

"Yesterday lunchtime, my son Harry Potter, was kidnapped from the Three Broomsticks." Xander addressed the assembled crowds of shoppers, journalists and people who had heard that Lord Hogwarts would be speaking.

The international community was hanging on his every word, it was being relayed via the wireless and various media outlets that catered to the wizarding world.

"Madam Rosmerta was placed under the Imperious and used by the kidnappers to bring Harry to them through cowardly means of a portkey enchanted to knock Harry out and prevent him from defending himself."

There were gasps of horror and mutterings.

"Harry awoke to find himself tied to a statue that acted as a grave marker for Tom Riddle. The father of Tom Marvolo Riddle Junior, also known as Lord Voldemort."

There were literal cries of fright at both the name and the described scenario.

"Harry was then used by Barty Crouch Junior in a ritual to give Tom Riddle a new body. A ritual that required Harry's blood. They torturously cut off his hand… WHILST HE WAS AWAKE WITH A KNIFE!" Xander roared.

Several people vomited and a few fainted. Some lost control of their bladders and bowels.

"Riddle got his body back and called his Death Eaters to him. I know their faces. I know their names. I will be coming for them.

"Harry managed to free himself and kill several. Including Barty Crouch Junior, who had been granted this silver hand by Tom in return for cutting off his own hand and giving him his body."

Xander held up the silver hand for them all to see.

"There are three things that will happen today. First, I will provide all media outlets with copies of the pictures of what happened to my son. I will leave it to their discretion as to whether they publish them.

"Second, Harry's hand was taken from him. Tom thought he was being fancy with this silver hand. Harry will now show you his power."

Harry Potter suddenly appeared on steps of Gringotts. He didn't say a word though. He simply held out has mutilated limb causing more reactions of horror and fear.

As the crowd watched, they saw a clear liquid begin to swirl at the end of the arm, it began to flow out and form a hand, but they also saw the skin that covered the end of the limb split open and reveal the blood, muscle and bones. The liquid was crystal clear, and it hardened that way to form a perfect hand.

The gasps and mutterings were now of awe.

Harry flexed his new hand before the crowd. He had lost his hand and his wand, so he would replace both with a hand made of a pure magical foci. Diamond.

Harry funnelled his magic into the hand causing it to glow.

He turned to the sack that sat behind Xander and waved his new hand at the bag causing it to rise up, out of the bag floated four heads, some of them were recognised by the crowd, they frequented Diagon Alley. The heads were impaled on the hooks next to the heads of Quirrell and Pettigrew.

Then Harry vanished.

Xander remained silent for a few seconds to let them absorb what they had seen.

"Finally. The Death Eaters have committed crimes against the Goblin Royal Family. We will not be providing banking services for them. As such, we can no longer hold their money for them. It will be left here on the streets of Diagon Alley, should they wish to collect their wealth. The Goblin Nation is not responsible for what happens to the wealth of the wizarding world once it leaves their territory." He said with a pointed look.

In front of the journalists, Xander had arranged for the poorest families and members of the British Wizarding World to stand. The Goblins had brought them and provided them with bottomless bags and disillusioned all of them.

Xander vanished.

Everyone started talking and wondering what that meant.

Then Goblins started marching out of the bank carrying sacks, they lined up along edge of the steps leading into the bank and began tipping out the contents of their sacks.

Gold rained that day as the wealth and treasures of those that would harm the Goblin Nation were tossed from the safety of Gringotts Bank like yesterdays trash. The destitute magical folk were quick to scoop up as much as they could before dashing away before they could be stopped.

Twenty minutes later the Aurors arrived to break up the disturbance. Twenty minutes was all that Amelia could justify delaying.

It also wasn't her fault that she only had two Aurors available.

Fudge was outraged.

First this so-called 'Lord Hogwarts' had declared He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back, as if that was possible. Britain had seen thirteen years of peace and prosperity under his rule, and this man sought to sow fear and terror with his irrational claims.

Second, he had claimed that so-called Death Eaters had mutilated his son. It was far more likely the boy was in over his head with the Tournament and had chopped off his own hand trying a spell that was too much for him. This was how the boy tried to save face.

Third, he had named the 'Death Eaters'. Several of those he had named were high-ranking Ministry officials. One of who was his friend and financial backer, Lucius Malfoy. It was bad enough he had lost both his son and his wife, but now he was being accused of crimes he had been already cleared of. They had a solid defence of being under the Imperious Curse.

