
Hell On Wheels…

Mazakine: it can't be…

Amenadiel: MoM!!!

Lucifer: what are you doing here you monster👿…

💐MoM🌸: I've missed you all so so much, except you 🔥Hell spawn🔥

Mazakine: my sentiments exactly…

💐MoM🌺: why do you all look so surprise to see me, you hoped this would work right…

Mazakine: yeah but not to bring you back too…

🌺MoM🌼: Samael, why aren't you saying anything sweetie…

Lucifer: because your dangerous and terrifying…

🌹MoM💐: haven't you missed me, Amenadiel my boy, don't you wanna hug 🤗your Mother…

Lucifer: get out now, I don't want you in my life anymore…

🌼MoM🌺: but I just got here sweet ❤️ heart…

Lucifer: leave, now, mother…

(Lucifer hesitatingly holds MoM's arm and gushes her out of his penthouse)

Mazakine: good reddens

Amenadiel: well that was fairly easy…

Lucifer: I…I didn't think that would work…

Mazakine: I assumed she'd go rouge and tear us from the insides molecule to molecule…

Lucifer: I think I need a moment of clarity…

(Lucifer opens the door to go outside but is stunned to see that MoM is still waiting outside)

Lucifer: what are you still doing here mother…

💐MoM🌏: are you done with your emotional trauma yet…

Lucifer: we'll no but I thought I told you to leave…

🪐MoM💫: but where would I go son, I don't know the ways of humans here…

Amenadiel: let me take care of this Lucifer you go…

🌤MoM⭐️: Lucifer, you still have on that demon name my son, what ever happened to you…

Lucifer: you happened to me mother, when you abandoned me in heaven…

🌙MoM✨: but son I…

(Lucifer storms off taking off in his BMW M4 sports 🚘 car leaving everyone behind to deal with the mess that is….Motherhood….)

As Lucifer drives off he lays back in his seat and plays

🎧Cruella_Born Bad🎶🎵…


🎼Am the type of boy that never had the patience

Don't wanna fit into the crowd👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The type of guy trying to make a statement📇

So turn it up and make it loud🔊

Falala All the rules am breaking🚫

You fit it, give me

Cause am always taken

Am all alone in the world that I make it🌏

Take your compassion cause I make it fashion💃🏼

Born brilliant🤓

Born Bad😈

Maybe just a little bit mad😈

From a good Boy gone Bad😎

And now I'm having fun I never did have🥳

A little boy born broken hearted💔

Am getting dusted🌪

And am just getting started😏

Born brilliant🤓

Born Bad😈

And maybe just a little bit…Mad!!!😈…

Back at the penthouse…

Amenadiel: look here MoM, it's not that we don't want you here or aren't excited to see you but…

🌛MoM💐: but what Amenadiel, I've spent an impossible amount of time in that good for nothing place trying my very best to break free just to come here and find my kids again, but it seems I am not wanted by my own flesh and light…

Mazakine: good, it's very good that we got the message across your infant head, mother of monster's…

Amenadiel: Mazz urh…

🌸MoM🌺: no it's alright Amenadiel, this demon apparently has no manners and has no respect in the presence of 💐The Mother of Creation⛅️…

Mazakine: oh…

🌷MoM💐: yes, so now that I am here anyways why don't I teach a couple of demonic creatures how to fully appreciate the 🌸Mother of Creation🍁…

Mazakine: oh are you thinking about revenge your royal evilness…

🌺MoM🌻: call it as you will servant…

Mazakine: well I'll have you know that I'm not afraid of you Witcher…

Amenadiel: MoM, let's not do anything rush…

🌺MoM🌼: let's start with you shall we…

(MoM enraged with anger and power, she stretches forth her hand upon the demon Mazakine and lift's her up high up into the air and begins to ripe her immortal body piece by piece, tearing into her flesh like a venomous worm of mass destruction looking for nothing but 🩸, as Mazakine tries to fight the painful urge to scream and make free, she stair's right into MoM's eyes and blurts out…)

Mazakine: I am not afraid of you, I am Mazakine, huntress of immortal scum such as yourself and demon spawn of Hellican the great and powerful demon of all time and once holy and mighty being in heaven, I will not yield…

Amenadiel: MoM stop this right now you don't have to do this (move's closer to her) prove to me that you're not a monster as I've heard all these years…

🌞MoM🪐: what!!…

Amenadiel: yes MoM, prove to me that everything was a farce and your really incapable of committing sin…

