
Divine Trampling Monarch

In a world where cultivation reigns and ancient secrets slumber, Li Tianyang emerges as a prodigious cultivator. Blessed with unparalleled talent and an unyielding spirit, he becomes the coveted target of those pursuing a hidden divine skill capable of granting godhood. Descended from a revered lineage, Li Tianyang's exceptional aptitude propels him through the ranks, garnering admiration and envy alike. However, the enigmatic Divine Harmony Sect sets their sights on him, believing he holds the key to unlocking the elusive forbidden skill- "Soulfire Sundering Incantation". As Li Tianyang evades capture, he delves into the esoteric realm of cultivation, unearthing ancient scriptures, encountering powerful relics, and clashing with formidable foes. With each step, his mastery and understanding of the divine arts grow, guiding him towards his own path to godhood. The pursuit escalates, leading to an epic confrontation between Li Tianyang and the Divine Harmony Sect's enigmatic leader, Grandmaster Feng. In this climactic battle, Li Tianyang must unleash his boundless strength and wisdom, for the fate of the divine skill and the balance of power.

Otherworldly_Sage · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

"Whispers of the Eclipse: Unveiling the Divine Plot"

In the remote and desolate landscape, under a sky shrouded in mystery, Li Tainyang found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Twelve enigmatic figures, once distant and hidden, were now revealed in all their intricate detail. His initial shock was evident, etched across his face, but beneath the surface, a simmering frustration brewed. It was the kind of frustration that stems from the never ending appearance of his enemies.

"Cheh," he muttered, his words emerging as a whisper of disdain, a stark contrast to the turmoil within. "To think I would be brought to this state by you all," he continued, his voice trembling with a blend of resentment. His gaze shifted from the elders to the fallen bodies that littered the barren ground—a testament to the fierce battle that had taken place.

In response, the elders responded with a condescending "tsk tsk," their eyes gleaming with malice. It was a wicked satisfaction that danced in their eyes as they reveled in the young man's realization. 

The elder's lips curled with a sinister satisfaction as he looked towards the divine trampling monarch. "Ah, you finally realized it," he hissed, his voice dripping with malevolence. "But there's something more you should know, heaven-trampling monarch."

The divine monarch's brows furrowed, and he met the elder's gaze with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "What are you talking about?"

With a sinister chuckle, the elder revealed the cruel truth. "All you've fought, all the bloodshed and sacrifices, were nothing but our clones and worthless disciples," he taunted, his voice laced with mockery. "You were led to believe you were on a path of victory and blinded slaughter, but it was all a farce."

The divine trampling monarch's face paled, and a sense of deep realization and disbelief gnawed at his soul. The world around them seemed to blur as he grappled with the enormity of the fury.

The elder leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with malice. "Your true adversary still lurks in the shadows, waiting to reveal himself when you're at your most vulnerable."

Li Tainyang , who heard this words was stunned by this revelation. With a mix of frustration and anger, the young man's fists clenched, his muscles tensing with pent-up emotion. He couldn't help but challenge their statement. 

"Blame it on being too strong, beyond our control," an elder remarked, their tone a deceitful concession. As he pointed toward the heaven-trampling emperor, an unsettling sense of tension hung heavy in the air.

The young man took a deep breath, his voice laced with bitterness. "Your divine harmony sect, which your high elder created, has you as its protector and sect master," he retorted, his words filled with a sense of anger. "But that ends today."

The elder's once serene countenance darkened with intent as he raised his hands in a deliberate and practiced manner, initiating a mesmerizing sequence of movements that conveyed both power and precision. The air around him crackled with latent energy, and his every gesture seemed imbued with ancient wisdom.

The atmosphere became charged with anticipation as the elder continued his intricate performance. Each fluid motion seemed to resonate with a profound understanding of the arcane. His fingers painted ethereal symbols in the air, a script of power that hung briefly before dissolving into shimmering motes of light.

And then, it happened.

As the final seal was woven into existence, a brilliant, otherworldly glow emanated from the elder's outstretched hands, casting a haunting and eerie radiance across his features. The illumination danced across his eyes, revealing a deep well of knowledge and mastery.

The seal itself emerged, hovering just behind the elder, suspended in mid-air like an artifact from the heavens. Its design was a work of intricate beauty, reminiscent of ancient hieroglyphics etched in silver, pulsating with an ominous, otherworldly hue. Every line and curve of the seal possessed a story of its own, a tale of battles waged and victories won.

This was the "Devil Banishing Seal," a name whispered in fearful reverence across the realms. As its power radiated, the palpable sense of foreboding grew stronger, saturating the air with an oppressive weight.

In that moment, the elder embodied the essence of a master, his every movement an ode to the ancient art he had so expertly harnessed. His eyes shone with an unearthly light, reflecting the culmination of wisdom, strength, and an unshakable resolve to vanquish the Divine trampling emperor that threatened the high elder.

