
Kinda Sus

It was afterschool and the hallways were empty. The windows allowed the hazy orange light illuminate the interior of the building.

'It's been a while,' he thought, washing his hands in the hallways, 'since I did an oil painting.' Scrubbing the back part and in between his fingers more carefully, he then started to check underneath his nails. 'My hands get dirty every time.'

"Pardon me, senpai." Said an all to familiar voice.

"A-Ah, Nagatoro! What're you doing here as well?" He asked surprised.

Raising both hands, she give a derpy grin. "I spilled juice, and now my hands are all sticky." Seeing her fingers slowly start to itch closer to him, he warned her. "Keep your hands away!"

"Come on. Scoot over a bit." She said, closing the gap between them. To further emphasize this, she started to swing her hips to hit his.

"Why do you have to use the same tap?" He asked.

"Why not? Come on." She said, still swinging her hips.

Conceding, he shared the his facet with her. Looking away from her at first, he shyly looked down at her hands. He couldn't help but marvel at how smaller her hands was then his. Each fingernail, like usual, was painted red. He observed how soft and smooth her hands must be as she washed them in soap. Looking up at the owner's of said hands, he realized she was smugly smiling at him.

Blushing, his mouth open in an attempt to rationalize his behavior, but no words came out. Giving him a half-lidded smile, she closed the distance between the two, rubbing up against his shoulder. "What's up, senpai?" She definitely knew he was staring.

Looking away, he said, "No, I was just th-thinking that it was getting cramped in here."

She began hitting his hip with hers. "I know, right? It's cramped."

Turning her attention back to washing her hands, she called out to him. "Hey, senpai..."

Continuing to try and remove the oil stains from his hands quicker, he responded. Yes?"

"The way we're washing our hands next to each other..." Looking up with a giant grin she said, "Kinda makes it seem like we're taking a bath together before sex, huh?"

'Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What was she talking about?!' He screamed internally in his mind.

"Pl-Please s-stop talking like that!"

Finding his facial expressions amusing, she laughed at his beet red face. "Your face is all red, senpai!" She then moved her soapy hands to touch his. This caused both parties to blush.

Thinking that he accidentally touched hos kouhai again, he apologized. "S-S-Sorry!" Seeing his face, she had an idea.

Grabbing both of his hands with her, she held them firm.

"H-Hey... what are you doing?" She started rubbing his hands. Because of the soap, she was easily able to slide her hands up and down.

"Why don't we try it out?" She said, bringing their hands closer to her face.

"T-Try what?"

With a sadistically happy face, she answered, "Washing each other."

He wasn't proud to say it, but he let out of scream of terror. 'M-M-My heart isn't ready for th-th-this!'

Increasing her pace, she continuing rubbing her hands fast and faster up and down her senpai's. "There! There! There! There!"

"Ahh!" Using the soap as a lubricant, he was able to slip his hands out of her grasp. Turning around, he began running away. "I-I can't handle this anymore!"

Shocked at how quickly he was running down the hall, she realized he had escaped from her. "He's running away!"

Seeing him continuing to run, she shouted at him. "Senpai! You still have to wash your hands!"

"I'll wash it in the restroom!" Pausing, he stopped and turned around. "S-See you tomorrow, Nagatoro!" He shouted before running out of sight.

Looking down the hall, she let the blush come in full force as it sunk in how intimate she was with her senpai. She put both hands to her blushing cheeks as her smile wobbled from the warmth still emanating from her hands.

'I'll see you tomorrow again, senpai~!'


A person in a hooded robe quickly walked down the hallway to a darkly lit throne room. On the throne sat what appeared to be a pink-haired girl in her pre-teens, wearing a short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt. The girl looked bored as she swirled the unknown red contents inside her glass chalice.

"Your majesty," The hooded person said, kneeling before the throne. Raising his hands, he offered a manila folder with several pieces of paper inside. "Here is the report from Japan."

Taking the offered folder, the girl took several minutes to read through the contents. "I see..." The girl said, reading something. Looking over the folder once more, she handed it back to the servant.


"As you command, Your Majesty." Bowing once more, the hooded figure left.

The pink-haired took a deep breath before releasing her rage.

"THAT IDIOT BATTY BATHORY!" Enraged, she continued destroying the marbled ground until none were left.

"Guards!" She shouted. Two figure appeared from the shadows behind her throne, bowing on the ground. "Tell the Council that our plans have been...delayed." Bowing, they disappeared from the shadows which they appeared from.

Her boots clicked against the floor as she walked out of her throne room. She needed something...fresh to sate her anger.


Inside the clubroom, he was snacking on his sandwiches. Taking a sip from his juice box, he leaned back in his chair with his arms behind his head.

