

The last few weeks running up to Christmas saw Sirius get more and more moody. He managed to avoid snapping at people but he was generally sulking. He was more melancholy around Harry and Remus but passive aggressive around Xander, Joyce, Sal and Godric.

Nym had spent some time with Sirius and helped him reconnect with her mother, his cousin. That seemed to go very well and they had him over for dinner at least once a week since. He was still staying at Hogwarts whilst he recovered and the Wizarding World got used to his being free and innocent.

Remus and Nym got absolutely fed up with him in the end and dragged him to a dirty room at the Hog's Head to sort him out.

"Alright, you've got me here, what do you want?" Sirius demanded. "And for the record, Moony, I don't swing that way. Nym, you're my cousin and just… no!"

"Don't make me hex you Sirius." Nym growled.

"Sirius, what is the problem you have with Xander and his family?" Remus asked as he calmly sat in the rooms only chair.

"Problem? No problem. Good people, right?" He babbled.

Remus rolled his eyes whilst Nym just glared at him.

"There is something wrong. They seem too convenient." Sirius sighed. "I mean, really, the Spirit of Hogwarts? We never found any evidence of that whilst we were at school.

"A time travelling demon hunter? Sent here to 'protect' Harry?" Sirius said with air quotes. "There have to be hundreds of abused kids and people with bad guys after them, but Harry gets his own guardian? Fishy!

"And then we have 'Sal' and 'Rick'. Claiming to be Slytherin and Gryffindor and appearing soon after this Joyce and Xander appear! It stinks of a conspiracy." He declared as he sat on the bed.

Nym threw hands up in disgust as she span away.

Remus looked thoughtful. "He does make some persuasive and logical arguments."

Sirius preened triumphantly.

Nym stared at Remus like he was nuts. "Are you nuts?" She was also verbal in her assertion.

Remus just scoffed. "I'm not saying he's right." Sirius shot a look of betrayal at his friend. "Just that from his point of view he has some decent reasoning. He hasn't had nearly a years worth of working with Xander and Joyce and seeing how they treat Harry and Luna."

"He could at least trust us!" Nym argued. "I know I was just a kid when he went away, but he is ignoring you, mum and dad!"

"That's because there is something else that is causing his grumpiness. He just hasn't told us yet." Remus said with a pointed look at Sirius… who tried and failed to look innocent.

Nym stared at Sirius with narrowed eyes. "You're right. Spill cousin. Or I'll have you subjected to a tickling charm by Harry… without his wand!"

Having seen what Harry could do without a wand, that was a pretty harsh threat.

"Harry is supposed to be my responsibility." He sulked.

Nym and Remus just stared at him.

Nym spoke up first. "Would we be correct in assuming that you don't really believe all that rubbish you came up with about Xander, Joyce and the others being part of a conspiracy and that you are just sulking because Harry has Xander and doesn't need you?"

Sirius didn't say anything. He just looked incredibly guilty.


"OW!" Sirius was holding his stinging cheek and Nym was wringing her hand.

"YOU SELFISH BASTARD!" She screeched.

Remus was glad he had the foresight to put up privacy charms. He just wished he had earplugs… werewolf hearing was not always an advantage.

"I know you suffered for years in Azkaban after being falsely accused and betrayed and that you had just lost your best friends, but you seem to be ignoring the fact that at the same time Harry was being beaten, abused, used like a house elf and to top it all off he was conditioned to think he deserved it and it was normal!" Nym hissed angrily. "When Xander rescued him he was like a frightened puppy! He couldn't stand physical touch and physically recoiled from me. ME!" She shouted. "My little baby brother who would beg and cry if he wasn't in my arms couldn't stand to touch me!"

Sirius looked ill. He looked murderous. He looked lost.

Remus took up the explanation whilst Nym tried to calm herself. "You have to understand, Sirius, that Xander and Joyce literally rescued Harry from that life. Dumbledore kept trying to have Harry sent back to live with the Dursleys.

"Thanks to Xander, Harry is now learning what it means to be a young boy becoming a teenager and growing into a fine man."

