
Divided Heart: Vampire and Werewolf

In a world filled with mythical creatures, Anya becomes involved in a romantic dilemma between a vampire and a werewolf. She is torn between the vampire's seductive immortality and the werewolf's protective nature. Each night brings conflicts of desire and loyalty as she is torn between the two beings. The vampire offers eternal passion and intrigue, while the werewolf promises a wild and untamed love. Despite the challenges, she feels a deep connection to both creatures and must make a life-altering choice.

Kelly_AMINU · Thành thị
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3 Chs

Back To School

In the heart of the bustling community of Roseville, a quaint town immersed in a world where mythical creatures coexist in secrecy with humans, there resides a young woman named Anya. Anya is characterised by her spirited nature, independence, fiery heart, and undeniable talent that sets her apart from the rest. Recently returning from spending meaningful time abroad with her mother, Anya's journey of self-discovery and personal growth has been greatly influenced by the dynamics of her parents' divorce. Each summer, as a tradition, she ventures abroad to be with her mother, a ritual that serves as a bittersweet reminder of the past. Despite the challenges that her family history presents, Anya's resilience and positive spirit shine through, further shaping her into the strong and empathetic individual that she is today. As she navigates life in Roseville, she finds solace in the hidden wonders of the town.


During the winter months, Anya always eagerly awaited her time spent with her father, Daniel, at their cosy home in Roseville, a charming town known for its air of mystery that seemed to deepen as the snow fell softly outside. As the first hints of summer began to warm the air, Anya started preparing to return to school, feeling a mix of excitement and reluctance at the thought of resuming her studies.


Upon arriving back at her familiar apartment near campus, Anya was greeted by an unexpected visit from her father's old friend Billy, a tribal chieftain within the community. While she greeted Billy, "Hello, Billy," walking towards him, Billy replied, "Hello, Anya, so good to see you." Accompanying Billy was his young son, Rhys, a spirited and talkative boy who immediately struck up a lively conversation with Anya, "Hi, I am Rhys; we used to be friends when we were little," while walking towards her, sparking memories of their past adventures together that filled the air with laughter and nostalgia.


As the days passed and the beginning of the new school year drew near, Anya found herself embracing the responsibilities that lay ahead with a newfound sense of determination, fueled by the encouragement and support of her father and his dear friend Billy. It was with immense gratitude and a touch of disbelief that she accepted the generous gift of a new car from her dad, a token of appreciation for her hard work and dedication to her education.


With her heart full of gratitude and her mind filled with memories of laughter and companionship while saying, "I love you, dad, Daniel replied,I love you too, dear." Anya set out on the next chapter of her academic journey.


Upon Anya's return to school, her graceful presence immediately drew the attention of numerous admirers, especially the male students, who couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. As she made her way through the bustling corridors, whispers and sidelong glances followed her every step. It wasn't long before a group of popular boys approached her and said, "Hello, Anya," while she responded with a smile on her face. Their confident smiles are a clear indication of their interest in the new arrival.


During the lunch break, Anya found herself surrounded by her friends at their usual table in the cafeteria. Among them were Micky, Elizabeth, Jerry, and Ben, all eager to share the latest gossip. They excitedly informed Anya that she had become the talk of the school, with rumours and speculations spreading like wildfire.


As the group chatted animatedly, a sudden hush fell over the cafeteria as a new group of students made their grand entrance. Elizabeth leaned in to tell Anya, "Those are the Millers, newcomers to the town," their faces unfamiliar yet intriguing. Anya's gaze was drawn to one particular figure in the group, a mysterious young man who exuded an air of mystique.


Elizabeth whispered to Anya, "The enigmatic individual you see is none other than Lucian," adding to the air of mystery that surrounded him. The cafeteria buzzed with curiosity and intrigue as Anya's eyes met Lucian's, a silent connection sparking between them amidst the commotion of the crowded room.


Elizabeth explained to Anya in detail, "Lucian's not interested in girls despite his undeniable charm and wealth." She painted a vivid picture of Lucian's background, delving into the fact that, despite being part of a large family with six siblings, his parents were successful multimillionaires renowned in the medical field. His father, a distinguished doctor with a chain of hospitals worldwide, and his family name, the Millers, carried a certain prestige. 


Throughout Elizabeth's captivating narrative, Anya found herself captivated by the subtle intensity in Lucian's gaze as their eyes met in a silent exchange of curiosity and unspoken words. The magnetic pull between them left Anya in a state of intrigue, as she couldn't shake off the aura of mystery surrounding Lucian.


Upon returning home after school, Anya's mind was consumed by thoughts of Lucian, his enigmatic aura refusing to be shaken off. Determined and fueled by her mounting curiosity, she resolved to confront Lucian at school the next day, eager to unravel the layers of mystery that seemed to shroud him. As she lay in bed that night, her mind buzzed with questions and scenarios.


The next day, eager to address the situation with Lucian, Anya arrived at the school courtyard early, keeping a vigilant eye out for his presence. However, as the Miller family's car pulled up, her heart sank when she realised that Lucian was once again not among them. Disappointed but determined not to let it ruin her day, Anya decided to spend time with her friends instead, immersing herself in the joyful chatter and laughter that surrounded her.


The subsequent days rolled by, each morning marked by the consistent arrival of the Millers at the school gates, but Lucian's absence felt like a conspicuous void. It wasn't until one ordinary day, while making her way to class, that Anya was taken aback by the sight of Lucian's familiar figure. Surprised and curious, she couldn't help but steal glances in his direction, wondering what had kept him away all this time.


