

The Thursday of that week with the Weasleys, all three families headed to Diagon Alley to pick up their school supplies. Ginny was both nervous and excited, it being her first year. Harry needed new robes, the young boy was growing steadily.

The final stop of the day was Flourish and Blotts. Both Dan, Xander and Harry had suggested going there last as the only way Hermione would leave was when the store closed… and even then she was likely to bite shopkeepers arm off. They were of course careful not to say this within earshot of the rabid bookworm.

The line in the shop actually extended outside the shop. There were signs and posters of a blonde haired man with a smile that actually sparkled, displayed all around the windows and declaring that he was signing books inside.

"This is wonderful! His books are on the reading list for Defence Against the Dark Arts this year!" Hermione squealed.

"Yeah? Lemme see." Xander said as he grabbed the list from Harry. He quickly scanned the list. "That's sounds like a lot of books for one class. Give me a minute, wait here." He said before vanishing.

"I hope the store doesn't close before I can get him to sign my books." Hermione said dreamily. Ginny and Molly were right there with her.

"I'll admit he is… dashing and handsome, but doesn't he seem a bit… cheesy?" Emma asked.

The men were nodding slowly as they eyed the moving posters with varying degrees of apprehension.

"Maybe he can teach us how to be real heroes." Ron said trying to adopt an adult demeanour and an air of wisdom. He failed and looked like something nasty just got up his nose.

"I just want to be able to defend myself from Voldemort. I hope that doesn't include things like this." Harry said indicating the huge crowd that was stuffed inside the shop.

"Ok, I need to have a word with the shopkeepers. He is not authorized to put all his own books on the reading list, even if he is the new professor." Xander declared as he popped in.

"Minerva hired him?" Emma asked disbelievingly.

"Nah… Albus did. But there's nothing to say he's not qualified so we have no reason to veto the appointment." Xander admitted. "He's pushing it though with the book list. He could bankrupt families like this." Xander scowled. "Right. Harry and I will go in and get the books, you lot can get in line if you want them signed. Do you still want all those books?" He asked the kids.

"Not for Hermione." Dan said firmly. He was gifted with an absolute look of betrayal from his daughter. "It's far to expensive." He told her. She turned on the puppy dog eyes. "You can buy them yourself when they go down in price." The eyes filled with tears.

Xander just chuckled as Dan tried not to cave. "Lay off your old man, 'Mione. I'll be making sure there are plenty of copies in the library."

Hermione sighed but relented.

"We'll just take the bare essentials, thank you Xander." Molly said with a smile as she handed her money bag over.

"No worries Molly, Bill can get me later." He assured her.

Molly frowned but slowly withdrew the bag. She'd make sure Bill repaid him later.

"Why are you taking Harry in?" Ginny asked.

"I need to slip and see the manager and speak to this Lockhart guy, Harry can slip in quick and teleport back out." Xander explained.

"Why don't I go with him?" Hermione offered.

"You go in and we'll not be getting you out unless there's a fire… and even then it's unlikely." Xander told her with a smirk. "Besides, if I go in, you can hold a place in the line to get them signed."

Xander's reasoning saved him from the verbal haranguing Hermione was about to give him.

"Come along, don't want to be stuck on the end." Hermione said primly as she grabbed Emma's hand and dragged her off.

Xander and Harry chuckled before they headed in.

Xander headed straight for the counter to find the owner whilst Harry grabbed a magical basket designed to hold more than it should and never weigh more than the actual basket. He then headed off to get the non-DADA books as they would be harder to find and he realized that Xander hadn't actually told him which books they needed for DADA.

Having picked up all the books, including a few he thought Ginny might like and find useful in her first year, he headed for the counter where Xander was speaking to the owner.

He didn't get far before Lockhart spotted him and Harry found himself being dragged back by the collar by Lockhart dropping the basket and spilling the books in the process.

"Hey!" Harry squawked.

"Nice big smile Harry, together, you and I make the front page." Lockhart murmured through a smile as the photographer started snapping.

"Get off me!" Harry said angrily as he struggled to break free, Lockhart had a surprisingly strong grip.

Lockhart ignored him. "Ladies and gentlemen!

"What an extraordinary moment this is!

"When young Harry here, stepped into Flourish and Blotts to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me – which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet's Bestseller List – he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works!

"Free of charge!"

Whilst Lockhart was charming the crowd Harry was desperately trying to get free of the seemingly foppish man's grip. He was damned strong.