Nym came back with tears streaming down her face. "He laughs now. He lets me hug him. He even makes jokes! Before he would barely look us in the eye! Xander, Joyce and Minerva have turned him from a broken slave to a happy child. The way he is supposed to be. They are heroes."

"Sirius, you need to get over yourself." Remus warned. "You keep this up and you will not only lose Harry, but hurt him too. You're still his godfather. Xander, Joyce and Minerva are intent on having James and Lilly remembered and respected as Harry's parents.

"Harry is desperate for anything to do with his birth parents. The Dursley's told him they were drunks who died whilst driving."

Sirius looked murderous again.

"Minerva called me to Hogwarts originally just so Harry could meet friends of his parents. In a perfect world James and Lilly would still be here and you would be a beloved uncle. But they aren't here, but you are still wanted as a beloved uncle. Do you really think you are capable of being more at the moment?" Remus asked referring to his recovery from Azkaban and being a fugitive.

Sirius sighed. He had already lost James and Lilly. The betrayal by Peter was still a gaping wound. He had missed out on Harry's childhood. He couldn't lose him again.

"I promise to try. I – I think I'll take some time away. There are people I need to see, my estate needs checking. I'll speak to Harry tell him I need to leave for a bit, but I'll be back for the trial of Peter."

Nym looked like she was about to lay into Sirius for abandoning Harry, but Remus intervened.

"It's a good idea. Sirius could use some time to centre himself and regain his life. I'll still spend time with him and he's welcome at the werewolf village. I'll try and get him to spend some time with Xander. He's a fun person, much like James and you, Sirius."

Nym sagged in defeat. "Fine. But make sure you tell Harry in person. He doesn't need more people hurting him. If you will excuse me, I need some lovin' from my honey!" She sniffed imperiously as she vanished without a sound.

"I thought you said Xander refused to teach anyone his methods?" Sirius queried as he stared at the space Nym had vanished from.

"He did. But after Harry came up with the Lilly-Flower Charm as he calls it, Xander decided he couldn't deny people the opportunity to defend themselves. Anyone he teaches must take a magically binding oath that says that they won't teach others what they learn."

"Sounds a bit vague to me." Sirius frowned.

"It's not like he's going to teach Lucius." Remus said rolling his eyes.

"What about his son?"

"Anyone who is willing to take the oaths is being taught. If they break the oaths they lose their magic."

"Still sounds dangerous." Sirius sighed.

Sirius stayed for Christmas where he was introduced to Dan and Emma. He would have liked to have spent it with just him, Remus and Harry, but he remembered what Remus and Nym told him and felt very guilty for even considering taking Harry away from his family.

After Christmas, Harry's evenings were spent with Poppy and Sal as they took him on a series of lectures around the country on the application of the Lilly-Flower Charm and how to handle it. Nothing was publicized as the nature and purpose of the charm would make it counter-productive. It was simply something that one doesn't really discuss in polite company… like a prostate exam.

During the lead up to the trial of Peter Pettigrew, Sirius gave a series of interviews to the Prophet and WWN regarding his illegal incarceration and the parts played by Albus Dumbledore. He also requested Xander give interviews about what he had learned and the consequences. Xander was happy to help.

Dumbledore had responded with his usual genial grandfatherly vibe in interviews by playing the experience and Greater Good cards. Sirius had been unsuccessful in lobbying for Dumbledore to be brought up on charges as he had immunity as the Chief Warlock. He was able to have him prohibited from being the sitting judge at Peter's trial. Amelia Bone's was whom they wanted but there were worries about a conflict of interest as she was the lead investigator in the clearing of Sirius' name.

The Ministry had managed to set up a new prison. Fudge, much to Xander's annoyance had again staffed it with Dementors. Xander reluctantly had his Goblins hand over the prisoners, but not without several threats and warnings to Fudge and several ranting interviews with the WWN. Fudge took a hit in the Prophet and Quibbler for a few days before the Prophet started to change its tune and praise Fudge's ingenuity. Xander cut all ties to the Prophet, much to Luna's delight.