Finally, Gringotts had, in an act of pure callousness, poured the gold of those falsely accused men on to the streets. Much of the gold was missing but nobody could figure out where it had gone. Everyone had seen it poured onto the street, but only a quarter of what was poured remained. Almost as if most of it was Leprechaun gold. Something that suggested further foul play by the Goblins.

Lucius would survive as although the bulk of his wealth was in Gringotts, he kept healthy reserves secreted away in his mansion. But the others had already filed complaints and requests for advances. Which Fudge was happy to approve to 'upstanding citizens'… and of course had Lucius' blessing.

Presently, he was in a meeting with Lucius Malfoy and Delores Umbridge, his Senior Undersecretary. Delores was… a unique experience, but she was absolutely loyal to him.

Their current topic of discussion was the announcement that morning by 'Lord Hogwarts.

"It would seem best that you simply ignore it." Lucius said airily. "As you said, the boy probably overreached himself and destroyed his own hand. He is concocting this… incredibly far-fetched story that I, of all people, was involved in the resurrection of the greatest Dark Lord of all time! It's absolutely ludicrous.

"Responding to it or opening an investigation will simply eat at the tax-payers money and give the boy more credence than he deserves.

"If asked, simply state that the British Ministry of Magic does not investigate wild stories."

"Hem hem." Fudge squashed the urge to wince, he hated when Delores did that. "Whilst I agree with our honoured guest," She simpered, "perhaps an interview putting forth your theory about the boys injury. It would help to discredit the story and turn the attention away from the Ministry and on to the boy… and his… 'father'." She said with contempt.

"Sound ideas." Fudge said with an attempted air of sage and wisdom. He failed to pull it off.

"Now what of the school. This tournament has clearly shown that our children are in danger there. I mean, by Merlin, they have dragons and werewolves roaming all over the place!" Fudge ranted.

"Minister, I have been researching the school, as I know the children are close to your heart." Delores oozed worship. "I have discovered that although the grounds and buildings are the property of Hogwarts and the Founders, the educational entity itself is under the control of the Ministry… to a degree."

Fudge's eyes lit up at that and he leaned forward eagerly.

"Unfortunately, it is only under certain circumstances. For instance, we set the curriculum. In the event that the Headmaster is unable to fill a post, then the Ministry can appoint someone.

"Furthermore, the Ministry can impose rules and regulations as pertaining to school activities and lessons and has the right to monitor teachers and lessons and take action if they are found to be… lacking."

Fudge frowned. "What does that mean in terms of practical application?"

"Retired Auror Alastor Moody is the current Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. We could reactivate him and put some one in position who would ensure the safety and education of the students."

"Do we have anyone we could trust to do it?" Fudge asked.

"They would have to be someone you trust with your most intimate of secrets, your plans for the British Wizarding world and who is loyal to you to a fault. Someone capable of moulding the minds of our young children."

Lucius didn't know whether to vomit or roll his eyes. The woman's toadying was unbearable, but Fudge seemed to eat it up. Either way, it was lunchtime.

"Perhaps Madam Umbridge would be appropriate." Lucius offered. He was getting hungry.

Delores looked shocked and appropriately flattered, Fudge looked flabbergasted.

"Of course! The perfect choice." Fudge declared.

"Yes, excellent." Lucius stated blandly as he stood quickly. "I'm sure Madam Umbridge will set things on the go, and with that, I bid you good day."

Harry had barely slept that night. When he had, he had woken up screaming as the nightmares assaulted him. Hermione had refused to leave him that night, at one point she had literally told Minerva where to shove it.

She got detention for it, but Minerva also backed off.

This morning would be the first time that Harry would encounter the student body and his friends since the incident. He had decided to get there early and hope that his friends were there early so he could blend in.

Slowly the students filtered in along with various professors. He really wanted Hermione or Neville to arrive. The first of his friends to arrive were the Weasley twins who immediately sat to his left and right after giving him a one armed hug each.

A few Hufflepuffs turned up, amongst them were Justin and Susan, Justin gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze whilst Susan kissed the top of his head. Harry flinched both times, but they ignored it. Harry was not known for being very tactile.