'The club room is definitely the best place to eat,' He thought, his eyes closed in satisfaction. Today's weather was fairly mild , and along with the sea breeze, it set the perfect conditions for a nap.

Carefully looking around himself to make sure no one was there, he went to the supply cabinet and pulled out a yellow sleeping bag.

On his crusade against All for One's villainy, he realized that out of the things heroes lacked was sleep. So he trained himself to be able to rest on the go and made it a habit to have rest whenever he could. He finally understood why Aizawa-sensei would prefer a sleeping bag to his own bed; it was just more convenient and portable.

Laying down his sleeping bag, he slipped inside and went to sleep.


(Dream world)

The world was covered in white, fluffy clouds. Jumping from cloud to cloud was a chibi version of himself with a blissful face.

'Ahh,' he thought, 'everything is soft and pleasant. I could lay this cloud forever!' Rubbing against the cloud he returned to jumping on clouds.

Chibi him passed by friends and family members who were also enjoying the fluffy clouds, riding rainbows or swimming in a pool of honey.

Without realizing it, he was suddenly in an dark and stormy area. Seeing two strange lumps of clouds, he flew closer to them. Using both of his hands he reached and grabbed them

'Strange,' he thought, 'these clouds are... different. They're soft and bouncy, almost elastic.' Squeezing them more, he was confused, 'these don't feel like clouds...?'

He felt a gaze watching him. Looking up, he saw a giant Nagatoro smirking down on him.

"Oh, senpai, I didn't you liked this?" She said, cackling evilly. The clouds moved back to reveal that he was touching her breast.

"If you like them so much, why don't you stay with them forever!" Laughing sinisterly, her breast area turned into a blackhole that pulled him in.

"No-!" He shouted.


(Back to present)

"No-!" Waking from the nightmare, he sat up right instantly. Strangely, he also heard... laughter?

"Oi, look, Paisen is awake now!" Surrounding him were Nagatoro's friends, who he learned from her were Gamo and Yoshi. Now, if they were nicknames or not, he really didn't know.

"You really didn't hold yourself back, Paisen!"

"He didn't!"

Confused, he realized he was grabbing something. Looking at his hands, his confusion soon morphed into mortification. He was squeezing Gamo's right breast!

As if he were touching something hot, his hands flew far away from the girl's breast.

Seeing him like this, the two laughed at him.

He backed away from them, sitting on his chair, clutching his hand as if it was wounded. 'No way, I didn't touch them on purpose, I was asleep.'

Still laughing at him, Gamo put her hand in her shirt and pulled out two packaged bread from where her breast were.

"What! Bean Buns?!" He shouted.

Gamo proceeded to put both bean buns to her face while snickering at him while Yoshi mimicked him grabbing her friend's breast.

"Did you think you got to touch my boobs? How did my boobs feel under your hands?" She said.

"Under your hand?" Yoshi repeated, groping the air with both hands. They both burst out into fits of laughter again.

"What was that about your boobs?"

Turning around, the two girls sensed a foreboding atmosphere take over the room. Leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed was Nagatoro. Her lips were tightly wound up and her eyes stared menacingly at the two girls in question.

"O-Oh, Nagatoro. You finally arri-." But he was interrupted as the girl continued speaking. "Looks like you're having fun."

Gamo and Yoshi, seeing the scary face their friend was making, decided to bail.

They both ran out of the classroom. "Smell ya later!"

With the two girls gone, he and Nagatoro sat down at the table. He wanted to thank her for stopping her friends.

Smiling at her, he started a conversation with the girl. "Thanks, they just barged in while I was asleep, and..." But the girl remained unresponsive, leaning on her arm as she tapped a bean bun with the other.

Seeing the girl in a unusual mood, he became worried. "Nagatoro, are you okay?"

Still not looking at him directly, she continued to tap the bean bun. "You squeezed her boobs?"

He was shocked at the sudden line of questioning. Maybe she was upset about her friend being supposedly groped?

"Good for you. You're a closet perv, after all." She said, finally looking at him with a blank face.

"Wait, no-." He tried to explain.

"Good for you for getting to squeeze her boobs." She said in a monotone voice.

'She must be really angry,' he thought, 'She really cares about her friends dignity.' Deciding this was enough, he started to explain the situation.

"No, no! It wasn't her boobs!" He said, shaking in his hands in denial. "It was a bean bun."

Finally breaking out of her trance-like state, she looked down at the bean bun she was poking at. She then looked back up at him sitting across from her. There was a moment of silence before she began laughing out loud, clapping her hands.

"A bean bun?!" She shouted as if she found it the most funny thing she heard. "You didn't get a chance to squeeze boobs?!" She said, continuing to mock him.

"Stop saying it like it's a bad thing!" He said in return.

"Poor senpai!" She laughed while saying to him. Seeing her in a better mood put a smile on his face.