With the "Devil Banishing Seal" in place, a resonating hum emanated from its ethereal script, echoing through the very fabric of reality. The elder was ready, prepared to harness this ancient and formidable power 

"Come!" the elder exclaimed with sinister determination. "Let's take down this demon!"

The divine emperor, who had observed the elder's transformation until this point, suddenly curled his lips into a wicked smirk. "To think it's the seventh elder's famed Devil Banishing Seal ", he mused, his voice dripping with sardonic amusement.

"I, the Divine Trampling Emperor, to be chased to this state by you bunch," he declared, his words echoing with defiance and a touch of irony. "How amusing will the other sects find this matter? For you all to do this, you must have a powerful backer, for you lot lack the guts, even if you had a thousand lives."

The young man couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice as he retaliated, "Let me guess. The high elder of your sect plotted all of this, didn't he? Hahaha, how pathetic does he think he will obtain the soulfire sundering incantation by killing me? Or is he afraid I'll catch up to him? How thoughtful of him..."

"The "Soulfire Sundering Incantation" is a profound and enigmatic divine skill, often shrouded in mystery and revered as one of the most potent and esoteric abilities in the realm. Its essence lies in the manipulation of the soul's fundamental energy, known as soulfire, to achieve various extraordinary effects. "Soulfire Sundering Incantation" delves deep into the essence of the soul, tapping into the spiritual energy that resides within every living being. This soulfire is believed to be the very essence of one's life force, the source of their vitality, consciousness, and inner power."

" When mastered, this divine skill allows the practitioner to transcend the limitations of the physical world. It grants them the power to manipulate soulfire, enabling feats that are beyond the scope of ordinary human capabilities. This includes enhancing one's physical strength, speed, and resilience, as well as performing supernatural abilities."

" One of the remarkable attributes of this skill I found out while studying it is the ability to ward off soul-based attacks. The user can fortify their own soul, making it resilient to intrusion, manipulation, or harm by external forces seeking to tamper with their spiritual essence."

" But the use of this divine skill raises ethical questions and moral dilemmas, as the manipulation of soulfire can border on tampering with the essence of life itself. It is often considered a double-edged sword, and the user must grapple with the consequences of wielding such power."

"In essence, the "Soulfire Sundering Incantation" is a divine skill that grants its master control over the essence of life, enabling them to perform extraordinary feats and transcend the boundaries of the mortal realm. However, with this power comes great responsibility and ethical considerations, as its mastery may have profound consequences for the practitioner and the world around them."

As his voice grew more solemn, the divine emperor continued, "Therefore what the high elder feared was my mastery of the soulfire sundering incantation and that day was fast approaching"

"And now, let me make my mark in the Nine Heavens, one which even the later generations will remember. They will tremble in fear when they hear my great name, Li Tianyang!"

As the divine emperor's voice resonated through the desolate realm, it bore the weight of both time and space, echoing with the profound force that would shape destinies. With an aura of undaunted resolve, he unleashed his skill, one that harnessed the very essence of time, space, and life.

"As for your good-for-nothing high elder," his words reverberated with an otherworldly intensity, "he's nothing but a titular." It was as if the fabric of reality itself bent and quivered under the weight of his utterance. The very air seemed to ripple with the power that swirled around him, the threads of destiny weaving together with each syllable.

The elder's heart sank as he realized the enormity of what had been set in motion. The divine emperor had tapped into forces that transcended the mortal realm, and the repercussions would be felt not just in the present, but across the vast tapestry of time, space, and life itself.

In the shroud of the moonlit night, the very fabric of the heavens quivered in response to the unfolding drama below. What was once a tranquil and starry expanse darkened ominously, as if the cosmos itself recoiled from the malevolence that seeped into this realm.

The winds, no longer mere whispers but wailing spirits, howled through the desolation with a mournful, haunting cadence. They carried with them a weight of dread, echoing the turmoil that raged within the young man's heart. It was as if the very air itself grieved for the treacherous turn of events.

The moon, typically a silvery sentinel in the night, was now a harbinger of foreboding. Its pale light, tainted by an otherworldly presence, cast an eerie crimson hue upon the barren landscape. This was no longer the gentle glow of hope and life, but a sinister omen that permeated every shadow and whispered secrets of impending doom.

The desolate terrain, once teeming with the whispers of life, lay shrouded in an unsettling silence. The very ground seemed to tremble in trepidation, as if nature itself recoiled from the unfolding catastrophe. All signs of vitality had withered in the face of this malevolent spectacle, leaving behind a chilling void that devoured all hope and cast an oppressive pall over the night. 

The world stood still, a tableau of fear and uncertainty. The stage was set for a reckoning that transcended mortal understanding—a confrontation where the boundaries between light and darkness blurred, and the very universe itself bore witness to the sinister machinations of fate.

Is the monarch a chess piece?

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