
One Day Before

"Hey, hey, look! He's that guy!"

"It's him!"


Varian maintained the cold expresssion on his face as he reached for his next opponent.

The competition was going to begin tomorrow. So far, he defeated the 41st, 30th, 25th, 20th, 15th, 10th and 6th rankers.

Still, the people believing he could win against Prince Robert were a minority.

The top 5 were the untouchable were in another range of power compared to even the 6th ranker. It's a steep change.

These were the guys who already hit the limit of mid rank 7. They're dealing with the bottlenecks and as long as that's solved, they'd reach the next subrank.

By creating more hype around his natal treaure, Varian managed to raise not too many doubts when his strength stepped into the mid rank 7 and continued to rise.