
Divine Age: I, the Supreme Undead Overlord, Command Trillions!

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- "Divine Age," a game where everyone can become a Lord, commanding armies to conquer the world. When this game descended upon Earth, humanity thought they could harness the divine powers it offered... But unexpectedly, the game didn’t just reach Earth; it spread across the universe! A year after the game's public beta, fearsomely powerful alien foes attacked, turning Earth instantly into a hellish battleground! Jason, having squandered half his life, dies only to return to twenty years ago, awakening the unique EX-level talent—[Undead Plague]! Unrestricted command over undead soldiers, all troops automatically transformed into wraiths, attributes doubled, and territory development accelerated a million-fold... Leveraging his unique talent and the informational advantage of rebirth, Jason enters the game, claiming first kills on bosses, first completions of dungeons, monopolizing unique items, high-tier units, and formidable heroes... Ascending to the strongest player! A year later, as the game merges with reality and alien players descend upon Earth. What they, and the entire universe, face... Is an undead calamity vast enough to obscure the world! Wherever Jason's gaze falls, there is only the World of the Undead, turning to scorched earth, with countless [Divine Realms] devoured entirely! ---------------------- WPC FEB Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Sugar_Chestnuts · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

Chapter23-7-tier Bone Dragon Knight, A Three-Skill Unit

"Damn it!"

Not just the player from Celestria, but several from Everdawn couldn't help but curse out loud. 

Did they really think cooperation between the two nations would be so simple? 

The communication, the adjustments, the high costs incurred, and now, the reconnaissance done on the bronze-tier dungeon, including the losses incurred from testing its strength.

And the result? 

They got outmaneuvered by that Smith again?

Players from both nations present couldn't help but clutch their hearts.

It hurt! It hurt so much!

Adding insult to injury, the casual players in Flamecrest City were also engaged in enthusiastic discussions: "Smith truly is a god in Divine Age!"

"If you ask me, it's all about Valoria; they are just stronger than our nation, snagging more first kills is only natural."

"Finally, a game that's like a second world appears, and still, Valoria reigns supreme. Isn't that why they are our beloved overlord?"

Their unrestrained comments not only expressed their admiration for Smith but also their reverence for Valoria's longstanding influence and status on Blue Star.

Sincerity is the ultimate finishing move.

Instantly, the players representing the official teams of Celestria and Everdawn had distorted expressions, feeling even worse than if they had eaten excrement…

So infuriating!

And yet, they couldn't refute it.

Jason, blissfully unaware of the discomfort his actions had caused the official representatives from Celestria and Everdawn, was inherently kind-hearted. 

Had he known the thoughts of the players in Flamecrest City from both nations, he would have assuredly consoled them, saying, "It's okay, we're all the same."

"Valoria? Homeland? Celestria, Everdawn, competitors of the homeland?"

"It's all right. Once the game merges with reality, it won't just be the three of you – even the United Nations Security Council's permanent members, I'll treat everyone equally harsh!"

Standing in front of the now-activated teleportation array and having exited the dungeon, Jason wasn't in a hurry to return to the city but chose first to organize his loot.

The rewards for completing the mission were first up. 

He swiftly utilized the 3-tier unit teleportation array, and to his pleasant surprise, upon triggering the Underworld Baptism, the evolution resulted in a Subspecies Bone Dragon, supplementing this 5-tier unit with a hundred units.

Then came the major loot from the first dungeon clear.

Firstly, there were fifty basic resource packs, forty Divine Waters, two hundred Revelation Scrolls, plus a bunch of miscellaneous basic materials. 

Some were for training universal units, while others were clearly for training zombie-type units from the Temple of Bones.

As Jason expected, the first clear also included a hidden building blueprint – [Temple of Bones]. 

The blueprint shared its name with the dungeon, but Jason felt that the monster strength in this dungeon wasn't high, and even after the Underworld Baptism, it wouldn't evolve into a hidden unit.

This hidden blueprint could be considered for selling, exchanged for other resources. 

Mainly because the Temple of Bones dungeon was rather distasteful, and Jason didn't want to place such a repulsive building in his [Divine Realm].

Additionally, some special items dropped: [Resource Acceleration Cards] and [Unit Training Orders], thirty of each. 

The effects of these two items were quite remarkable, directly reducing the time needed for gathering resources and training units by ten hours.

Regrettably, Jason found no use for them himself.

Jason already had plans for the surplus of equipment he possessed, items of no use to him but of immense value to other players in the early stages of their adventure. Such treasures were bound to attract a flock of eager players, ripe for a hearty harvest.

Without any unforeseen events, Jason would be ready to start selling by tomorrow, for tonight he would complete the mission of rescuing the mayor's daughter, choosing a rather special reward thereafter. Beyond the basic rewards lay the real treasures, starting with two diamond-tier pieces of equipment—


Tier: Diamond-tier

Attributes: Command Limit +4500, Attack Power +800, Ignore Resistance +30%, HP +3000.