Easter brought several things with it. The trial of Peter Pettigrew, which was short and to the point. Testimony and confession by veritiserum landed him with a life sentence in the new prison. But he was handed over to Xander and the Goblin Nation under threat of Goblin War.

The following day his head was hanging next to Quirrell's outside Gringotts. That night Remus and Sirius drank themselves into a stupor and woke up the next day in the tender care of Poppy.

The death of Pettigrew also made Sirius and Hagrid Secret Keepers. They were finally able to take Harry to see his parents graves. Hagrid had done a marvellous job repairing the house and garden out back where the graves were.

Xander was freed from teaching Defence as Minerva had called on an old friend, Alastor Moody, a retired Auror, to take over lessons. Moody was very reluctant, but Minerva seemed to have something to blackmail him with. Xander and Moody got on like a house on fire, the two of them with Sal and Godric were soon swapping stories and beer on a regular basis down the Three Broomsticks.

Moody's first lesson was supervised by Xander for the simple fact that he was going to be performing the Unforgivables. Joyce and Minerva strenuously objected but Xander was very much for informing them what to watch out for and the consequences. Sal and Godric tipped the balance, they weren't exactly in favour, but they grudgingly accepted it might be worthwhile.

The lesson had hit Neville hard. It brought back the memories that had been dredged up by the Dementors of his parent's torture. Moody was aware and held him back after class. Xander left them to it.

"I'm not surprised that spell would affect you so." Moody said sadly. "Your parents were fine people, they weren't the smartest grapes on the vine, but they were fine people."

Neville bristled in anger at this. "What do you mean?" He practically growled.

Moody just grinned at him, a somewhat gruesome sight really. "Well anyone who's going to make me your godfather can't really be all there!"

Neville took a few moments to process that statement. "You… you're my godfather?"

"That I am, lad. Lilly Potter was your godmother, a fine girl who would have done right by you had she lived." Moody said sadly.

"But why didn't I live with you?" Neville asked.

"Ha! Look at me boy!" He said spreading his arms wide. "I can barely keep m'self alive, how was I gonna take care of a young 'un? 'Sides, your Gran was there for ya, my role was merely for protection and teaching. I was due to begin tutoring you in your first year, but I was more interested in seeing how young Xander dealt with you. Your gran, Gussy, she was pleased with your progress so we decided there was no need to stretch you thin."

Neville was pleased about that. His life had taken a drastic turn for the better the day Xander had arrived.

Moody gave a sad sigh. "I was the one that found you that night."

Neville looked up in shock at the admission.

"Aye lad, me. I had various monitoring charms and protections on you to alert me if you were in danger. But by the time I made it, they were already lying on the floor twitching away. My only regret is that I didn't kill those bastards that night." He spat in disgust.

"I hear our Lord Hogwarts has taught you that you should never leave an enemy alive to come back and kill you. Fine advice that."

"Do you have stories of Harry's parents and mine, sir?" Neville asked hopefully.

"Aye, plenty of stories. Pictures too. Including some of you and Harry playing together." Moody laughed. "You two would raise hell when it came time to separate you, was bad enough we had to pry you out of Bill and Nymphies arms."

Neville was surprised to learn that the old man would have items of sentimental value.

"I can see your thoughts on your face, lad." Moody chuckled. "Something I know Xander will teach you is that everyone needs time to relax and recuperate. I did mine watching you and your 'adopted' little brother play. Helps one appreciate why we fight."

Albus had managed to avoid being caught in the investigations into Sirius' imprisonment. He was somehow able to blame it on the previous Minister despite all the evidence to the contrary. His firing from Hogwarts was spun into a noble decision to step down and devote his time to the Wizengamot and International arena. Xander didn't really care as long as he was gone, Joyce and Minerva were livid and warned that it could come back to haunt them.

Sirius became a great source of information as he had reclaimed the Black seat in the Wizengamot. Being the last of the Blacks he was now Lord Black, unless he produced an heir, Harry was his heir.