Whilst the crowd was applauding Lockhart's apparent generosity, Harry gave up struggling and called in back up.


Xander, even being away from Harry, had his werewolf ears attuned for his voice in case of trouble. He hadn't wanted to smother Harry and make him a prisoner and this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to do a simple task.

The only thing Xander would ever consider simple in his life again, was his intelligence. Combined with Harry the pair of them were a disaster of an adventure waiting to happen. He heard Harry's annoyed call for help and chuckled as he turned to aid his son.

Lockhart, meanwhile, was still trying to hold Harry in place whilst the photographer was snapping happily away.

The photographer was startled when someone grabbed the camera out of his hands.

"Oi! You can't do that!" He cried.

"Yeah? Well you can't take pictures of my son!" Xander snapped at the chubby little man as he ripped out the film. He turned on Lockhart. "You! Get your hands off my son!"

"Everybody knows Harry is an orphan and we are just engaging in a little publicity to appease the crowds." Lockhart said with a winning grin at the patrons. "Now, if you really are desperate for my autograph, then wait in line and maybe Harry will sign something for you."

Xander marched up to Lockhart and twisted his hand off Harry's shoulder causing the man to squeal like a pig.

"Harry, why didn't you just teleport out?" Xander asked wearily.

"This… this… this… GIT!" Harry stuttered angrily. "He made me drop all the books! I haven't paid for them yet."

Xander glared at Lockhart who was whimpering and crying as Xander queried Harry. "You do NOT mess with children. Now pick up his books." Xander snarled as he tossed Lockhart to the floor.

Xander then turned to the crowd. "Listen up people. The reading list for Hogwarts DADA classes has been revised. None of Lockhart's books are required. If Professor Lockhart" Xander's voice was dripping with disgust "wishes his students to have copies of his books, he will provide them himself!" Xander suddenly grinned. "Free of charge!"

Harry snickered.

"I say! Who do you think you are to come in here and start ordering people around! What authority do you have to alter my book lists!" Lockhart demanded indignantly.

Xander strode towards Lockhart with such a dark expression on his face that Harry was worried the blonde wuss had wet himself.

"I am Alexander Harris, Lord of Hogwarts and King of the Goblins! And if you want to keep that professorship, you had better fix that attitude! You do recall what I did to the last DADA Professor?" He added with an evil grin.

Considering that the news of Quirrell/Voldemort's demise had been front-page news and the head was still magically preserved and hanging outside Gringotts, everyone knew what Xander had done. Most of the crowd turned a little green.

Lockhart went white and Harry was now certain that the future professor had wet himself.

"Of course sir! Whatever you say sir!" Lockhart squeaked nervously, he then dropped to his knees and began scooping up Harry's books.

Xander took the books from Lockhart and led Harry off to the side.

"You pop out of here with those free books, I'll go pay for these." Xander told instructed. Harry eagerly vanished on the spot.

"You ok Harry?" Bill asked as Harry teleported outside the shop. "I was watching but couldn't get past the damned crowd." He scowled.

"Why? What happened?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"That idiot, Lockhart, manhandled Harry into a publicity shot." Bill said angrily.


"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter?" Interrupted the loathed Draco Malfoy. "Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

"Leave him alone! He didn't want that!" Ginny said defensively. She might have thought Lockhart was dreamy, but her big brother Bill was one of her heroes, and Harry was… Harry.

"Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco said mockingly.

"Silence Draco!" Said a refined and highly snooty man who could only be Draco's father with the long white hair and a nose that looked like some one had stuffed dragon dung up it. "Ah… Mr. Potter. I don't believe we've met."

The man began to reach out, his hand seemingly out to shake Harry's, but quickly snaked towards Harry's scar.

It was intercepted by an even quicker and larger hand.

"Forgotten your manners already, Lucius?" Bill snarled as he squeezed the mans fingers.

Lucius let out a small squeak. "I – was merely – curious." He said trying not to gasp.

Bill released the man's fingers with disgust and made a big show of wiping his hand on his robes.

This caused Ginny to titter at her brother.

"Ah, another Weasley." Lucius said snidely.

By this time Arthur had made it over. "Lucius." He greeted stiffly.

"Well, well, well… Arthur Weasley." He said with some amusement. "Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they are paying you overtime."

Lucius reached into Ginny's cauldron and withdrew an old book, something they had picked up in a thrift store for Hermione but Ginny was carrying for her.

