

<p>Lilly walked back in the old wooden house, to find Pappy waiting for her. "So are you going to betray her Lilly? Your sister who has been threw hell and back for your sake. She may have forgotten about you and where she came from, due to her training. One thing that girl upstairs has never for gotten, is the love she has for you. The thanks she gets for saving you is a stab in the back, by someone she thinks is family."<br/><br/> He said standing up from his old beaten up dusty green comfy chair. "Lilly I'm going to tell you something. Your parents.....they were my..." The sound of footsteps cuts Pappy off. "Never mind that now Lilly. 42 is up so don't do anything stupid. Lilly that is my only warning to you." He said sternly before walking into the kitchen. What does he think I am going to do? I am unarmed Sinai old fool. I unfortunately have to choose soon though. Am I selfish enough to save my life or Selfless enough to save her's. It shouldn't be that difficult of a choice right? I mean she is a man made weapon, and I.....I'm nobody but a shadow. This is her fault for having saved me! Now I am her weakness she would give up her freedom for me. <br/><br/>So why is it so hard for me to do the same?! I guess I am truly that selfish. "Why are you up? Go back to bed Lilly we are safe." My sister's voice came out of nowhere causing me to jump, Looking to see her at the top of the steps. With a sigh sigh I nod walking past her. I know she has her suspensions of me and, I can't do anything about that right now. I just want to get this mission over with. Anthony you unimaginable bastard you better keep your word. <br/><br/>42 pov,<br/><br/>I stood watching Lilly enter her room, waiting a moment before heading to the kitchen. "Alright what did you find out?" I asked Pappy who was at the table drinking some coffee. "The Dolls are in all the surrounding towns. They really don't want to lose track of you thats for sure. Look 42 you need to take them out fast, Sooner or later it's going to come to that." He said having me sit. I sigh sitting down before looking at him sad. "How do you know thats not the only option I have? You know what I plan to do already Pappy. I just never thought she would also fall. Lilly didn't deserve what happened." I said closing my eyes looking defeated. <br/><br/>"Yeah thats true but you also didn't deserve it either Meadow. They took people from their homes and families. They put them threw hell making them forget who they are. You are one of the few that have not forgotten." I tilt my head confused till a knock came to the door. "Why don't you get that Meadow. You are about to meet some new friends." He said before taking a drink of his coffee. I stand up still a bit hesitant walking to the door. They knocked again a bit more persistent. Opening the old red paint chipped door, only to came face to face with five dolls. My body had a mind of its own as I grabbed one of them slaming their head in the door fram. <br/><br/>"Hey look 42 we want no trouble." one said jumping in to help their friend. "Yeah tell her we are on her side Pappy." another said while skilfully blocking my punches and kicks. Pappy puts me in a head lock. "I told you 42 you are not the only one to go against the Government. Settle down so we can all talk."<br/><br/>42 glares aat the masked women and men before telling Pappy she is ok. Pappy let go watching Meadow carefully, she looking at these seven individuals with skepticism. "I can't exactly tust in people, especially when I don't know what they look like." She said crossed her arms. The dolls look at eachother and nod taking off their masks. One of them caught Meadow's eye He had messy chocolate brown hair pail skin deep brown eyes. His eyes alone pinned her. She could tell he was the type you didn't fuck around with ,unless you want to get gutted like a fish. He was in a black fitted T-shirt for a male he wasn't scrawny but not buff either. "Names Jackson Hopper I don't trust ya but I will do anything for the old fart over there." His voice was warm but had a bit of a playful undertone. <br/><br/>"Boy who ya callin an old fart?! I can knock your ass inta next week!" Pappy fired off slamming his mug down pointing at him. Meadow laughed because she knew Pappy wouldn't do it. "What ya laughing at venues dick trap!" He side glares at her making her stop putting her hands on her hips. "At least I get some when was the last time you took a dip in the pool?" She said smirking. "You should know because it was your pool I dove into." This made everyone laugh. The girl with ginger hair and grey eyes took his drink. "ok you had enough paps. Hi I'm Annabeth Saleen nice to meet you Meadow." she had a tan completion but a gentle voice. She could have been a part of that branch. I was almost sent there for training but wanted no parts of it. <br/><br/>All I did was nod at her showing that she was acknowledged. Then the blonde hair girl with blue eyes tan skin she looks to be the youngest out of them. She tilted her head down and away. "I'm kenzi" she said shyly it was cute. Then there was an older gentleman he called himself Leo. I didn't realize they kept them this old he maybe a brain washer or feeder. Leo is bald tan has a whit beard little on the plump side. <br/><br/>He just kept his eyes on me. the last three were boys that looked no more than fifteen. they were related I guess because they looked alike except for one of them he had heterochromia. one was blue white the other was Hazle he was pail. His brothers had blue eyes and pail skin all three had blonde hair. they didn't speak just looked at me scared. I wanted to hug them but I know they will see it as an attack. "There are plenty of rooms here go on get ta bed all ya. Its past pappy's bed time now get!" We all left the kitchen and headed to our rooms. At the time I wish I knew what was coming. <br/>"Targe Flower has been located. We await your orders."</p>