Surprises came from similar areas when Augusta Longbottom requested a meeting with Xander, Sal and Godric. The three men travelled to Longbottom manor to meet with Neville's Grandmother.

"My Lords, I am honoured that you agreed to meet with me." She said formally with a curtsey.

Xander was about to say that titles and formality weren't necessary, but Sal stepped forward.

"The honour is ours Lady Longbottom. Your son is a fine young man who brings respect and honour to your house." He said with a slight bow. Xander, seeing that Godric had bowed, followed suit and decided to keep quiet for now.

Xander frowned as he followed the three others as they were ushered into a study and privacy wards were thrown up.

"Lord Hogwarts, I know you do not hold much stock in various Pureblood traditions, but it was necessary to ensure that the protocols are observed for any who wish to spy on us." Lady Longbottom told Xander apologetically.

Xander gave a small smile. "I don't really care for them, for myself, but I try to ensure that I respect the traditions of others as much as I can. I was simply caught off guard as I haven't seen these things in Neville."

Augusta had a fond smile at the thought of her grandson. "Yes, Neville knows when it is appropriate, it is part of the reason I asked you here." She admitted as she indicated they should sit.

"We are at your service, Mi'Lady." Sal intoned.

Augusta smiled. "Please gentlemen, I thank you, but please, whilst we are alone, at least call me Gussy."

Sal returned the smile and Xander visibly relaxed in relief. "Then please, I am Sal and my brothers Xander and Rick."

"Thank you. I have been keeping abreast of the happenings at the school and in the Ministry. Suffice to say, I do not agree with Albus' actions and support your decision to remove him from the school.

"But Albus is attempting to build his powerbase in the Ministry. I do not believe he has evil intent, but he could cause problems for the school and our children in the coming days."

"How do you mean?" Xander asked with a frown.

"Although the school is private property and you do have a fair amount of say over staffing, the school is subject to the laws and decrees of the government. At the moment, those laws only govern certain requirements of the curriculum.

"Albus could try and introduce new laws that would remove the autonomy you currently enjoy." Augusta explained.

"I can't see how we could be forced to do anything, anybody attempts to force us to do anything and we would retaliate with force." Xander shrugged.

Sal just slapped him round the back of the head. "Idiot! We wouldn't be the ones at risk, the families would be. We would be safe in the castle, but the parents and siblings at home would be vulnerable."

"I see your point… and ow!" Xander griped. "I take it you have a plan?" He asked Augusta.

"More a set of ideas. The Longbottom family holds a seat in the Wizengamot. As do the houses Hogwarts, Salazar, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. If even just the three of you could claim your seats, we could successfully block any attempts. Or at least force a compromise in our favour."

"Does Harry's family hold a seat?" Xander asked.

"They do, but until Harry comes of age, he can not claim it. They can only be held by the males of the family, I have a plan that may help Neville claim the Longbottom seat, it involves him claiming his Lordship, the Potters don't hold a Lordship so Harry is unable to do the same."

"Harry can do the same, he's my heir." Godric explained. "I can't claim my own seat as I am technically dead, but Harry can claim my Lordship and then claim both his seats."

"So that means we would be able to claim five of the seven seats available to us." Xander mused.

"Actually, Xander, you can claim Rowena's and Helga's." Sal grinned. "They named you as heir."

"What? Didn't they have children of their own?" Xander asked.

"Of course. They left them their physical possessions, but they bequeathed their titles and seats to you due to Rowena's visions. I assume it was for this specific event."

"What does that mean, exactly?" Xander asked with narrowed eyes.

"That you hold three separate Lordships." Sal shrugged.

"Your votes in the Wizengamot will also count three times. You can also legally marry three women." Godric explained.

"Why the hell would I want to do that?" Xander cried. "I had enough trouble trying to get married to one woman… I'm fairly sure Nym would kill me if I mentioned another two!"

"You don't have to, but it is permitted, and it would protect your assets in the future." Augusta pointed out.