(At once MoM drops Mazakine on her knees looking sad but much can't be said about Mazakine as her immortal body struggles to place her torn out piece's of flesh back together…)

🌺MoM🌸: ok son I will and I'll start by wining back your ❤️love again, I'll begin solving problem's for this broken place humanity call's home, ok son…

Mazakine: huh, good luck with that mess…

🌞MoM💫: ok I'll leave you now, you're brother is still mad at me and so I'll leave and begin on my master plan…

Amenadiel: of course mother…

MoM: we'll then, tell Samael or Lucifer that I'll be back for both of your hearts ♥️…

Amenadiel: ohk, that sounded weird to me but I'll allow it…

Mazakine: should I add my loving ass as well MoM…

🌼MoM🪐: why you little…

Amenadiel: MoM, you promised…

🌪MoM🌤: yes sweetie…

(MoM leave's out the penthouse without a clue in heaven what to do next or even where to go next, she floats around as a heavenly divine spirit that only looks human from afar but actually isn't, she stroll's the street's of Vermont clueless, eventually she finds herself amongst humanities cruelest creatures ever, a Strip club…)

Mazakine: you didn't have to stand up for me I could have done that myself…

Amenadiel: yeah right, I'll take that as a thank you…

Mazakine: anyways, did you really mean the word's you said back there, about her being a monster…

Amenadiel: I cry myself to sleep every night…

Mazakine: how did you find out…

Amenadiel: I saw it myself…

⏳Flash back in heaven millions of Angel years ago…

🪐God💫: he needs to be punished…

💐MoM🌺: I know that but please, don't give him a punishment that even you will regret…

💫God🪐: he shall be exiled to the ✨Novoid ⚫️ for all of eternity to come…

💐MoM🌺: no no, send me there instead, spare him, send him to Limbo instead, please husband…

🪐God💫: very well…

💐MoM🌺: what!!, you won't even hesitate on this decision…

🌙God🪐: you suggested it…

🌸MoM💐: but I didn't expect such an immediate response…

🪐God🌤: what!!!

🌹MoM🌺: you don't care for me do you…

🌞God🪐: of course I do…

✨MoM🌸: the only person you have been focusing your attention on is that spoiled brat of yours ✨Jesus⚡️…

🌛God🌤: I do not and he would be very sad to hear you say that about him…

🌹MoM🌺: he's not mine so I don't care…

🌒God🪐: what!!! Haven't I already apologized for the betrayal already…

🌞MoM💐: you will regret this Godfree, you will…

💫God🌏: you cannot threaten me, I am the one above all…

🌺MoM🌼: oh yeah, i know you are a suck-u-bus, I got three words for you suck on this…

(A huge burst of photon energy burt's right out of MoM's eyes as she laser blasts God's throne to melting lava, leaving him stunned and almost badly injured by his very own wife, unfortunately for him, a few of his Angel kid's got in the way of the blast trying to protect their Dad and got badly injured, God instantly became furious with MoM and immediately exile's her to the ✨Novoid⚫️ before anymore damages were done to him or his other offspring…)

⌛️Flash back to normal time…

Mazakine: so you saw all that, how come you weren't traumatized after that, we're you just watching butt videos of goat's to make yourself feel better…

Amenadiel: haha very funny…

Mazakine: so what are we really gonna do about her…

Amenadiel: am pretty sure as the earth gets too saturated with too many celestial, we're probably gonna have more visitors here…

Mazakine: yeah think…

Lucinda: urh….what's going on, where are mine…(She finally wakes up after Mazakine knocked her out)

Amenadiel: oops…

Lucinda: Amenadiel, Mazz, what happened, why do I feel so, so…

Mazakine: maybe you should just relax and do what other normal humans do, imagine you got laid last night and you also had a hangover…

Lucinda: what!!! I got laid last night, with who, oh at least was he handsome like Lucifer, did he have a small penis or a cocktail, did I enjoy it, did Lucifer see me, what was it like…

Amenadiel: woah there Angel feathers, calm down nothing of sort happened last night…

Lucinda: are you sure…(start's sobbing)

Amenadiel: very much so…

Lucinda;: ohk but hasn't Lucifer arrived yet, I miss him already…

Mazakine: aha…

Lucinda: all his silly antics and bad rich boy persona…

Mazakine: right…

Amenadiel: let's get you back home…

Lucinda: ohk if you say so…

To be continued…