"Obviously not! Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of 'wizard' if they don't even pay you well for it?" He said mockingly.

"So what makes him a disgrace?" Xander growled from behind Lucius. "Compared to you?"

Lucius did an admirable job of not jumping, but the smirking Draco was not so lucky and gave an unmanly squeak.

"And you are?" Lucius asked snootily.

"Just a friend of the Weasleys and Grangers." He said simply staring hard at Lucius. This was quite unnerving with his yellow wolf eyes on display.

Lucius was unable to prevent his gulp, this caused Ginny to titter again, but Harry and Hermione were right there with her this time.

"Ah, just another reason as to how the Weasleys have fallen." Lucius said trying to maintain his ground.

"Still haven't answered my question." Xander said without moving or changing his expression. "What makes the Weasley's a disgrace?"

Lucius snorted. "They're poor, have no idea how to make or manage their assets. They breed like damned rabbits causing them to live even poorer. Arthur spends his time playing with muggle toys and when he doesn't do that he's leading raids on innocent and upstanding members of the wizarding community."

Arthur was bristling at this but Bill and Dan had a strong hand on each shoulder. They knew Xander would deal with Lucius better than they could.

"From what I saw, the Weasley's live well. They have a house full of love and productivity. If one of them should fall into trouble, there are, what… six more who will gladly stand in and support them. Who would do that for you?"

Lucius was about to answer as he scowled, but Xander interrupted. "Who would do it freely and without fear or having to be asked?"

"I have many who owe me favours." Lucius said lifting his chin proudly.

"So not the same." Xander grinned. "People who owe favours often look for the cheapest way to repay them.

"Anyway…" Xander said dismissing the topic. "You mentioned the fact that there are a lot of them… 'breed like bunnies' I think you said. Did you only want one son? Or do you have… problems?" Xander asked with a mocking sympathetic frown and a very unsubtle glance down.

Lucius bristled but the adults were fighting hard not to laugh.

"I'm sorry, maybe that was a bit too personal…" Xander said in mocking apology. "Then again, you made the first comment, so perhaps you would care to answer?"

Lucius thought he might be able to take the fake apology and pretend it was real, and avoid the topic. But then the yellow eyes man had made the second statement.

"Draco is all we need." He said confidently… despite his eyes showing something else.

"Well, a fair answer I guess." Xander conceded. "But about Arthur's 'toys'… the only things I've seen in his shed are standard non-magical tools, not toys. He is trying to understand them to better understand non-magicals."

Lucius scoffed. "Muggles are nothing more than primitive beasts who are a blight on this country. They should either be put down for their own benefit or made to serve us."

Dan, Emma and Hermione were shocked at this. They were so shocked that they couldn't even get angry.

"Yeah, and if the non-magical government heard you talking like that, they'd get pretty damned angry." Xander said simply.

"Pfft, what threat could a muggle possibly have against a true magical?" Lucius said dismissively.

"Well, I could let Dan beat the crap out of you, but let me give you all a little demonstration." Xander grinned as he pulled one of his guns out of its hiding place. "Know what this is?"

"Some muggle toy, I'm sure." Lucius said airily.

Quite a crowd had gathered having seen the famous Lucius Malfoy arguing with both Harry Potter and the man who had claimed to be his father in the shop.

Many laughed at Lucius' description of the so-called toy. Only, the non-magicals were laughing due to the fact that they knew Lucius was about to be shown a glimpse of the power of the non-magical world.

"No, this is a non-magical weapon." Xander told them. "This weapon, is capable of putting a hole through a mans head. This particular version can take out Lockhart from where I'm standing. The glass windows wouldn't slow it down." Xander said pointing it at the visible blonde fop who was still selling his books inside.

"I highly doubt that." Lucius scoffed.

"Fine, I'll prove it. Why don't you go and conjure a wooden manikin down the lane there. Bill, could you put a block of stone behind it, don't want it to go through and hit someone." Xander requested.

"Someone else can do your menial labour if you must demean yourself." Lucius said with his nose in the air.

"Fine, Bill?"

Bill just wandered off down the lane about a hundred yards and began conjuring.

When he was done, Xander took aim and fired a single shot startling everyone but the non-magicals who had wisely covered their ears.

"Ok Bill, you can bring it back so we can see." Xander called out.

It was a very pale Bill Weasley that carried the wooden dummy back. There was a straight whole going from front to back right between where the eyes would be on a man.

