: am ohk brother...

Amenadiel: oh ok, cause for a second there I thought you were cheesy devil wing's and dum sticks for lunch...

Lucifer: haha very funny brother...

Trollingador: enough of this disrespect...

Lucifer: I agree...

(The Troll leader smack's Lucifer with the force of a thousand push ups sending him straight down with face first into the newly polished floor's of Lux Co.,

gradually he begins to notice that his usual strength is depleting and weaker too...)

Lucifer: what is happening to me, am growing weaker by the minute...

Trollingador: I suggest you surrender human, you don't stand a chance of defeating us...

Lucifer: what a poor choice of words Troll...

(Lucifer sprouts out his wings and flies up heading for the troll to grab him off his feet but for some reason his wings wiggle around and drop him midair before he even reaches the Troll in sight, the Troll grabs Lucifer by the leg and swings him through a glass table leaving him there for dead...)

Amenadiel: Lucifer are you ohk, did you get them?...

Lucifer: almost brother...

(Just then the police arrive with their sirens out loud and requesting the criminals to step out of there or they will come in and open fire on them...)

Trolldactor: what should we do your High and Mighty?...

Trollingador: what ever the Queen wants...

Gal Gadot: this is no fun anymore...

Police Officer Barns: we are coming in...

(They finally invade the building with flash lights and weapons in hand but just as they enter the hall of the alleged crime, the Trolls evaporate right in front of their eyes leaving nothing but dust and ashe's behind their trail...)

Police Officer Barns: is everyone okay in here?...

Lucinda: yh were fine we're all good...

Amenadiel: thank father it's over again...

Lucinda: where's Lucifer?...

Amenadiel: Lucifer!! Lucifer!! Are you there, are you alright??

(A couple of hours later everyone was safely taken outside with no injuries or whatever, Gal Gadot leaves outside as well making it seem like she was also in danger even though she planned this entire sting operation by herself...)

Lucinda: oh my God are you okay Lucifer? do you need any help??...

Lucifer: no am fine thank you...

Amenadiel: you really had us worried out there buddy...

Lucifer: yh right...

Lucinda: oh my God😲 is that Gal Gadot, she's here I mean...

Lucifer: she was in there the whole time...

Amenadiel: yh I don't recall seeing her though...

Lucinda: I have to go meet her, b r b...

Gal Gadot: why thank you am fine I don't need any treatments or bandages ohk...(speaking to the paramedics)...

Lucinda: am sorry but hi am Lucinda Ferahmoven from the Daily News Cooperation and we were supposed to have an interview today but sorry for the unfortunate event that happened in there, I promise that's never happened before until today...

Gal Gadot: no need to apologize darling...

Lucifer: brother...

Amenadiel: yes Luci...

Lucifer: does she give you killer instinct vibes...

Amenadiel: no but go on...

Lucifer: I don't know but I have this odd feeling...

(Gal Gadot walks on over to Lucifer and Amenadiel...)

Gal Gadot: are you two okay my Angels, sorry the Trolls hit you one too many times boys...

Lucifer: wait, MoM!!!

Gal Gadot: yes my MorningStar...

Amenadiel: wait MoM so, you did all this??...

Gal Gadot: well I didn't know how else to get your attention and love back so I...

Lucifer: WTF MoM...

Amenadiel: we could have died MoM and it would have been your fault...

Lucifer: why can't you just go to 🔥Hell 🔥 MoM...

Gal Gadot: I have never seen such disrespect coming from you two...

Lucifer and Amenadiel: you kidnapped us!!!...

Gal Gadot: I invite you for dinner...

Amenadiel and Lucifer: to eat us...

Gal Gadot: and this is how you thank me...

Amenadiel: MoM...

Gal Gadot: okay fine maybe I didn't go about this the right way but I did all this to gain your love back, I thought...

Lucifer: no mother you thought wrong...

Gal Gadot: okay then let me make it up to you my son I could...

Lucifer: no mother, don't you understand, I don't need you, not anymore, you and your twisted love or whatever you call it...

Amenadiel: am sorry MoM but you went too far this time...

Lucinda: oh, I didn't realize that you already know my partner and friend over here...

Lucifer: oh no we don't know each other, never met, she's leaving, aren't you??...

Gal Gadot: I...

Lucifer: yes, so in the cab you go bye, see you...

Gal Gadot: but sweetie you can't possibly hang out with these humans more than your own mother...

Lucifer: yes I can MoM and I will...

Gal Gadot: but, they eat darling all they do is eat and afterwards the food comes out changed and not for the better...

Lucifer: what ever MoM...

(Lucifer shoves MoM into a cab and pays the driver to take her to a hotel up the street of Vermont...)

Lucinda: wow, I didn't know that you and Gal Gadot knew each other so we'll...

Lucifer: oh we do and we don't it's kinda of a long story really...

Lucinda: okay...

Amenadiel: okay so am gonna go now Lucifer...

Lucifer: yh sure...

Amenadiel: see you Lucinda...

Lucinda: yh see you...

Lucifer: so wanna continue the tour or are you that traumatized about a bunch of 3D cartoon looking men...

Lucinda: naa, I'd rather go back to the office and ah get ready for the interview if it does come up...

Lucifer: okay, see you later then?...

Lucinda: yh see you...

Back in the cab...

Gal Gadot: I can't believe this full proof plan failed on me, I gotta think of another way to impress my son's and win them over, first I need to get out of this bodysuit...MoM jump's out of Gal Gadots body and transforms herself into a Queen 🐝 bee and flies out of the cab and into the streets of Vermont meanwhile the real Gal Gadot...)

Gal Gadot: oh my God, what happened...

Taxi driver: are you okay madam??...

Gal Gadot: one moment am at the Airport and the next am in a taxi driving to who knows where, um excuse me please could you take back to the interview...

Taxi driver: am sorry where???...

Gal Gadot: oh yeah um, can you take me to the Daily News Cooperation please...

Taxi driver: sure...

Back to Lucifer at the penthouse...

Lucifer: urh Mazz you won't believe the day I've had today...

Mazakine: yh right, tell me everything that I don't care about...

Lucifer: MoM tried to...

Back to MoM...

MoM: give me your finest wine dear...

Bartender: right away...

MoM: can this day get any worse...

Masked Person: if you desire it...

MoM: and who might you be human...

Masked Person: just the person who can help you get what your looking for Mommy...

MoM: really and how would you propose that sweet cakes...

Masked Person: I believe we're gonna have a long and fruitfull 🌃 night, won't you agree...

To be continued....