
Does Love really make us do crazy things?

Where the world oppose them....Can love conquer all?.....Can love win?

PreciousHoney · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter Two

Selena sat in her sunroom on a Saturday morning just four days after the whole marriage fiasco with old max at the hospital.

Her two sons sat on their play mat few feet away playing with a few Lego blocks.

Her mind went back to her Godfather's words.

"I want you both to get married.To each other"

The old man knew how much they hated each other.

It was clear the man wanted them to kill each other.

She groaned out loud momentarily forgetting her children were a few feet away.

"Mummy are you okay?"Finn asked in a concerned tone. Never had he seen his mom so distressed.

Selena's eyes snapped to her First son who was just four. And she smiled.

"I'm fine sweetie"

"Are you sure?. You made that sound Finn makes when he can't pronounce a word"Oliver said with a smirk, mischief twinkling in his blue eyes.

Selena knew he didn't get his mischievous gene from her, perhaps from his dad.

"I do not make that sound Ollie"Finn said

"Yes you do"Ollie argued.

"No I don't. Mummy tell Ollie I don't make that sound"

"Your brother doesn't make that sound Ollie. It more like a urrrggh sound"Ollie laughed and Selena smiled.

Finn grunted then said "Mummy you were supposed to tell him I don't make any sound"

"But I'd be lying and we don't lie. We talked about this right?"

"Yes,mummy"He said with a pout on his lips.

"Can you both please come here?"Selena asked.

Both boys stood up and raced towards their mother's open arm with wild smile on their faces. Their blonde hair flying as they ran.

She placed them on her laps and asked.

"Do you remember your brother?"

"Yes,Ricky"Finn said.

"The one in heaven"said Ollie

And with that came the memory of a sorrowful loss.

Six years ago

Selena's POV

"Have you chosen a donor Miss light"Dr Marvin asked.

"Yes"I answered giving her a certain file.

"Hmm good choice"Dr Marvin said with a grin.

"Do we start now?"I asked her crossing my legs at the knee.

"Yes,just sign here and here,then we are good to go".

I collected the file from here and skimmed through it like I'd do with an important document at the office yet this is the most important one I've ever held

"Here" I said handing it to her after signing in the appropriate place.

"Do you want to be in contact with the donor"

"No I don't think it necessary"

"What if the donor demands to see the child?"

"Please Dr Marvin,isn't the whole process of sperm donation to donate sperm,if I wanted to have a baby daddy I would just have sex and get pregnant"I said getting annoyed.

I've always had a problem with my temper.

"Yes,my apologies"

Four months later

"You see this part here, this is the baby"Dr Marvin said pointing at the television - like thing - screen.

"Oh hold on"she said moving the thing that looked like a microphone around my belly.

The heartbeat becomes faint then audible again.

"And this is your second baby"

"I-I'm having i'm having twins?" I stuttered tears welling in my eyes.

"Triplet actually"Dr Marvin said in amazement while my eyes widen.

"Oh my God"I said covering my mouth when a sob threatened to break through.

"Congratulations selena"

Five months later

"Just a final push Selena you can do this"Dr Vernor said in an inspiring voice. He came in for my delivery because Dr Marvin had a family emergency.

I pushed one last time and I immediately signed in relief when I felt comfort.

"You did it Selena,congratulations.....All your babies are boys"Dr Vernor said carrying a sleeping baby in a blue cloth over to Selena.

"The first born,baby 1 was delivered at 12:13pm on august 22,2017"

"What would you like to name him?"

Selena looked at her son with tear filled eyes and said with a wide smile.

"Finn.Finnly Reid Light"

A baby wrapped in a grey cloth was also placed in her arm. And he said."Baby 2 born 12:18pm on august 22,2017"

"Oliver Ryan Light"

Both boys were taken from her arms and kept in a nearby triple crib.

Her last son was placed in her arms and green eyes stared at her.

He was the only one with her features. Green eyes and strawberry blonde hair that weren't yet as dark as hers.

"Baby 3 was born 12:29pm on august 22,2017"

"Theodore Ricky Light"

Suddenly his eyes closed,his mouth fell open and his little chest began to rise and fall at a fast pace and i knew.

I knew something was wrong.

"Do-doctor,I think something's wrong with my son, I Know something is wrong with my baby,Check him. You have to,you need to check my baby"I yelled desperately.

The doctor came closer with rushed footsteps,placing his stethoscope on Ricky's chest.

"Please calm down Miss light and hand the baby to me"

I gave him my baby with tear stained cheeks and stood up but that seemed to have been a bad idea because I swayed as a wave of dizziness hit me.

Black dot started filling my vision and my knees buckled,a ringing sound echoing in my head,I could feel blood rushing through my head at a furious rate but everything felt slow.

Too slow.

And then I felt myself fall and then darkness.

I woke up with a start and tried to get up when the door opened and a brunette entered.

"Where are my babies?" Is the first question I asked when I didn't see them in their crib.

"They are in the newborns observation ward after what happened earlier".

"Are they okay?"I rushed out.

"Yes they are alright,you don't need to worry ma'am"

Not long had the word left her lips did a nurse enter pushing two babies in different cribs in with the doctor following behind.

A grim expression on his face.

And I knew what had happened before he said it.

Tears filled my eyes.

"He didn't make it did he?"I asked and sniffled.

"You don't need to worry miss light everything is okay"

"That isn't what i asked you doctor"i glared at him.

"Unfortunately,he didn't"

Present time

Third person's POV

"what about him mummy?"Ollie asked impatiently

"So what do you think of having a brother and father?"Selena asked them nervously and their jaw practically fell off in surprise.