Even Lucius was looking a little pale. Others in the crowd were looking a little green whilst the muggle born were snickering at the magical born.

"Non-magicals have a version that can do the same thing over a mile. They can also destroy an entire city from the sky with the touch of a button. Can magicals do that?" Xander asked. He didn't bother letting the man answer. "Non-magicals can travel to the moon and beyond, tell me, when was the last time a magical did that?" He asked a little mockingly.

Lucius decided that silence was the better part of valour at this point and kept his pureblood gob shut.

"So, yeah. If Arthur Weasley wants to learn more about non-magicals, then maybe that's demeaning to you. The fact is that, between your attitude and his, Arthur will still be here if a war breaks out… you, on the other hand, will be lucky to have left a stain on the rug."

At this point, the non-magical born were outright laughing at Lucius. Lucius was quietly fuming, but had no counter argument. He composed himself and then smiled politely.

"I don't believe we've been introduced." He said politely offering his hand.

Xander just looked at the hand as though it was covered in shit.

"You really aren't worth my time, and I so don't see that being changed any time soon." Xander said as he turned to Harry. "Come on, I've had enough of this guy. Let's finish up and get out of here."

Lucius bristled at this snub. "I say! You would do well to show some respect and manners to your betters boy!" Lucius said in outrage as he drew his wand pointing it at Xander's back.

Xander heard the gasps from the crowd and knew things were heading down the crap hole at mach five. He teleported behind Lucius.

Lucius Malfoy was shocked to find his target gone with out a sound. He lost control of his bladder when he noticed the cold hard steel pressed against his throat.

"A very stupid and cowardly move, Malfoy." Xander snarled. "Yes, I know who you are. I know your history. If I find that you have raised a finger against my family and friends, you will meet the same fate as your master."

Xander looked to Harry. "Take them all home, Harry."

There were gasps of amazement as the Weasleys and Grangers vanished on the spot.

"Remember my warning Lucius." Xander whispered as he vanished causing the pale haired man to fall to the floor.

"Father!" Draco cried as he came running to his father's aid, only to stop short as Lucius held up a hand, halting his progress.

Lucius slowly stood and rearranged his robes. He was meticulous. He then gestured to his son to join him and they vanished with a loud crack.

Xander appeared back at the Burrow to find the others removing their coats.

"For the record: Voldie starts another war… Lucius dies first." Xander said angrily.

"You're going to kill him?" Hermione asked in horror.

"Well… yeah. It'll be war, best thing to do in war is kill the enemy before they kill you." Xander explained.

Harry took the pile of Lockhart's books over to Hermione. "Here, you can have these. Lockhart tried to give them to me for free. I think he was playing the crowd though."

Hermione squealed happily before kissing Harry on the cheek and taking the books. Harry began to blush.

"Harry, where are the first year books?" Molly asked.

"I only got the ones I don't have myself. I figured Ginny might like my copies, especially if I sign them. Maybe she can sell them one day." Harry shrugged.

At this point Ginny squealed and kissed his cheek.

Harry was left looking like he could put tomatoes out of business.

"I thought you didn't like using you fame?" Percy asked.

"I don't. I hate everybody recognizing me and using me… like Lockhart. But Xander says that if I have to be famous, I should use it to do some good. And this will make Ginny happy." Harry explained.

The night before they were due to head to Hogwarts, Harry had a very strange visit which he reported to Xander.

"So this little guy, Dobby. About the size of a goblin, big ears, big nose?" Xander asked.

Harry nodded. "He also spoke English worse than Norbert."

Xander chuckled. "Sounds like a House Elf. Didn't have them in my reality, there are a ton of them at Hogwarts, very good at staying invisible though."

"What should we do though? He says there will be danger at Hogwarts and he was very insistent that I stay away." Harry said with a little bit of worry.

"Doesn't matter where we go, Harry. Trouble will always find us. It's the nature of our lives." Xander said wistfully. "We can't keep running. The best thing we can do is stand and fight. Besides, this Dobby, said the danger is at Hogwarts, this means, if we don't go, no one will be there to deal with it."

Harry nodded in understanding. He wouldn't feel right if he let other people suffer and he could stop it.

The trip on the train to Hogwarts was a quiet affair. Harry and Hermione were both looking forward to seeing Joyce and Minerva and being back in their apartment. It had become like a second home to them.

Well, to Harry it was his first home.

They met up with Neville at the station and grabbed the last compartment for Xander. Ginny went off to find a friend of hers whilst the rest of the Weasley clan went their separate ways.