Cedric, Cho and a few Ravenclaws arrived and offered touches and the occasional kiss. Daphne and Tracy led a group of younger Slytherins in greeting and welcoming their friend.

It was a minute or so later that a group of Beauxbaton girls came in and on seeing Harry they piled into him in a huge hug, Ginny, Luna and a few of their friends entered and joined the group hug which led to various students joining in until most of the female students had smothered him and a fair few male ones too.

When the Durmstrang boys arrived they formed ranks with military precision and saluted Harry with their right hand over their chests and a bow which was held until Harry stood and returned it with mental prompting from Xander who was now watching from the corner.

Neville and Hermione soon arrived with an apology and muttered excuses about fools. The rest of Slytherin house hobbled in a few minutes later and shot hateful glares at Neville and Hermione who had taken the proffered seats from the twins.

There was lots of speculation and rumours floating around the tables, Harry knew that there would be no way around the staring at his new hand but he wished it would hurry up and finish.

As the students finished eating, Xander stood up.

"Every time we have a major incident that affects the school, we've provided you with the opportunity to view the memories of the event and ask questions.

"This time will be a little different. The Head of the DMLE had to have the memories of viewing the pensieve erased as they were too much for her, even I am having nightmares still. So… we won't be showing you these memories.

"But… you have questions and I know Harry would like to lose the attention as soon as possible so, Harry, get up here so we can get this out of the way."

A few years ago, Harry had balked at doing this, but experience had taught him that Xander was right. A few minutes/hours of intense scrutiny under the spotlight would head off weeks or months of rumours and gossip.

The major difference this time was that Harry was the only witness. Previous times at least Xander had been with him.

Xander at least played the Master of Ceremonies for him so all he had to do was answer questions.

"Ok, so… first question?" Xander asked. "Dennis Creevey."

"Did you really eat the Death Eaters, what did they taste like?" The young boy asked in morbid fascination.

Harry actually had to fight a smile at that one. "Didn't 'eat' them, but I did tear them up with my dragon jaws. I didn't really pay too much attention to the taste."

Truth was that he was in far too much pain to worry about tasting bigots. But the question was innocent enough and Dennis didn't need to be made to feel bad about his question.

"Cho Chang." Xander pointed out Cedric's girlfriend.

"Harry, what's your new hand made of." A typical Ravenclaw, she sought knowledge.

Harry frowned and looked at his hand. "Erm… if I did it right, then Diamond. But I don't know for sure."

Luna started bouncing up and down excitedly with her hand in the air. "Yes Luna?" Xander asked with a snort.

"Thank you Daddy." She said cheekily. "Was there a reason for picking diamond?"

"Hard to break and I figured it would be a good focus." Harry said as he channelled a small amount magic through his hand to make a blob of fire.

Xander indicated a fifth year boy from Durmstrang. "Sorry, I don't know your name, but go ahead."

"I is Ivan sir." The dark haired youth said with quick sharp bow. "Did- Did the Dark Lord say vhat he plans next?"

Harry looked a little queasy at that.

"Enough Ivan." Igor said quickly.

The boy suddenly seemed to be half arguing and half pleading with his headmaster, but as it was in Bulgarian, most of the students couldn't understand.

Except Sal who joined in the conversation.

Eventually Sal managed to calm the two down.

"Ivan is worried about his family, they are non-magicals. He wants to keep them safe." Sal explained.

"I'm sorry, I really wasn't paying attention to them, I was… trying to escape." Again it was more a matter of him being in too much pain to be able to focus on more than one thing.

"I saw the memory, and Tom didn't say anything interesting. He was pretty much going on and on about how he beat death and how disappointed he was in his Death Eaters." Xander explained.

Ivan was clearly distressed but knew that there was nothing to be done.

"Justin Finch-Fletchly." Xander acknowledged.

"Harry, can you feel, with your new hand?" He asked curiously.

"I can feel something, but I haven't figured out what… yet."

"Fred… or George… which ever one you might be."

"How many times have you hit yourself in the head with that thing?" The twin asked with a grin.

Harry looked embarrassed. "Just the once… I… I had an itchy nose."

There was a ripple of laughter.

"Daphne Greengrass."

"Could we take a magical picture of it moving… so we can pass that around instead of gawking at Harry?" She asked with a smirk.

"Interesting plan, Daph. Harry, what do you think?"

