
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

chapter 5 :You Marry Me

Back in the clinic, Luo Xian sat on the sofa with a dignified air, crossing his legs. "Then, now is the time to talk about money."

"What are you prepared to pay for this treatment?"

For an 8th-level middle-stage martial artist from a wealthy family, with exceptional talent and unlimited potential, contracting a meridian entanglement is undoubtedly a catastrophic disaster.

And Luo Xian, who solved this disaster, is asking for one billion rubles. Although this is an exorbitant fee, the value that the treatment brings to Ling Fei'er far exceeds one billion rubles.

So, Luo Xian looked at Ling Fei'er with great interest, eagerly waiting for her response.

This is the biggest fish that Luo Xian has caught in the past three years!

Luo Xian is a very realistic person.

After transmigrating to this world, he set three life goals for himself - "become a famous doctor, make a fortune, and live a life of luxury."

Unfortunately, three years ago, he was accused of sexual harassment during a massage and had his medical license suspended for three years. Although it was a misunderstanding, the judge did not believe him.

So, Luo Xian spent his youth in a slum clinic, illegally practicing medicine to make ends meet, with no progress in his three life goals.

Perhaps to compensate for his suffering over the past three years, heaven gave him this rare opportunity to become rich.

At this moment, Luo Xian let out a joyful shout in his heart.


Let me see, what kind of exorbitant fee will Ling Fei'er, the young lady of the wealthy Ling family, offer?

I'm so looking forward to it!

I'm so excited!

I feel like I've reached the pinnacle of my life!

Ling Fei'er raised her head, and her purple orchid-colored eyes, full of tenderness, looked at Luo Xian. Without hesitation, she said in a soft voice, "Dr. Luo, you brought me back from the brink of death yesterday, and today you cured my illness. It can be said that you saved my life..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Luo Xian interrupted impatiently, rubbing his hands and urging her to get to the point.

"I have nothing to repay you with, except to offer myself to you."

Luo Xian was stunned and silent for a moment. He scratched his ear and asked, "Can you repeat that?"

"I have nothing to repay you with, except to offer myself to you." Ling Fei'er repeated, and her charming face became even more enchanting. Her shy demeanor made Luo Xian stunned.

"Wait, there's something wrong with your logic," Luo Xian said with a strange expression. "Only poor and desperate girls would offer themselves. You have a lot of money. Why don't you just give me a billion and be done with it?"

"Do you like money, Dr. Luo?" Ling Fei'er asked hurriedly. "If you marry me, you can spend my money as you please..."

"No, what's your mindset? Suddenly, you want me to marry you?" Luo Xian was confused.

Unexpectedly, Ling Fei'er seriously explained, "Dr. Luo, you don't know this, but I have to explain from the beginning. As a super genius who appears only once in a hundred years on the mainland, I have had smooth sailing all my life, with no rivals among my peers. Even if I face opponents who are a whole level higher than me, I won't lose..."

"So, no matter which circle I'm in, I exist as the strongest. But..."

At this point, Ling Fei'er felt a little ashamed, and her originally calm and ethereal voice became charming. "In fact, I really like the plot of 'the hero saves the beauty and they get married.' Not as the hero, but as a girl, being saved by a man, and then wholeheartedly pampering him, serving him, and protecting him...wuwuwu, just thinking about it makes me feel so happy and joyful!"

"This has been my dream since I was a child! I love getting married the most! I am a hardcore fan of getting married! I have collected thousands of novels and poems with the theme of 'the hero saves the beauty and they get married' in my bedroom!"

Although Ling Fei'er usually appears cold and strong, she is actually a girl at heart.

She entered a state of excitement that she had never experienced before, climbing onto the sofa and sticking closely to Luo Xian, staring at him intently and making a request -

"So, Dr. Luo - you saved me, you are my hero! I am your beauty!"

"Please fulfill my dream!"

Luo Xian thought for a long time and concluded, "So, you want to try being a female lead after being a dragon among men for so long?"

"Although I don't quite understand what you're saying, but..." Ling Fei'er looked at Luo Xian with aggrieved eyes, tightly holding his arm and shaking it gently, begging in a soft voice, "Dr. Luo, please... fulfill my wish. Marry me, marry me!"

Ling Fei'er's coquettishness was deadly, making Luo Xian's body soften, almost unable to control himself.

It should be noted that Ling Fei'er is known as the "cold goddess" and "ice and snow rose," and she always maintains a cold and indifferent demeanor towards men.

This scene would make anyone's blood pressure drop by half.

Fortunately, Luo Xian has a lot of experience being deceived by women and will not easily believe a woman's lies.

He firmly pulled his arm out from between the two soft mounds and forced himself to stay alert.

"Miss Ling, you are confused by the joy of regaining your strength, which has led to certain illusions. In fact, I am just an ordinary doctor, and I am not worthy of you..."

"Marry me."

"Miss Ling, I haven't prepared to date yet, let alone get married..."

"Marry me."

"Miss Ling, to be honest, I am a man of poor character. Do you know why my medical license was revoked? Hey, sexual harassment! Knowing this, do you still want to marry me?"

"Marry me."

"Miss Ling, to be honest, I already have a girl I like."

"Marry me, I'll kill her."

"...Miss Ling!" Luo Xian was almost driven crazy. He forced himself to calm down and suggested, "How about this, you go home and calm down first. If you still want to marry me after calming down, then come and talk to me, okay?"

Ling Fei'er calmed down and realized that her confession was too abrupt. Any boy would need time to accept it.

So, she obediently nodded and accepted Luo Xian's suggestion.

Thus, tonight became the last night that Luo Xian lived alone in his life.