
Don’t Mess With An Angel

I know what you must be thinking, already knowing the entire story of how the devil came to be and how Adam and Eve fucked up everything but have you ever stopped dead in your pants to wonder what if we heard the story from the Devils point of view just for a moment to really know if it was you, would you do what he did millions of years ago my fellow reader…keep reading for all the plot twist’s and turns of life… Warning: may not make sense in chapter 1 but it will in chapter 2 and 3, am sort of new to this so forgive me for any inconveniences that you may feel while reading this but all things being considered I hope you all enjoy the book and eat it while making love to it with your cereal in hand…Thank you Fam…

Noah_StrangeSs · Khác
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35 Chs

Never Play With A Demon

Jinx: then everything took an odd turn…__________________________________________________________________________

Sir Strickler: we shall burn them all alive at 3:00 am before the blood moon escape us tonight…

🧛‍♀️Jinx: huh!…(start's to run in hyper speed…)

Sir Strickler: hey who goes there, come back…

Sir Ajax: who was it…

Sir Strickler: I don't know didn't get the chance to get a good look but anyways is the device ready…

Sir Benjamin: just a little more….done, it's done.

Sir Ajax: let's test it out…

Sir Benjamin: but how…

Sir Strickler: I may have a couple of people already being tested…

Back at the Mansion…

Alistair: I love you so much ugh…(kissing her)

Katherine: me too ugh…(kissing him passionately)

Alistair: wait wait…

Katherine: what…

Alistair: do that thing you did last night with your teeth sinking into my neck…

Katherine: really are you sure…

Alistair: yeah totally…

Katherine ripped out her werewolf fangs and began kissing Alistair's naked body n neck, Katherine goes further to Alistair's neck but pulls herself back in suspense, finally she holds his hair and gently sinks her fangs into his neck making a small cut with little drops of blood gushing out of him little by little and then it happened…

👹Katherine: what did you do to me ahhh!!!!(starts to choke on her own blood in her mouth)

Alistair: what's wrong with you, Katherine!!!

(He grabs her as she falls to the ground almost lifeless…)

👹Katherine: you…tricked…me…(still choking on her own blood)

Alistair: what!! No no…

Just then Sir Strickler busts in on them and immediately sees lady Katherine choking on the poison that he had slit inside Alistair as he gave him wine to drink a couple of hours ago while they were talking…

⏳Flash back to a couple hours ago…

Alistair: so what did you want to talk to me about..

Sir Strickler: oh nothing just wanted to if you like lady Katherine…

Alistair: what…

Sir Strickler: I've seen the way you have been looking at her lately, you should talk to her about how you feel

Alistair: you sure, but I feel the same way about lady Morgana too and I don't know what to do

Sir Strickler: just listen to your heart and do what makes you happy, you know what, why don't you go and speak with Lady Katherine tonight…

Alistair: okay

As Sir Strickler say's this Alistair he secretly pour's an elixir into his drink and gives it to Alistair to drink unknowingly…

Sir Strickler: now go, go to whom ever your heart ❤️ desires my boy…

Alistair: right away, thank you…

⏳Flash back to normal time…⌛️

Sir Strickler: I knew it, guard's!!!

(a group of 3 men rush in and grabs lady Katherine from the floor while placing a gag choker in her mouth to prevent her from using her fangs and then proceed to inject her with something which can only be described as paralyzing shot's or something I don't really know what am saying at this point reader…)

As they take Katherine away Alistair ask's…

Alistair: what is going on…

Sir Strickler: tonight is the night we rid ourselves of everything supernatural in this God forsaken town…

Alistair: what are you talking about…

Sir Strickler: oh come on now Alistair, you can't tell me you don't know that werewolves, vampires, witches, dark spirits, demons and other evil creatures live amongst us…

Alistair: what!!! But lady Katherine isn't one of them…

Sir Strickler: right that's what she wanted you to believe my boy, a while back I slit an elixir into your drink while we were talking, I knew that you would go see lady Katherine and since I had my doubts about her I used you as bait to prove my suspicions and I was right, you see, the elixir is filled with Vervain and Furvain which are the two liquid's known to man to harm vampires and werewolves and since I knew you weren't one of them I made you drink them to further prove my theory…

Alistair: you are such a liar, you've always suspected me of the supernatural and when you're chance came to prove it you took the first chance you got didn't you…

Sir Strickler: well that's beside the point but we still have a lot to do, we're still capturing all the other supernatural creatures in the town as we speak…

Alistair: what for, what are you going to do to them…

Sir Strickler: we're going to burn them my boy, down at the Catholic Church this full moon while it last my boy, come join us rid this town of filth…

Alistair: Noo!!!

