
Do you ever just want to...

"Do you ever just want to..." Is a series of stories about Isaac, how he deals with life, and where will life take him in his last years on earth

Ezero · Thành thị
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"Do you ever just want to disappear? I don't mean just vanish or evaporate, I mean just pack a bag and leave, never look behind, and live life just the way you want to."

Said a man in his 60s to no one in particular, he was home alone, his grandchildren left for work some time ago and he was left by himself. He was looking at the fire, not because he particulars liked to, nor because it was the only thing to do, he just felt captivated by it, it could move any way the wind carried it, and it wouldn't hesitate to burn down the house if left unattended.

The old man admired that about it, and it gave him some sense of freedom too.

"I don't hate my life here, everyone is kind to me, the house is very big but it's also comfortable I don't need to worry about anything in the world, but the human mind is sneakier than a fox, and it will bear its fangs into your soul deeper than any wolf. Mine just keeps going on and on about leaving this place, I hate it here, the house is big but it's empty, I'm sure everyone secretly hates me because I'm old...." The man was silent for a couple of seconds, rethinking his next word over and over, but he continued: "That's it... I'm leaving."

He seemed unsure of his words but still decided to rise from the couch that held him down and walked to the stairs where he knew a bag was held. He took it and went to his room, parking as much clothing as he could.

He looked angry, then he bit his lip.

'If only she was here, she would have stopped me.' He sighed.

*But she isn't, she's dead Isaac.* A devil-like voice spoke.

•Dont you think he knows, you don't have to remind him every time he does something stupid• A softer but slightly angry voice confronted him.

*Don't tell me what to fucking do, you're too soft on him, you couldn't even. Convince him not to eat that rat when you told me to let you do the talking*

•Sigh... If only the others were here...•

The two voices kept arguing with no regard for Isaac, he wasn't fazed by them though, he lived with them his entire life, most other voices would just come and go. Isaac decided to ignore them both and put his backpack and some warm clothes on. He then took his best winter boots and opened the door only to see white overwhelm his vision, but without delay, he stepped outside and continued walking, not stopping for even a second to look back.