"Can we just make it one picture, and enlarge, it's weird enough having images of me in all those newspapers, having an image of my hand moving would be… creepy."

"Ok, and yes Colin, you can take the picture." Xander said to bouncing third year.

The question and answer session went on for about an hour, the students from the other schools eventually joining in as they became familiar with the procedure. Occasionally there was an innocent question that was a little too hard emotionally for Harry to answer, Xander did his best. Then there were the idiots who wanted Harry to suffer and believed Voldemort was the path to Pureblood rule. They were swiftly put down by avid Harry supporters amongst the students.

Time started to pass and a level as close to normality as possible was reached. There were a few major changes. Harry could no longer sleep at night without a nightmare, before his abduction, he had nightmares every night. These were explained by Emma, who had some experience in psychology, as a by product of Harry's mental issues such as his inability to comfortably be out in public.

His nightmares now would wake him up, sometimes violently, always shaking and sweating and often crying. Cushioning charms had to be placed on all the hard areas around his bed after he woke from a nightmare where he was punching something in an escape, this translated into a waking physical action where he punched the side table and cracked his knuckles or broke something with his diamond hand.

After Harry had woken on the third night and promptly vomited and was nearly inconsolable, Hermione had been livid and argued ferociously with Minerva about letting her sleep with Harry so she could help him at night.

Minerva was not keen on a young girl sleeping in the bed of a young boy in her school. Or at all.

"Dan, Emma. Wake up, got a little problem."

The Granger's were instantly awake and putting their robes on when they realised Xander was in the room. They dreaded the worst.

"Woah! Easy there, I said little problem, no ones hurt… yet."

They paused at the yet.

"Speak. Quickly." Emma ordered.

Xander sat on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Harry is having major nightmares. He wakes up sweating, shouting… he broke his hand yesterday as he woke in shock and threw up too."

"That sounds more like night terrors." Dan frowned.

"Well, whatever they are, Hermione is demanding to be able to sleep with Harry so she can be there for him. At this moment she and Minerva are shouting it out."

"Oh lord." Emma moaned as she resumed putting her robe on. "Xander, take us to them."

"Hermione Granger! That is enough." Emma respected and admired her daughters desire and intent to protect her boyfriend, but she was making enemies whilst doing it.

"Minerva, you too." Xander said with a quiet authority.

Xander marched over to Harry's bed and pulled him into a one armed hug. The boy was still scared stiff and curled up at the head of the bed.

"Harry, can you remember what happens in your dreams?" Dan asked as he sat on the end of the bed.

"N-n-n-n… uh uh." He stuttered horribly.

"Has anyone tried to wake him from these nightmares?"

"We all have. Only works sometimes." Xander answered.

"Yes, night terrors." Dan scowled. "Ok, we give permission for Hermione sleep in the same bed as Harry."

"Really, I can't allow that!" Minerva was appalled.

"Minerva, Harry is likely suffering from night terrors, post traumatic stress disorder and a whole host of other issues. And that's on top of his pre-existing problems. He needs all the help he can get. If Hermione can be his security blanket then that's fine by us." Emma explained.

"We need to find him a counsellor, someone he can talk to without worrying about it being talked about with others." Dan added.

"Papa can help us." Fleur offered from the doorway where she and Nym were watching worriedly. "He has told us before of counsellors for Aurors and Gendarmes who have been involved in high risk situations like fights and attacks or discovering gruesome crime scenes. I will call him tomorrow."

"Many thanks Fleur." Dan smiled at the young woman.

In order to appease Minerva's sensibilities, Joyce was conscripted to keep an eye on the two teens. The wards were lowered and altered in Harry's bedroom so that only conscious intent would activate them.

Joyce's other job was to wake Harry before the night terrors could set in. Godric aided this by having Harry wear him each night as a nightcap.

Suffice to say that there would be no hanky-panky between the young couple with one of Harry's mums and his uncle/older brother watching over him. Neither minded as they both wanted to get a decent night's sleep.

The night terrors aside (and the occasional black eye from when Harry accidentally hit himself with his new hand), Harry began to recover. Alain and Xander arranged for Harry to travel over to the Delacour Manor several times a week to speak with a certified counsellor. Everybody knew that they were not to question Harry about what was said.