(Sir Strickler immediately hit's Alistair on the head after he blurts out his answer to join them burn his family down…He faint's and is quickly left there to die by Strickler who goes on to capture more creatures as he call them. Meanwhile jinx run's to Olga crying and breathing heavily as her discovery has lead her to feel devastated and broken inside and I don't mean broken heart's in ghana…)

Jinx: Olga!!! Olga!!!

Olga: come down my dear, everything will be alright I promise, I saw this coming and I already have a plan okay, calm the fuck down…

Jink: okay okay…so what's the plan then??…

Olga: we need to wait for all the other creatures to be found and brought to the church got it…

Jinx: what but how does that help, there gonna be burnt alive at the church at 3:00 am which is just hours away…

Olga: then we don't have that much time, we need to act fast and also we need to stay out of sight and suspicions from everyone so that they don't get us too…

Jinx: of course…

Olga: let's go, quickly…

As the blood moon was high in the sky, guard's stood tall and strong and blocked both jinx and Olga's path. The guard's dressed in full armor and armed with a sword and shield, stood ready to defend against two supernatural beings of which they didn't know they were until this very moment.

The witch began by casting a spell of darkness, attempting to blind the guard's. But the guard's well trained quickly countered with a common back flip of their own creating a confused emoji in this narration.

The witch then tried to summon a horde of demon bats to attack the guard's, but they stood strong and fought them off with their elbows and foreheads which shouldn't shock you because it's my novel. With each demon they defeated, the guard's grew more confident in their abilities to make the two beings shy.

As the battle raged on, the witch grew desperate and unleashed her most powerful spell, a curse that would have killed the guard's if it had hit. But the guard's were quick and agile, and were able to dodge the curse just in time with push-ups, ironic right.

With the witch's power depleting, the guard's saw their chance to strike. They charged at the witch with swords imbued with the feel of Vervain and Furvain for right measure purposes. The vampire was not having any of it and charged at one of the soldiers and bit of his ear sending the others backwards.

The night was dark and quiet, with only the howling of the wind and the distant growling of wolves to be heard. Our nerves on edge as we prepared for the inevitable battle, the guard's could only assume the worst. Slowly and swiftly limbs were being tossed around like last minute exam papers and body parts consisting of half torn torsos and rib cages. The guard's never stood a chance until the unexpected happened, someone shoots an arrow throw the poor vampires chest just slightly missing her heart by a few inches leaving her stricken and mortified.

💥Lilith: get um boys!!! ( Lilith screams out her creatures names)

One by one disfigured creatures with two human heads in a baby's body crawled out of the naturing soils and rushing towards the guard's finally ripping them apart piece by piece. Monsters with dogs tails and fur with a touch of human arm's and heads, babies with protruding tongues that swept the ground as they ran leaving traces of acid spits behind. Lilith called them…

⚡️Olga: The Lilam!!!

🧛‍♀️Jinx: what!…

⚡️Olga: we have to go now…( Olga immediately casts a smoke spell blinding of the Lilam creatures and instinctively teleporting them as well)

💥Lilith: ugh!!! Where did they go!!! Find them my babies, leave no uterus unchecked…

As the men prepare to gather the last of us, Morgana runs outside just in time to witness them taking Katherine into the church and tries to pursued them otherwise…

Morgana: Strickler!!! Benjamin!!! What are you doing??? Please stop this madness right now…

Sir Benjamin: lady Morgana, what are you doing out here you might get attacked by the creatures of the night it's best if you go inside for now my lady…

Morgana: please stop all this nonsense immediately…

Sir Benjamin: why do you sympathize with them lady Morgana…

(Just then the monster device which was actually one of Morgana's powerful reelects which currently resides in Sir Benjamin's hands start's to twitch around at the sight and presence of Lady Morgana La Fare which immediately prompt's Sir Benjamin of a supernatural presence just right in front of him)

Sir Benjamin: lady Morgana your…,..your one of them but how…

Morgana: what! What are you talking about, where did you get that…(start's to panic)

(Sir Ajax walk's on over and sees the magical reelect which is shaped like a compass which points towards anything or anywhere there's a supernatural presence and leads the holder of it to it…)

Sir Ajax: you….you are one of them aren't you…

Morgana: I…I…

Sir Benjamin: what are you, a beast, werewolf, delivery man….