About an hour into the journey, Hermione noticed something odd.

"Why are we stopping?" She asked.

"Why does it sound like the train is getting further away?" Neville added.

"Why don't we stop asking and find out?" Harry said with a grin.

Xander was currently on patrol in the other carriages. They seemed to have the entire rear carriage to themselves.

The trio headed out of their compartment and towards the front of the carriage. When they got to the interconnecting door, they discovered something… unsettling.

"Harry… where's the rest of the train?" Neville asked nervously.

"Erm… I think that's it in the distance." Harry said pointing to the puff of smoke heading behind some hills.

"What are we going to do?" Hermione asked frantically. "We- we'll be late! What if they won't let us in because we didn't arrive with the others… what if no one ever finds us!"

"Hermione! Breathe!" Harry ordered grabbing her by the shoulders.

Neville was just chuckling at Hermione's over reacting.

"It's not funny Neville!" Hermione pouted.

"The situation? No. Your reaction? Definitely." He smirked. "Xander owns the school. Do you really think he would kick his own son out just because there was an accident with the train?"

"I suppose." Hermione groused.

"Glad to see you think so highly of me 'Mione." Xander grinned as he appeared.

Hermione just stuck her tongue out at him.

"So, not even through the school gates and you're in trouble?" Xander teased Harry.

"Not my fault!" Harry said with a grin.

"If I had to go out on a limb… I'd say, Dobby." Xander mused.

"That's all well and good, but how are we going to get to school?" Hermione asked.

"You have got to get over your obsession with school." Xander said wearily. "Besides, you are a witch, Miss Granger. Try thinking like one!"

Hermione looked suitably abashed.

"Ok, we can't just leave the carriage here. Harry, for now I want you to teleport the whole carriage to the Hogwarts grounds. Just drop it by the gates for now. We'll put it on the tracks later." Xander instructed. "Once you are there, get your gear and head into the castle and let Joyce and Minerva know the situation."

Harry just nodded.

"You really think he can move the whole carriage?" Hermione asked with a small amount of awe.

"Hermione, I think Harry could move the whole damned train." Xander grinned before he vanished.

"Could you really move the whole train?" Hermione asked Harry quietly.

Harry just shrugged. "If Xander says I can, then, probably. But knowing Xander… he probably thinks I can move the whole school." Harry grinned.

"I doubt that!" Hermione scoffed.

Harry looked hurt at that. Neville was disappointed at her too.

"Prove it." Neville challenged.

"No, Neville, he shouldn't. It could be dangerous." Hermione said, her eyes never leaving Harry.

"No, Hermione. You prove that Harry can't move the school." Neville said with a slight frown of disappointment.

"Bu-bu-bu-but I can't! I wouldn't know how!" She stammered.

"Then until you can, I suggest you stop doubting Harry and Xander. They have never lied to you or me. Personally, I was insulted by what you said." Neville said with just a hint of anger.


"Just think about what you said, and then come back. For now, maybe you should take us home Harry." Neville said firmly.

Harry just sighed. He was… not pleased, but grateful for Neville sticking up for him. But it would cause tension, even though it was not Neville's fault.

Harry didn't move and the only sign that he had done something was the change of scenery beyond the windows.

"Maybe you could go and let Joyce or Professor McGonagall know what happened. Harry and I will take our stuff to your apartment." Neville suggested.

It was a suggestion that Hermione recognized as one she should follow. She silently vanished from the carriage, leaving the two boys alone.

"You ok Harry?" Neville asked quietly.

Harry was standing with his back to Neville, his head down. But Neville noticed the wet splashes on the floor.

Harry was crying silently.

"I thought having friends was supposed to be fun. I thought they were supposed to care about you." Harry said with a sniff. Neither boy moved though.

Neville, being a pureblood and raised alone by his grandmother, had experienced his first friends at Hogwarts. He understood what Harry meant. Hermione would have had some friends or acquaintances at her muggle primary schools. She would have had some experience. But Neville and Harry had been denied that for different reasons.

Neville was thinking very hard. He needed help and he hoped the person he was focusing on would hear his silent pleas for help. He simply had no help for Harry.

"Very good Neville." Came a voice that was pure relief for Neville. Joyce had heard him.

Joyce looked at the hunched and now shaking shoulders of the young boy who was her son. "Come here Harry." She said as she turned him into her and seamlessly transported the three of them to the apartment living room.