Hermione of course compensated by studying psychology and psychiatry, she was forbidden from sharing her findings in case they confused Harry or accidentally contradicted what the counsellor did.

Xander had a problem of his own. He was about to lose his DADA professor. Again!

"I had a feeling it would happen." Alastor growled. "Only I figured it would be Amelia who recalled me. Not that fool Fudge!"

"I swear that classroom is cursed!" Xander moaned.

"Rumour has it that Voldemort cursed the position. I have no idea why though." Minerva frowned.

"Wait… an actual curse or… just a maniac spouting a lot of hot air?"

"A magical curse." Minerva confirmed. "We haven't had a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor last more than a year for well over a decade, nearly two!"

"A curse by old Tom, eh?" Xander mused.

"Xander, every time you get that look I wind up with more work." Minerva scowled at the currently contemplating co-headmaster.

"Maybe, but it may also be the solution." Xander grinned unrepentantly. "But I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"Would it be possible for Remus to return for a few lessons till the summer and we can find a new professor?" Minerva asked.

"No, he has enough work with his own school. I'll have Harry, Neville and Hermione cover the lessons and supervise them myself." Xander shrugged.

"Students teaching students?" Minerva asked worriedly. "Not to mention they are far younger than seventh years."

"Best way to learn is to teach. I learnt a lot from teaching baby-slayers back home. Cedric, Fleur and Viktor all rave about them."

"Why not just have Beauxbatons or Durmstrang provide a teacher? Both the schools are here in their entirety." Moody pointed out.

"Fine." Xander huffed. "Spoil my fun."

"Alastor is right. I don't think Harry is ready yet to stand in front of a classroom. I believe he will need some more time to recover." Minerva agreed.

"Fine, I'll go see if Olympe or Igor can spare anyone." Xander groused.

"Still don't see-"

"Not again Moody!" Xander groaned. "Seriously, every time Igor's name comes up you start ranting!"

"Man was a Death Eater, you know what that involves, has he told you what his crimes are?" Moody challenged.

"No, and I don't intend to ask! We all know they were likely heinous."

"What makes him so special compared to Snape then?" He demanded.

"For starters he isn't still committing crimes. Snape was still at it."

"You don't know that he isn't, you can only assume." Moody countered.

"I know. But I also have this… sense, this ability to determine when someone lies or is deceitful. Like I am fairly certain that Crouch and Bagman are hiding something, and it isn't good.

"But I also know you are hiding a lot, but nothing malicious. Likewise with Igor." Xander explained.

"I'd still be happier with more physical proof than just your 'senses'." Moody groused.

"Just like I'd be happier with more than just your suspicions." Xander retorted with a grin.

Moody grunted in concession. "Touché."

Xander knocked on the private quarters in Hogwarts castle that had been assigned to Igor Karkarov. He waited a while but there was no response, so he headed to Minerva's office to check the map and see where he was.

According to the map, Igor was in his room.

Xander headed back to the door and knocked again.

Again there was no response.


"Problem?" Joyce queried as she appeared.

"The Map says Igor is in his room, but he's not responding, can you open up so I can check?"

Seconds later and the two of them were through the door and searching for him.

"Found him, can you get Poppy?" Xander called out from the bedroom.

Igor was lying in bed and clearly in pain. He was sweating profusely.

"Why the hell didn't you call for help?" Xander demanded as he conjured cool water and cloth for his forehead.

"I know the problem." Igor stated through gritted teeth. "The Dark Lord calls. Swore I vould never answer again!"

"Is this going to kill you?" Xander asked.

"Soon. Tell my vife and daughter I love them, grant them sanctuary Lord Hogvarts."

"Well sure! But let's exhaust all our options first, yeah?" Xander said with a roll of his eyes.

A mental call later and Harry was by Xander.

"Tom is calling for him and it's killing him as he refuses to answer. Can you do anything?"

Harry tuned into to view the magic of the Durmstrang Headmaster. He had already guessed the problem would be in the man's arm where the Dark Mark resided.

"Haven't seen most of this magic before." Harry mused. "Some of it is real simple, like tracking charms, there is a bit of communication magic in there too. The one thing I can tell you is that it is very very dark."

"Can you remove it?" Xander asked.

Harry looked surprised as he had never considered that. "I don't know. I haven't tried messing with magic like that before. I just look at it."

