
Permora (1)

Six months later

The trio learned a lot from Lance and Bjorn in the last six months. Bjorn taught them possible ways to use their abilities and how to use natural energy to strengthen their bodies and weapons. All of Bjorn's lessons were tested out on Lance at the end of the day. This was how Will and co had lived most of the past six months and today happened to be their last training day as they were leaving for Permora in a week and Bjorn told them they could rest if Lance was satisfied with their performance. The trio was facing off with Lance for what could be the last time. "Now listen up, " Lance said, "as long as you can land three hits, I'll let you off for the week if not I'm sure you can imagine what will happen next". "Don't worry, Will said confidently," we'll hit you three times". Lance just smiled and said "Begin." Guys, Aliah shouted, "Go wild I'll deal with aggro. She began to float with her eyes glowing blue and her hair moving in the air, logs, and rocks started to fly out towards Lance who began moving at superhuman speed to avoid everything. Will and Connor took the chance to jump out from behind and in front of Lance to punch him. Seeing this Lance only smiled and appeared on a tree branch above them. The boys moved their bodies with great control to dodge and prevent themselves from crashing into each other. Lance smirks as he remembers how the boys crashed into each other the first time he did this, but he had no time to reminisce as Aliah starts to direct more rubble toward him. He jumped to avoid it but Connor came from above with his fist covered in flames Aliah and Will held their hands out stopping him in mid-air and allowing Connor's fist to make contact. Lance twisted his body the moment he regained control of his body so the punch only hits his shoulder but injures him nonetheless. Lance's body flickered and appeared a few meters away and he said, "One". Lightning started to appear around Will and flaming wings sprouted from Connor's back, the two boys started to exchange tens of punches with Lance after separating one would notice another hole in Lance's shirt and Will said "Two". The boys lunged at Lance, and they fought for a while exchanging hundreds of punches in seconds, when suddenly Aliah created a hole in the ground which Lance fell through. Will quickly reacted and sent his fist flying toward Lance's face but he seemed to hit a hologram that disappeared when his fist went through it. Lance appeared a few meters away and said "You forced me to use my ability, I will count it as a loss. You can have next week off". The trio happily ran off back to their rooms after hearing this, leaving Lance by himself in the clearing. A woman in all black covering even her face appeared right beside him saying, "You could easily have taken care of them". "I know", Lance answered, "but they have truly improved so logically they deserve the rest". The two started walking deeper into the forest and soon they arrived in front of a giant-looking elephant, the moment it set eyes on them it rushed towards them intending to kill them. Lance boldly took a step forward and stretched out his hand, the elephant seemed to take this as a provocation as it huffed and covered itself in rampant natural energy. "I'm sorry, Lance softly said, but a beast of your strength is too close to the city to be left alone". The beast collided with his hand and started to crumble into dust, after it completely disintegrated, Lance coughed up a mouthful of blood and slumped to the ground. The woman with him held him and gave him a liquid to drink." Young master", she said, "you know you can't be doing this with your curse and all. [NOTE: A curse is a situation where one's ability comes with a major drawback. For example, Lance can turn anything to dust with a touch but he gets an injury based on the strength of what he disintegrated]. After saying this, she carried him and disappeared.

Meanwhile in the trio's room.

"Hey guys, Will said, you know when we get to Permora, we probably won't be seeing each other much right? "Yeah, Aliah answered, we probably won't but that will never change our relationship. "Of course, Will affirmed. They lay in silence for a while then Connor abruptly said, "Alright will you stop all this sappy nonsense, we are going to the most prestigious warrior academy of humans together and coming out together, why are you guys making this sad? You know what, let's promise each other that no matter what happens our relationship will stay the same, agreed? Will and Aliah both said, "Agreed". "Good now let's sleep, it's our only week of freedom for the past six months", Connor continued, "Let's not spend it thinking about what may or may not happen". After having this conversation, they all slept with the house being completely quiet with no one noticing Lance's return.

A week passed quickly and soon Will and co were with Bjorn on the back of a giant bird creature towards Permora Academy. "Now listen kids", Bjorn said," soon you'll begin the path of warriors where life is uncertain, death looms over your heads and strength decides right and wrong". "I'll tell you that some people are insanely strong at your age and this is your chance to close the gap between you and them". "It will definitely not be easy but then again nothing in this world is, you'll learn more about your abilities there and find people with similar or even the same abilities, they will be your biggest rivals as no one wants two of one thing so the better one is always prioritized, it's unfair but then again that's life". Bjorn continued lecturing them for basically the whole trip, they'd almost fallen asleep when he grabbed their attention by saying," So now let me tell you about power levels and the top powers of the earth".

NOTE 2: Shout out to my friends T-Warrior, IzzyArt, and all of you who convinced me and gave me the confidence to post my first story after two years of speculation and self-doubt.