"Fine, lets shelve this topic for a while. Now I assume you called us here about Neville assuming his Lordship." Xander said changing the topic.

Augusta's smile at Xander's discomfort dropped. "Indeed. But that would only be possible if his father were to pass on."

There was a few moments silence as the implications became clear.

"Why don't we head over to St. Mungo's now. I can see if there is anything that can be done for them." Godric declared firmly.

It was a glum foursome that returned to the manor a few hours later. Godric had used all his skills and his hat to try and find some way to help Frank and Alice.

"Frank simply isn't in there." Godric explained. "His body is breathing and his heart is beating but there is no soul or consciousness."

"Then keeping him alive-"

"Neither hurts nor harms him as he simply isn't there." Godric interrupted Augusta.

"And Alice?" She asked.

"The damage is purely mental. Her memories are all there, she just isn't connected to them. I could try and help her, but it would be merely guess work. The best I can recommend is Neville or Fawkes providing some tears. Have Neville discuss it with Fawkes though."

"So how should we deal with… Frank's body?" Augusta asked hesitantly. She had always held out some hope that a cure would be found.

"We do nothing and decide nothing until Neville is seated here with us." Xander stated firmly.

Augusta went to object but Sal got there first.

"He's right. If the point of this is to help Neville attain his Lordship and place in the Wizengamot, then we must treat him like an adult and seek his input."

"Would it be possible to bring him here now?" Augusta requested.

It didn't take long for Xander to return with Neville, Fawkes tagged along so Xander assumed his companion knew what was coming.

"Neville, dear, we've just been to visit your parents." Augusta said sadly. "It appears your father is not actually in his body… it is merely functioning on it's own.

"Lord Gryffindor-"

"Just 'Ric', Gussy." Godric interjected calmly, this was not the time for the distance of titles.

"He has determined that there may be hope for your mother… but not from him."

Neville calmly responded. "I know."

"You do?" Xander asked taken aback.

Neville gave a small smile. "As soon as I was able to be alone after my animagus transformation, I asked Fawkes to come with me and help heal my parents. He showed me how to enter their minds and view their souls. Neither has a soul anymore… they are just empty husks."

There was a few moments as the adults absorbed that information.

"Are you sure about your mother?" Godric asked. "I found her memories and a small consciousness."

"I said the same thing, according to Fawkes, it's just her brain working." Neville took a deep breath. "I assume you wanted to talk about… killing their bodies so I can take up the Lordship?"

"How did you figure that out?" Xander asked in mild surprise.

"My best friends are Harry, Hermione, Luna and Ginny. Two of the smartest people I know and two Purebloods. Not to mention Luna's gifts. I told them what happened when I came to heal my parents. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to get in trouble."

"I'm just sorry I wasn't there for you." Xander said sadly.

"You've been there for me plenty of times. Between you, Joyce and Minnie I feel like I really experienced parents." Neville admitted as tears began to fall down his cheeks.

Xander pulled the young man into a tight and possessive hug and Fawkes began to sing a soothing song.

"Do you have any input into what you wish to do?" Sal asked gently.

Neville sniffed and wiped his eyes and nose on the handkerchief provided by Augusta. "We need the appropriate witnesses and Fawkes said he will deal with the bodies."

"We'll have the bodies moved as they are to Hogwarts so the others and Joyce can be there for you." Xander assured him.

Nobody wanted to wait any longer. Frank and Alice's bodies had been wasting away for over a decade and it seemed like an insult to keep them that way. Augusta signed the paper work and arranged for witnesses from St. Mungo's and the Ministry and that evening they all gathered in the infirmary.

Nothing was said as Fawkes circled slowly above the two bodies causing a ring of fire in his path, he spiralled inwards filling he ring in. He then hovered in the centre and he and the ring descended on the bodies. A flash of fire and it was over, the bodies were gone and Fawkes was there alone between the beds.

A memorial service was held a few days later at the Longbottom Manor. The following day Neville became Lord Longbottom with Harry as Lord Gryffindor at his side. It was a private affair that would not be revealed until the next meeting of the Wizengamot.