She sat with Harry on the sofa, as Neville took one of the armchairs.

"Everyone has disagreements. You will disagree and argue with me, Xander and Minerva. I will disagree with Xander, Minerva, you. It's because we all have different opinions, different views on life.

"Minerva is dealing with Hermione. She's very upset but she knows she hurt you."

"Hermione's upset?" Harry said anxiously as he rose to try and go to her.

"Easy Harry, Minerva is with her and we are going to talk about you. And maybe this will help Neville too." Joyce assured him.

"Hermione has a tendency to question everything and only believe what the books tell her. She also tends to take things very literally. She doesn't always get that we are joking when we suggest things.

"Neville was right to call and correct her on what she said. It's the only way she will learn. If she doesn't, then she will be something of an outcast when she gets older.

"The important thing to remember, is that she still loves you both. She is still your best friend, even if she does hurt you at times by not being considerate."

Joyce gestured Neville over and pulled both boys into a hug. "Friendship is very important. Xander can tell you a lot about that. There were several times when he screwed up, there were times when his friends screwed up and basically betrayed him. Xander even threatened to kill one of his friends because they endangered his other friends. But at the end of it, they all came out as friends. They forgave each other or moved on."

Harry cried some more, eventually falling asleep in Joyce's arms. Leaving just Neville and herself. She teleported Harry to bed and turned to Neville.

"You ok Nev?" She asked kindly.

"I'll be better when Harry is and Hermione makes it right." Neville said wiping his eyes. It had been a stressful hour or so. "I had better go and get our stuff. Did Hermione tell you about the carriage?"

"She did, I was with Minerva at the time." She said with a smile. "You go and do that, I'll go and check in with Minerva and Hermione." She said giving him one last hug before vanishing.

Neville decided to deal with his own luggage first. He wanted to give Harry some time, and he needed some as well. Instead of taking Harry and Hermione's luggage to their rooms, he decided to try something new. Xander was always breaking known magical rules, so he figured he would give it a shot.

Instead of focusing his magic on himself and the items, he focused it solely on the items and watched as they vanished. He had heard how Joyce had sent Dumbledore out of the school, so it was clearly possible, plus Harry had sent Draco and his sidekicks away. He popped after them to make sure they had arrived and then headed off to find Professor Sprout. He wanted to see if he could get into the greenhouses.

Being unable to find the professor, Neville found Professor McGonagall and got permission to join Xander on the train and let him know how things went. Xander was upset about the conflict and sadness, but was exceptionally proud of Neville's breakthroughs.

When they arrived back at the castle, Neville teleported back to the apartment to find Harry and Hermione and make sure they were ok and get them down to the feast.

He found the pair of them snuggled up together on the living room couch snoozing.

When Neville gently woke the pair, they engaged in a mass of apologies and blushing at being found together. Neville found it… amusing. He couldn't wait to tell Xander.

Hermione also apologized to Neville for her behaviour. He accepted it with a smile and a hug and all was forgiven.

The sorting was quickly dealt with. Ginny Weasley was the only student that had the groups attention as Bill and Arthur had asked them to keep an eye on her. Understandable, all things considered. But she seemed happy enough to mix with her own peers.

The staff table was about ready to erupt in violence. Gilderoy Lockhart was currently trying to regale both Joyce and Nicholas Flamel with his stories of daring do. Joyce was getting more and more irritated as the man seemed to be an incessant flirt… and kept touching her!

Nicholas looked like he wanted to rip out his own heart to end his suffering. He settled for glaring at Albus for appointing the ponce.

After the feast and when everyone was heading for bed, Harry and Hermione headed back to the apartment. They had only been back a few minutes, Xander was having a 'Joyce Summers Hot Chocolate' with his favourite ladies and son and someone was knocking on the door.

"Neville… why are you knocking?" Joyce asked curiously.

"Sorry Joyce, but someone has taken all my things… and my bed." He said bewilderedly.

Joyce had a guilty look on her face. "Nobody told you? I guess I must have forgotten."

"Am I being expelled?" Neville asked worriedly.

"No!" Joyce exclaimed. She then continued softly with a smile. "Neville, you have a room here. It seemed wrong to keep you away from your friends." She said as she led the stunned young man to a newly formed door. "Xander and I discussed this and we want you to stay here, closer to Harry and Hermione during the school year."

There was an impromptu celebration held by the three children, but food was avoided as the feast was just about all they could manage.