
Divine Seer

Alex, an average web novel author, was writing his book in the middle of the night. After intense three-hour writing sessions, he decided to proofread the content. "Trash!" he yelled in frustration and scrapped all of the chapters. "I'll try again tomorrow; it's not like the reader's gonna kill me." With that, he closed his eyes only to open them in a foreign world. Before he could learn anything more about it, he was pulled back to his original one. "What the hell? Was that a dream or inspiration?" Suddenly, he again entered a foreign body, only to realize his soul was swapping bodies with his transmigrated self. This sequence repeated itself again and again, each time revealing some shocking things. And then, the swapping stopped, trapping Alex in a foreign body amid a world that is the same as Earth but with added twists like ghosts, evolving creatures, and the supernatural. Of course, the most important thing is superpowers; yes, he can gain them by performing a simple ritual. But there was one tiny bit of a problem. "Everything has a price." "If you want fantastic abilities,” "Tell me, Alex," "What are you willing to sacrifice?” ___________________ A/N: Starting chapters might feel challenging to read, as they lean more towards mysteries, or in simpler terms, a lack of information. However, I promise that if you can get past it and read, it will improve, and it will continue to get better and better with each chapter. ______________________ Tags: - Weak to Strong - Dark - Superpower - Ghost and Spirit - Monster - Campus - R18 - Gore ____________________________

Uncle_Moon · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
97 Chs


The highway was a ghost town, with hardly any cars zipping by.

A car was hovering a meter above the ground, suspended in space, as if someone had grabbed it by hand. Not only was the car hovering, but the surrounding debris seemed to be frozen in time scattered around across the pavement, With bits of shattered glass and metal glinting in the faint sunlight.

The surroundings continued to function as normal; a police car was parked nearby, its flashing lights sending a red and blue glare across the deserted highway.

An adult named Dev stood beneath the hovering car, wearing a white shirt, black pants, and black goggles covering his eyes. His white hair flowed in the wind, and his pale fair skin glowed under the dim sunlight.

Dev had just come out from the house to fulfill his late-night cravings, as he usually did. While gulping down his favorite sweet with a bottle of soda, suddenly he sensed an accident happening nearby.

He might not have cared much about it, but just as he taught his students to always do what they want and what needs to be done, he can't neglect his duty. So, here he is.

With broad shoulders and a confident demeanor, Dev held a soda can, taking a sip after gulping down every drop.

A nonchalant expression adore Dev fave as he took a step, initiating an ascend, he lifted up his feet and start walking up toward the hovering car.

His hands in pockets, Dev seemed suspended in the air. It was as if he had been lifted on an invisible staircase or an unseen platform or may be the air was helping him afraid to go againts his will..

Dev climbed up to the door

Upon reaching the windows, he effortlessly grabbed the car door. With a casual grip, the car door came flying off, propelling back toward the police car with such forceful strength that the vehicle might have crushed under the weight.

Instead of a collision, the car door suspended in the air, generating an airwave, and then calmly settled down on the ground like any normal car door would do.

Dev said to two teenage boys in the front and two at the back.

"Ah, that's why I hate teenagers and children—so dumb SOoo- stupid."

"Oh, wait, you are even more pitiful than I thought. You could've died from a senseless car accident; you do realize that, don't you?"

Amidst the barrage of questioning,Dev gaze fell on a teenage boy with golden eyes seated silently in the back seat, identified as Raser/Alex. For a moment, he stopped, as if discovering something amusing. Deciding to keep the revelation to himself, he proceeded.

In the next flash, everything blanked out Raser and the Dev both disappeared,

The car slowly descended to the ground. Thud...

Just meters away from the accident site, the enigmatic figure Dev and Alex reappeared.

Both standing a meter apart, a handful of distance away.

Gulp... Alex gulped his own saliva.

The sudden experience of the supernatural, or to say, the extraordinary, was a little difficult to digest for Alex.

But the real issue was not that; it was the gaze behind these black glasses. Despite being hidden, the eyes seemed to penetrate every fiber of his being, the gaze piercing his soul his mind as if he it's an open book.

No, not an open book, a cliché, repetitive plot of movies—easily predictable, effortlessly thinkable.

"Explain yourself!" Dev's commanding voice carried authority echoed pressuring Alex to answer.

Alex's legs felt weak, feeble; they barely had any strength, Almost like overcooked spaghetti noodles


"Are you possessing this body, or is it the result of a crippled transfer ritual?"

As Dev's commanding voice pierced the air, a chill ran down Alex's spine.

The weight of the question—those words permeated Alex's ears, they reached the depth of his existence. He understood everything what The person in front of him mean..

_He knows. He knows about me, about me-Alex who is occupying Raser's body. He also know... it's because of a ritual._

*Crack.* A bone in his leg broke—or at least, Alex felt like it did. He understood it as a warning to explain himself or accept his doom.

"I-i-i don't know who am I."

"I don't know much about this world, this reality. I have foreign memories, or maybe-maybe I am just a mentally sick lad."

"I don't know what you are talking about, what is this cripple ritual? What is possession?"

"But if I were to guess, it might be a spirit taking control of another body. Maybe it's true. I'll just tell you what I know."

At this point, every fiber, muscle in Alex's body, his soul itself, screamed at him to be honest, to be a law-abiding citizen, a good little lad, and explain himself in detail.

He began narrating his story, how all of this started, what he had been through—the ritual, the sacrifice, the chaos—every tiny things in detail.

Even the spirit, ghost in the home banging at his door. All things were explained by him. The only thing he didn't disclose was his previous life.

With each word and sentence escaping from his mouth, the pressure on his body decreased. When he finished, the person in front of him nodded his head and said.

"Interesting." Dev vanished and appeared beside his friend. Impact,Ricky and Benzo who stood there calmly,started to talk with Dev like they had meet thier idle or a celebrity..

Alex stood in his place, witnessing the ongoing conversation between 'his friend's and Dev.

Despite the fear he felt, there was an undeniable aura of authority and indifference about the person before him.

Strangely, underneath that intimidating exterior, there was a hint of a guardian-like demeanor in his actions.

Regardless... A lot of things had happened in just a short expanse of time.

The most important and the most serious thing — his secret about being a transmigrator — is exposed.
