

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs


At an area not too far away from the Military Special Hospital located in the Monster Slaying Regiment HQ, a group of teenage soldiers could be seen along with a middle aged man in what seems to be a railway station.

Among the group of teenage soldiers, a smaller group were entirely made out of females were the other were mixed gender. The mixed group are none other than the Monster Slayers while the group that was entirely made out of females are none other than the Hope Harbingers.

"How long will it take for the train to get here?"George suddenly asked the middle aged man respectfully.

"5 minutes" The middle aged man suddenly blurted out in a very flat tone.

"Ok sir" George answered before he became quiet.

'I just hope we won't be grouped up together when doing missions' Pearce thought as he secretly glanced at Diana who stood at the distance along with her group.

But unfortunately, as soon as he glanced at Diana, his gaze instantly locked with Diana's own which she used to look back at him.

'i can already see the hardships i will face along the journey' Pearce thought as he awkwardly moved his gaze away.

"It has arrived!" Robert suddenly exclaimed as he looked at the train that was coming towards them from the distance with shocking speed.

After a while later, the train finally stopped in front of the group as the doors automatically opened.

"You all can now go in" The middle aged man suddenly spoke with the same flat tone.

"Ok sir" Pearce said as he unhurriedly went into the the train along with his group members. Right after they got into the train, Diana and her group followed suite.

"Quickly get a seat and begin to meditate. We have to get stronger to slay stronger monsters" Pearce said as he sat at a seat next to the window at the back.

"Yes Captain!" Everyone in the Monster Slayers group said before they began to take seats before meditating.

"You all do what he says" Diana calmly said to her group before walking towards a certain boy that was seated at the back row.

"Is there anything you need?" Robert asked after seeing Diana in front of him with a curious look on his face.

"Go get another seat. I would like to speak to him" Diana said as she pointed at Pearce who sat right next to Robert as he was in a meditative state.

"But he is currently meditating" Robert replied as he knitted his brows. But Diana didn't seem to care as she said lied.

"It's important"

After pondering about it for a few minutes, Robert finally replied albeit unwillingly…

"Ok then"

And so, Robert got off the seat and went to seat in another while Diana calmly sat down at the seat Robert got off from.

'Just a bit more and I will reach the halfway mark in the peak phase' Pearce thought as he circulated the qi in his meridians. While he those so, he could feel his body, mind and spirit slowly merging into one.

"Have you decided?"

Suddenly, Pearce unconciously heard a question that immediately stopped him from meditating.

'Damn it. Why now?' Pearce cursed internally as he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the veiled girl beside him.

But when he did that, he instantly met with Diana's gaze that was also looking at him.

"Look I still need more time. Besides, I don't even know you well" Pearce said as he awkwardly moved his gaze away from Diana's own.

"Just accept and you will naturally know everything about me" Diana suddenly said calmly. When Pearce heard what she said, he immediately became speechless as he thought.

'Who does that?'

"Am sorry but in one of my families tradition, I can't get engaged with someone unless I am very familiar with the person" Pearce lied as he suddenly became bitter.

When Diana heard what Pearce said, she suddenly fell deep in thoughts. But not long after, she finally said albeit unwilling

"Since it's like that then can we start off as being friends?"

"That can be possible" Pearce suddenly said with his eyes lit up as he thought..

'Finally! A chance'

"Then let's start off by introducing ourselves" Diana said before she stretched out her hands while saying…

"Am Herald Diana"

"Kyler Pearce"Pearce calmly said as he shaked Diana before he began to meditate.

'Why do I keep having this familiar feeling when hearing that name?' Diana thought as she retracted the hand she used to shake Pearce.

'Looks like I will ask him later when I get the chance' Diana finally concluded after seeing that Pearce has already began to meditate.

But not long after, a low bang suddenly came out from Pearce which startled Diana. After that, Pearce calmly opened his eyes with a smirk on his face as he thought.

'i have finally reach the midway mark of the peak phase 1st stage in the Spirit Fusion Rank'

«Kid, your growth is really astonishing» Pearce's replica suddenly said with a surprised look on his face.

«Well is all thanks to you» Pearce replied with a light smile on his face.

«Huh? How?» His replica suddenly asked with a confused expression on his ethereal face.

«This my growth speed might not be possible if not for the bottle of pills you gave me two days ago» Pearce explained with a light smile still on his face.

«But that was just some grade two spirit merging pills that doesn't even have a 60% purity» His replica replied with an incredulous expression on his face.

What Pearce and his replica were talking about happened two days ago at the night. What happened was Pearce was really eager to improve in his strength which made his replica suggested in him making a grade two spirit meging pills that was used to increase the growth speed of Spirit Fusion Rank practitioners which Pearce eagerly agreed.

And so, His replica quickly took over the body and quickly made two dozens of the spirit merging pills that exactly has a 61% purity.

«Actually there is something I haven't told you for a long time now. Since when I became a practitioner back at the Children Encampment Centre till now, I haven't taken in any pill» Pearce said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

«What!? I don't believe you!» His replica hurriedly said with a disbelieving look on his face.

«But am really saying the truth» Pearce hurriedly said with a truthful look on his face.

«You have got to be kidding me…» His replica thought with a disbelieving look still on his face. After remembering when he newly got into the mind of Pearce and finding out he was at the peak phase of the 3rd stage in the Body Tempering Rank, he suddenly thought of a word..


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