

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs


"Here we are" Louis said as he stood in front of a small building with Pearce beside him. This building was completely colored in white along with the others which made the full neighborhood kind of have an eerie feeling.

"Is this where I will be staying?" Pearce asked with a curious expression on his face. But his expression immediately changed as his eyes brightened up when he heard what Louis said…


'i finally get to have my own house' Pearce thought as he prepared to dash into the white colored small building. But he immediately calmed down when he noticed that Louis hasn't finished what he was saying…

"But you will change house when you advance in the Military Ranks"

"Huh? What do you mean?"Pearce asked with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Compared to the branches in the other countries, the HQ does the accomodations in a unique way. They give the soldiers accomodations that are worthy for their ranks. For example, right now this building is worthy for your soldier rank. But when you advance to the Lieutenant Rank, you will be given a house much more better than this" Louis calmly explained.

When Pearce heard the explanation Louis gave him, he eyes brighten as his breathing became hurried. As soon as Louis saw this, he suddenly had a bad feeling as he hurriedly brought out a set of clothes and hurriedly said.

"Here are the keys for the apartment and your clothes for the Soldier Rank. And also, someone will come to pick you up in a weeks time for the Soldier Rankers Conference Meeting"

But Pearce didn't seem to care as right when he took the keys and set of clothes, he quickly dashed into the building while also thanking Louis.

'Kids' Louis thought while shaking his head with a light smile on his face before he surprisenly vanished from that area.

When Pearce finally got into the apartment, he could see a few couches that surrounded a mini table, a deck that seems to divide the room Pearce is currently in as where Pearce us seems to be the living room while at the other side of the deck seems to be a kitchen and a door that was right next to the kitchen.

'That must be the room' Pearce thought as he quickly went towards the only door inside the house.

When he opened the door and got in, he saw only a well arranged single bed, a wooden table and a chair right next to the bed, a window where the sunlight was coming from and another door at the other end of the room.

'That must be the bathroom' Pearce thought but this time he didn't get into the bathroom. Instead, he gently climbed the bed as he asked the replica inside him.

«So what do you wanna ask me earlier?»

When Pearce was being leaded by Louis towards the apartment he is going to be staying in, his replica was asking him some questions but he simply ignored them since he was currently talking to Louis and a few people they met on the way.

‹I really feel like strangling this boy to death› The replica thought but he still calmed down and asked for the second time today.

«Do you know who your grandpa is?»

«Umm… I haven't even seen him before» Pearce said with a awkward smile on his handsome face.

«What!?» The replica exclaimed with a shocked expression on his ethereal face.

«Ever since when my family was slaughtered, I have been living by myself. Although I do get things for my daily living from a hooded man that kept saying the items were from my grandpa, I haven't even seen the hooded man face once not even to talk of my grandpa's» Pearce said with a sad look on his face.

«Then how did you get to know your grandpa middle name even when you haven't even seen him before?» The replica suddenly asked with a confused expression on his face.

«Well although I haven't seen him before. My dad used tell me everything I need to know about my grandpa. But he refused to tell me where he currently was» Pearce currently said with a helpless expression on his face.

‹Seems like that old man has a few secrets› The replica thought as his ethereal eyes suddenly flashed. But he quickly came back to his senses and said.

«Well, since you don't know who he is, it can't be helped. But what can be helped is for you to get a change of clothes»

The clothes Pearce is currently wearing is a plain white clothes that was given to him from the hospital.

«Sure, I know that» Pearce said before he dashed into the bathroom.

'Oh? Isn't this the same bathroom I used on the first day I joined the Monster Slaying Regiment?' Pearce thought as he stared at the single pod that was at the center of the bathroom

«The HQ are pretty advanced huh?» The replica said with a surprised look on his face.

«Of cause they should be, aren't they the HQ?» Pearce said in obvious tone and a straight expression on his face.

«Your right… haha» The replica said as he laughed embarrassingly.

After getting washed up and wore one the clothes from the set of clothes Louis gave him earlier that was colored in light green, Pearce now asked.

«Now that am now freshen up, what next?»

«Hmm. Since we have a week's time before that Soldier meeting, let's just use it to quickly advance to the Spirit Fusion Rank» The replica said after pondering for some time.

«And how are we going to do that? You know that it's not that easy to just skip three whole levels and advance to the next Power Rank» Pearce rolled his eyes and he said skeptically.

«Have you forgotten about the stocks of medicinal herbs we bought the day before the First mission Test day?» The replica asked with a mysterious smirk on his face

«Wait… Was this why you bought those stocks of medicinal herbs?»Pearce asked with a surprised expression on his face.

Right before the day for the Test, Pearce and his replica went to the Herbal Hall at the branch in Country A to buy stocks of medicinal herbs with the remaining Battle Points they have.

«Well most of them are. But a few are for something else» The replica said with a mysterious smirk still on his face.

«A few?» Pearce suddenly asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

«Just let me take over the body and you will see» The replica said with a light smile in his face.


Am now recovering but my doc says I should take it easy for a few more days and I like my life so it will still be a chapter, a day for the next few days

DaoistL8MLSccreators' thoughts