"Then..." She said, putting a finger to her chin. "What would you do if I said you could squeeze mine?"

"W-W-Wait a minute! Didn't say I didn't even squeeze it for real? I never wanted to squeeze boobs at all!" He said to her.

"Are you sure? Really?" Taking something from her plastic bag, she waved it in front of him.

'No way,' he thought, 'is that-.'

"-the legendary rare item: the premium bean bun!" He exclaimed out loud. He hasn't seen the bean bun since he started high school, let alone eat it. "Rumor has it that it has a soft, supple texture that you wouldn't believe is a bean bun." He started to slightly drool at the bun in Nagatoro's hand.

"I finally got one." She said proudly. "Want a taste?"

"A-A taste?" The thought of eating provoked him to continue listening. Holding up the other bean bun on the table, she raised to the same height as the premium one. "Between Gamo-chan's bean bun and my premium bean bun..." She said. "Wouldn't you like to find out which one is softer?" She finished with relish.

"Isn't it obviously your bun?" He wondered out loud. His comment unknowingly made the girl's ever present blush to deepen more. Quickly turning around, she put the bean buns into her shirt before turning back around.

"Bean bun guessing game!" She shouted gleefully. Using her hands to hold up the presumably hidden bean buns, she jutted her chest forward.


"Go ahead and squeeze them and guess which one's the premium bean bun!" She said, shaking the buns in her hands up and down. "If you guess it right, you can have it."

"S-Squeeze them?!"

He was faced with a dilemma. The pro's were that he had a fifty-fifty chance at finally savoring the exalted premium bun which always has been out of his reach. The con's were that he was essentially groping at a girl's chest.

'But it's Nagatoro's chest...' a voice whispered in the back of head. 'Nope!' He thought loudly. 'But...since it's just bean buns, there's no harm, right.' Finally convincing himself, he felt prepared for this challenge.

"Go ahead." She said, still holding up the bean buns under her shirt.

Not being able to handle the visual stimulus of his action, he decided to close his eyes. Reaching out for the left bun first, he grabbed it.

'It's so soft. Is this the premium one?' He moved his hand around the bun more to get a better feel for it.

"What's wrong?" Nagatoro said, her voice dripping with amusement. "You're all red, senpai." Leaning down, she grinned at his red face. "And you're just squeezing a bean bun. That's so weird."

But as she was talking, she didn't notice as the bean bun on the right, which was revealed to be the premium, slip out of her shirt and fall to the ground. Just as she realized the bean bun had come loose, he began to move on to the right breast.

'Ok, let's try this one.' He thought. He gave the second a good grasp. Unknowingly, he squeezed Nagatoro's boob directly causing shivers to go down her spine and send her into a confused mess of embarrassment and pleasure.

'This one's even softer.' He continued to squeeze the bun, using his fingers to firmly dig in. 'No... it's soft, but it's almost too bouncy to be bread.' Moving his hand around more, he tried squeezing either side of the bun to see if the elasticity was the same all around. 'Which is it?'

"H-Hey!" Nagatoro managed to gasp from plethora of sensations currently assaulting her mind.

'I see,' he thought, completely ignoring Nagatoro. He started to use both hands to fully squeeze the bun. 'Not only is it soft and supple, it's also bouncy!'

At this point, Nagatoro's mind was too scrambled to consciously understand who, what, or where she was.

'I got it!' Coming to a decision, he finally opened his eyes. Pointing at the right side, he shouted, "This is the premium bean bread!" His shouting managed to break Nagatoro free of her stupor.

Noticing that Nagatoro was oddly quiet, he looked at her face. She was blushing madly while slightly shivering. Starting to get a bad feeling, he looked down and saw that the premium bun was laying on the table.

'Wait, if the premium bun is on the table, what did I squeeze-?' Like a flash of lightning, the realization instantly hit him.

"S-S-S-Sorry!" He shouted, frantically waving his arms.

Nagatoro, finally coming to her senses, was very pissed. Taking the normal bean bun out of her chest, she used it to viciously smack her senpai. While she did so, he silently stood there, taking it like a man.

After violently assaulting him with a bean bun, the two were back to sitting at the table. With a blank look on her face, she munched on the premium bun as he had the regular one.

"It's so soft and supple." She finally said. "It's premium after all."

Still ashamed from before, he only agreed with her. "Sure." He nodded with her.


Entering her house, Nagatoro greeted her family before heading upstairs. Deciding to take a shower, she quickly entered the bathroom after dumping her stuff in her room. Locking the door, she entered the warm bath water. She let her body sink up to her mouth, getting comfortable in the bathtub.

Looking around suspiciously to make sure no one was around, she lifted her hand to touch the breast her senpai touched earlier that day. Groping it hard, she moaned.