Morgana: I…I…I am…

Sir Ajax: guards over here quickly…

Sir Benjamin: how could you…

⚡️Morgana: No I won't let you…

....⚡️Hexes Magik⚡️...….

⚡️Meus Amihi⚡️!!!

Strikes them off with a shock wave spell that sends them flying. She ran....

Just then jinx and Olga notices the site and sees them dragging Katherine into the church…

🧛‍♀️Jinx: Nooo!!!! Katherine nooo!!! ( start's sobbing and trying to run to her)

Olga: No don't, I promise you will see her again, she will be well, all of them will, let's go

⚡️Morgana confronts 💥Lilith….

💥Lilith: you dare undermine my authority, how dare you question me…

⚡️Morgana: how dare you…

💥Lilith: your betraying me because of those brats…

⚡️Morgana: watch your tongue Lilith that's my sister's daughter your talking about…

💥Lilith: I'd watch your tongue if I were you…

⚡️Morgana: you shouldn't have helped those men gain access to my magik reelect like that, now our brothers are being persecuted because of it, because of you…

💥Lilith: my brothers!! not yours, you were never one of them, you just look like them and smell like them but deep down your just like those humans….

⚡️Morgana: is that so demon from hell, I mean I expect nothing less from a crack head baby pikachu like yourself…

💥Lilith: you dare insult your queen, I made you, took you in when you were abandoned and left to die in the lake of Riverdale…

⚡️Morgana: oh and don't forget who made sure your will was always fulfilled…

💥Lilith: did you really think I needed you, beast

⚡️Morgana La Fare: exactly what I've always wanted to hear demon, I hope you burn in Hell

…..⚡️Hexes Magik⚡️….,




Morgana rises up from dust and into the atmosphere and vanishes with a huge gust of wind almost blowing away The Great Lilith Mother of demons, she stands there angrily and unable to beat The Org. Scarlet Witch….

Burn them all!!!!

Screamed Sir Benjamin…

The guards lit up torches and begin to set fire the church as the church bells ring loudly making way for the screams of the creatures inside the church begging to be freed like the fart trapped in your rectum. Olga then begins to cast a sealing spell that could cover the monsters and hide them underneath the church but is unable to despite being very strong at this point…

⚡️Olga: what's happening to me, why can't I cast the spell, mother please help me…

Jinx: Olga please do something…

⚡️Olga: am trying am trying…

⚡️Morgana: hold my hand Olgaria La Fare

⚡️Olga: Aunty!! I can't cast the spell I can't help them…( while sobbing and trembling)

⚡️Morgana: it's not your fault Olgaria, Lilith had casted a block spell into the night and that is allowing you to be at your best at the moment but with the both us combing our Magic's we will succeed, so hold my hand and trust me…

⚡️Olgaria: okay…


⚡️Lavons and Strategies

Plots and Ploys

Powerful Sorceress turned into Toys

The power of the Ancient one

Once Strong but now tragic

Come bring me The Soul

Of the God of Magic

We Summon

⚡️The Mighty Magik!!!⚡️

With your magiks combined I am Captain Magik!!! Go Magik!!!

⏳Back to current day jackass Lucifer time⌛️

Jinx: and then the spirit of Magik fulfilled our desires and hide the creatures under the church until now…

Lucifer: so your here to bring them back…

Jinx: yeah cause Katherine was one of them and I need to keep my promise to her and set her free…

Lucifer: now that's a journey I can't do…

Jinx: maybe you will when you finally find someone you genuinely care about like that girl you risked everything for at the hospital…

Lucifer: yeah right maybe…

To be continued…