Additional Combat Skills:

[Blade of Light]: After using any skill, the next attack's damage is doubled, guarantees a critical hit, and further ignores 30% resistance.

[Light Erode]: Each attack has an additional chance to inflict 50% of the attack's damage.


This was a sword blade as clear and blue as crystal, exuding an unusual elegance.

After some thought, Jason equipped it himself, passing the previous Losfall Sword to Carolina. 

Given the numerous occasions he had personally fought, and the fact that the more skills he had, the more often he could trigger the Blade of Light effect, it made sense for him to wield it. 

Carolina, who sometimes served as a means of swift escape, would benefit more from edge observation and buff-enhancing gear.

As for the other piece of equipment—

[Frost Crown]

Tier: Diamond-tier

Attributes: Command Limit +5500, Defense +800, Magic Resistance +800, HP +3000.

Additional Combat Skills:

[Frost Domain]: Unfolds a Frost Domain aura around the bearer, enhancing all frost attribute damage by 50%.

[Frost Grave]: Unleashes an invincible Frost Grave for five seconds, automatically activating before fatal damage is incurred.


"A wide-ranging aura equipment?" Jason pondered for a moment before deciding to give the Frost Crown to Carolina, after all, the dragon girl's mobility far exceeded his own. 

In certain special terrains where his troops were more scattered, Carolina could significantly increase the aura's coverage through her swift movements.

Besides the equipment, there was another crucial item—[5-tier unit teleportation array (medium)]. 

Its effect was straightforward yet potent, summoning four hundred 5-tier units. Jason didn't hesitate and activated it immediately.

[You have activated the unit summoning array, receiving 5-tier unit Wolf Knight*400.]

[Ding! Undead Plague has been triggered, your [Wolf Knight] units have been promoted by 2-tiers and undergone undead transformation, your Wolf Knights have ascended to a 5-tier hidden unit [Bone Dragon Knight].]

A dazzling brilliance surged, unfolding before Jason's eyes, leaving him slightly astounded.

"This...has it produced a 7-tier unit??"

"And a dragon knight at that??"

Excitement was unmistakable in Jason's tone.

"This is truly a takeoff, hit the jackpot!" he couldn't help but feel moved internally.

The reason behind Jason's thoughts was simple... 

First off, a 7-tier unit, according to the power rankings in Divine Age, was considered a high-level unit, inherently possessing three skills, which significantly boosts its combat power compared to a 6-tier unit.

Moreover, what he had received was not just any 7-tier unit, but soldiers of the dragon knight class. 

These soldiers boasted flight capability, exceptional agility, and given the inherently tough hide and flesh of Divine Age dragons, they also possessed formidable magic offensive abilities, arguably making them the most versatile soldiers.

And yes, the dragon riders could fly.

They could directly join forces with Carolina, who underwent Dragonization, forming an air force, thereby significantly expanding the reach of Jason's army.

The importance of air superiority in warfare needs no elaboration. 

What Jason now beheld was a squadron of skeletal dragons, their fleshly wings tattered, exuding a sinister, dark green aura, their appearance indeed leaving much to be desired. 

Atop these dragons were heavily armored knights, draped in pitch-black armor, their eyes flickering with soul fire, their forms menacing yet silent, exuding an extraordinary aura.

Jason immediately began to review the information of the Bone dragon knight.

[Bone dragon knight]

[Tier: 7-tier]

[Race: Undead]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 8000/8000]

[Attack Power: 1200]

[Defense: 1000]

[Magic Resistance: 1000]

[Speed: 150]

[Food Consumption: 0]


[Dragon Blood]: When commanded by a player or hero with the [Dragon] trait, Bone dragon knights receive 30% less damage and their output increases by 20%.

[Shadow Shuttle]: Bone dragon knights can move through the shadow realm, becoming intangible, with all attacks from outside the shadow realm being nullified during this time; their first attack after emerging carries an additional 50% shadow attribute damage.

[Death Dive]: Bone dragon knights cover themselves in all-consuming soul fire, charging to inflict massive damage.

Description: Once mighty dragon knights, now resurrected under the influence of necromantic power, reborn stronger than before. 

This time, their blades are swung not for glory or protection but solely for their sovereign [Jason], their creator to whom they owe unyielding allegiance.

As undead beings, Bone dragon knights do not require sustenance.


"Indeed powerful."

Jason couldn't help but reflect; he was already looking forward to the combined aerial and ground tactics ahead. 

As for now, since it was nearing evening when he previously entered the dungeon, and to avoid triggering any traits, penalties, he decisively waved his hand, retracting all his soldiers into his spatial storage, then, pulling Carolina along, stepped into the teleportation array.

"Back to town, to acquire materials, we're done for today!" Jason stretched languidly.

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