As they settled into their routine, preparing for the day's lessons, Lucian mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with Anya: "Hello, I am sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I am Lucian, and you are Anya." Introducing himself earlier caught her off guard but also sparked a sense of intrigue within her. She responded while nodding, "Yes, I am Anya." With introductions finally exchanged, a sense of familiarity blossomed between them, paving the way for a newfound camaraderie to develop. Together, they delved into their shared interests and engaged in lively discussions, their interactions blossoming into the beginning of a blossoming friendship that promised to enrich their school days ahead.


During their class together, Anya, with a curious expression on her face, leaned towards Lucian and gently inquired about the reason for his recent prolonged absence from school. Lucian, looking slightly uncomfortable, shifted in his seat before quietly admitting, "I was out of town due to some personal matters that needed my urgent attention." As the conversation between the two classmates continued, Lucian, intrigued by Anya's recent move to Roseville, couldn't help but inquire further about her decision. Anya, with a hint of melancholy in her eyes, hesitated for a moment before explaining that the situation was rather complex and tied to her family circumstances.


With a deep sigh, Anya began to share the details of her parents' divorce and her mother's subsequent remarriage, which had led to her making the choice to spend her summer holidays with her father in Roseville. Lucian listened attentively, his brow furrowed in genuine empathy as he tried to piece together the puzzle of Anya's life. He found her to be an enigma, her emotions veiled behind a veil of mystery that he had to uncover.


In a moment of unguarded vulnerability, as their gazes locked, Anya couldn't help but notice the peculiar transformation in the colour of Lucian's eyes. She pointed out how they now shimmered with a golden hue, a stark contrast to their usual deep black. Caught off guard, Lucian attempted to brush off the observation nonchalantly, attributing it to a play of light or a trick of the eye. However, the profound intensity of the moment lingered between them, leaving an unspoken tension in the air.


As the bell signalling the end of the class rang out, Lucian abruptly excused himself, his hasty departure leaving Anya with a sense of lingering curiosity and unanswered questions swirling in her mind. The unspoken connection between them hung in the air, hinting at a deeper bond waiting to be explored in the days to come.


The next day at the school pack, while Anya and Lucian both started at each other across the road, a sense of tension hung thick in the air. Among the clustered group of onlookers stood Micky, a close friend of Anya, who, to their shock, lost control of his van, sending it careening towards the unsuspecting girl. As the vehicle hurtled forward, the world seemed to slow down. In a moment that felt like an eternity, Lucian acted with lightning speed, launching himself in front of the van with a fearless determination etched on his face. The impact was imminent, but in a display of astounding strength and courage, Lucian, with a force that seemed almost superhuman, thrust the van away with a single outstretched hand, the metallic screech of grinding metal echoing through the stunned silence.


Anya's mind reeled in confusion and disbelief: "How did you do that?" She wondered how a mere mortal could perform such a feat, effortlessly halting a massive van in its tracks. Her thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of awe and gratitude, yet before she could even voice her astonishment, Lucian, his enigmatic eyes betraying a fleeting glimpse of hidden depths, silently slipped away from the scene, leaving behind a palpable aura of mystery and intrigue, forever altering the course of that fateful day.


While Micky got out of his van to apologise to Anya for his reckless driving, "Am sorry, Anya," Lucian and his siblings decided to quickly drive off to avoid arising any suspicions in the aftermath of the incident. Anya, who was severely injured, was swiftly taken to the town hospital, which, interestingly enough, was owned by the Millers, who were a prominent family in the community. Once at the hospital, Anya was tended to by the head doctor, a distinguished man named Alfred Miller, who wasted no time in thoroughly examining her to ensure her well-being. Fortunately, Dr. Miller reassured Anya that her injuries were not life-threatening, much to her relief.


During their conversation, Anya took the opportunity to express her gratitude to Dr. Miller for his son Lucian's heroic actions, saying, "It would have been worse if Lucian hadn't saved me." Astonishingly, she explained that Lucian possessed extraordinary speed and agility, allowing him to capture her. To Anya's surprise, Dr. Miller responded by suggesting that, "the trauma from the accident might have led you to imagine Lucian's superhuman abilities and swift intervention."


This exchange between Anya and Dr. Miller shed a new light on the events surrounding the accident, prompting Anya to question the reality of what she experienced during the crash. Despite Dr. Miller's attempt to rationalise the situation, Anya couldn't shake off the vivid memories of Lucian's extraordinary speed and agility, leaving her to contemplate the true nature of his abilities. As she lay in the hospital bed, recovering from her injuries, Anya couldn't help but ponder the mysteries that surrounded Lucian and the possibilities of him possessing special powers beyond comprehension.


As Anya was helped out of the hospital bed by her dad, they passed by a scene that caught her attention. She witnessed Lucian in a heated discussion with Alfred and his siblings, which seemed to be quite intense. Curiosity sparked within her, and she expressed a desire to have a conversation with Lucian. Once they were alone, Anya wasted no time and immediately questioned Lucian, "How did you get over to me so fast with such astonishing speed?" mentioning that she had a hard time believing it was possible.


Lucian, unfazed by the accusation, simply replied, "I was standing next to you, Anya." He told her that he had been by her side the whole time, subtly implying that perhaps she hadn't noticed. However, Anya was persistent and unwavering in her disbelief, adamant that what she saw was far beyond normal human capabilities. In her mind, she grappled with the conflicting evidence and the desire to uncover the truth behind Lucian's mysterious actions.


In a resolute tone, Anya made it clear to Lucian that she was determined to unravel the mystery but promised to keep their conversation confidential. With a silent nod, Lucian acknowledged her request and quietly departed from the hospital room, leaving Anya with a flurry of unanswered questions swirling in her mind. The air was thick with intrigue as Anya delved deeper into the enigma surrounding Lucian's inexplicable speed, determined to uncover the hidden truths that lay beneath the surface.