"If ve had time, I vould offer myself as experiment, I vill die soon anyvay." Igor chuckled through the pain even as Poppy prepared pain relief potions for him.

"There is a way to prevent death, but there is a huge cost." Harry said with a worried look.

"No! No von pays for my mistakes." Igor said vehemently.

"The price is one you would pay." Harry said quietly. "Your arm."

Xander winced knowing that even thinking about that was hard for Harry, let alone suggesting it.

Igor, however, was surprised for a different reason. "Truly? You take my arm and I vill be free?" He asked hopefully.

Harry was a little confused at why the man wasn't more upset. "The magic is literally in the mark, but it is feeding on your core." Harry explained. "If I had time, I could experiment with charmed objects to try and remove the magic itself, how long do you have?"

"He has an hour tops." Poppy huffed. She was desperately trying to keep the man alive.

"Take the arm. A small price to be free. Nothing compared to the evils I committed and witnessed." Igor said determinedly.

"It has to be done now or he'll die anyway." Poppy snapped.

"Madam, teach Lord Gryffindor how to do it." At Harry's look of fear and Xander's scowl, Igor went on. "I ask for your trust in this. I know vhat this vill mean for Harry. But I ask for him to do it."

Harry looked at Xander. "It's up to you Harry."

Harry knew that Xander would never put him in harms way, and that he knew if Igor was lying. "Poppy, quickly, show me how."

Poppy scowled violently. She did not like Harry being put in this position, technically it was illegal as Harry was not a licensed healer.

"Apply the numbing charm as I taught you to the whole arm.

"Now the tourniquet charm to stop all blood flow in the arm.

"Harry… above the elbow, the severing charm." She said as she closed her eyes in resignation at what her favourite pupil was about to do.

Harry took a deep breath and exhaled before casting the charm. It was swift and clean and the elbow and forearm fell limply to the bed as blood began to drip onto the bed.

"Now th- "

"You trust him Dad?" Harry asked, interrupting Poppy.

"I do." Xander frowned as they both ignored an increasingly worried Poppy.

"Good enough for me." Harry sighed as he grabbed Igor's stump and focused his magic there.

They watched all watched as a grey metal began to appear and flow forming a seamless connection with the smooth severed flesh, extending down to create an elbow and then up to an intricate hand that greatly matched the severed limb still lying on the bed.

Harry released the now fully formed left arm of Igor Karkarov and expelled a breath of air he hadn't known he was holding.

Poppy, Igor and Xander were all staring at him.

"If you trust him then I don't see why he can't be saved the discomfort and annoyance of being without the limb… I had a hard enough time without my hand, but I warn you, wrap it in blankets at night till you get used to it… you'll wake up with a broken nose otherwise." Harry scowled as recalled the past few nights.

Xander shook himself out of the shock of what Harry had done. "Why did you insist on Harry doing it?" Xander demanded heatedly.

"He saved my life." Igor said in a daze.

"Yes, I got that, but Poppy could have done it far easier than Harry, and with less mental trauma." Xander pointed out. He trusted Igor, but he did not like the position Harry was placed in.

Igor shook himself out of his own stupor and grinned at Xander. "It is because it cause him mental trauma. I now owe Lord Gryffindor a Life Debt. He experienced severe hardship to save me… but by giving me a new arm… he has gone further, he has made he whole and vell.

"If you or Madam Pomphrey vere to save me, there vould be no sacrifice. I have more reason to aid Harry, my magic vill actively help me to aid him."

"You serve Harry? One master for another?" Poppy asked a little disgusted.

Igor laughed. "No, not a master… unless I choose it. No, this is merely to prevent me being used against Harry. The Dark Lord chose to attack him as a baby. He has faced him three times since, I did not vant to be party to any more evils."

"What metal is this?" Xander asked as he examined Igor's new arm.

"I think it's titanium, at least, that's what I was aiming for. Strong, light… ish and resistant against corrosion. He can take it in the bath." Harry grinned causing Igor to laugh.

"Harry, can you do this for others? Or teach others to do it?" Poppy asked thinking of the various people in the world who had suffered a loss of limb.

Harry shrugged. "Possibly. But I don't know if it is like un-petrifying people and requires more power than the average person."

"Would you be willing to perform some tests with volunteers? And try and teach at least me?"

"As long as I don't have to stand in front of crowds." Harry grumped.