
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · Thành thị
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16 Chs

Blowing off Steam

Doe stared at the fleeting image of the police man as he exited the building. She huffed, looking at Thomas, the security guard who equally shook his head and shrugged at her. As if to say that it was not his fault.

But she was not buying it. She squinted at him, her lips twisted as she prepared to let out the venom in her tongue.

"Thomas What the hell?" She glared at him.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Your friend." He paused. "She didn't give me a choice, you know."

"Oh fuck that! Are you sure you didn't call them off to tell them that there was no issue in the first place?" She glared more at him.

"Yes, I did. That's why there was no police siren here. I mean, usually when there is a case like that, you don't see police men in mufti, you know… " he explained diligently.

"What the hell?" Doe said to him. "Listen, then how are they even here? Because I don't even like this at all. You know what I hate." She lashed at him.

"I'm sorry Boss. It's not my fault. Next time…"

"Next time, tell me before you call the police to my property, okay?" She warned him.

"Okay, boss!" Thomas sighed, nodding in agreement to what she said.

She gave him a solid stare for almost a minute.

Once she was satisfied, she huffed and then turned around. She was not satisfied still, she sighed out in anger at the morning episode.

There was the cas of a very curious policeman at her door now. She just hoped she could shake it off this time.

And while she was sorely displeased at Thomas, she really could not help it.

Thomas was white, for that matter. But she had not chosen him.

The security guard came preinstalled with the houses in the neighborhood. This means that when you bought or rented one, there was a guard in your complex.

That was how she met Thomas and having explained her rules to him, she had felt she could live with him. Even ignoring the fact that he was white.

But today, even though it was not his fault, her thoughts on that were changing.

"Calm down, Doe. It's not his fault. Amber is very erratic." She muttered to herself as she walked into the house.

Once she was inside the house, she huffed all the way to the kitchen. But stopped just then as she saw Amber seated in the living room. It appeared she was waiting for her.

"So, you're good?" Amber asked with puppy cute eyes.

"I am. I just need to get that policeman to hell!" She screamed out.

"Oh right! You are actually very good" Amber said as she rose from the chair, snickering.

Soon, they had arrived in the kitchen where Doe's breakfast was covered by a brown copper bowl, just at the little dining table in there.

She lifted it, and inhaled. The sweet aroma from the meal was enough to wipe the frown from her face.

She smiled at Amber who was sitting across from her at the table with a smile to her face.

"Oh, Amber, this is so amazing!" She thanked her. "I really didn't know that I would kiss your cooking."

"Yeah! Fair point! I know but your guard father like he didn't know me which is disappointing like, what the hell? I cooked food you like so your DNA should be in my body, right? I mean, isn't that what happens when two friends are really very close?" She gestured, shrugging with a very serious look.

"Amber, that never happens. For heaven's sake, what movies have you been watching?" Doe sighed at her as she picked up a waffle.

"You sure you don't want me to heat that? It's cold!" Amber said.

"Did I complain?"

"Fine! Go brush before you dig into that food. Trust me, the meal always tastes better when you have brushed."

"Amber, don't tell me what to do in my own house!" Doe yelled out at her as she slammed the bowl on the table, visibly pissed.

"Oh, you frigging spoiled brat of a human goddess. Go to hell, in fact," Amber frowned at her. "Go to miss world pageant with your stinky morning breath and I'm telling you, if they refuse to give you first prize, I am burning them to hell!"

She said, standing up and slamming her hands down at the table.


The breakfast plates rattled at the slam.

At this, Doe could not help but smile at this. Her initial anger dissipated now.

Amber had such a lovely personality she could not help to stay angry at her. More so, it was fun to have someone like her in the house. It brightened the whole place, made her forget how lonely she actually was.

How lonely she was that she'd gone out to play chess with Isaac.

"Is my breath really that stinky?" Doe asked coyly as she bit into a waffle.

"What? Are you kidding?" Amber sat down abruptly. "Your breath would revive Hades from the underworld."

She then looked to the side and then frowned. "But don't talk close to me though. You will be charged for murder. Murder by morning breath."

"What? Are you kidding me?" Doe dropped her waffle with mock annoyance. "And you let me go out to talk to a policeman? Can you imagine how he was acting? Aw… sheesh!"

"You're a lady." Amber narrowed her eyes at her. "He will understand. Besides you are in pajamas, what's he expecting? To see the African goddess of beauty? Fuck him!" She added.

Doe smiled now, relaxing back tk the meal.

Truly, Amber was a lighthearted fellow who just knew how to brighten her mood.

However, her thoughts wandered once more as she reflected over the happening of the morning. Even though she had spoken the policeman off, she had to hold it in heart that he was not satisfied with the answer he got. A curious policeman was not what she was looking for in this time of her life.

Certainly not when there was a deal about to go down. She sighed, she would have to go to her work room to get the finishing touches down:

That is, if Amber did not poke nose and make her stall as a result of her restless spirits.

That said, she had to occupy the restless spirit that was Amber, if she needed that space to do her work.

She looked at Amber now, only to see the later having a worried expression on her face.

"So I was thinking…" Amber started.

"Amber. I think we should…"

Both of them laughed as they echoed their words almost immediately. Doe shook her head while Amber stretched across the table to help herself to a spoon serving size of her breakfast.

"You go first!" Doe urged her.

"You looked lost. You look like you have a thousand thoughts in your head." Amber started. "I know you like your personal space and all. But I would not be here if I had a choice, you know that. Still, I am here so I can't help but notice you have a worried lol on your face. Are you fine?"

"Yeah. I am" Doe said dismissively.

"No, let me fuss over you. You took care of me when I was… you know… yesterday…" Amber sighed. "Since I know you won't tell me what's going on. At least, let me cheer you up."

"And how exactly do you plan on that?" Doe asked.

"Party. Let's go to a night club and have fun!" Amber threw her hands enthusiastically. "Party all night, eh?" She smirked with a wink.

"Uh…you know I can't." Doe laughed. "Besides, I don't have clothes for a party. I can't."

"Says the girl who lives in a multimillion dollar mansion. Like we don't know the way to the boutique." Amber facepalmed.

"Uh…" Doe grinned nervously. She hated going out just like that. And when Amber was involved, it was a shopping disaster to happen.

"Come on, what could possibly go wrong?" Amber smiled as she reached out to pat her cheeks. "Lighten up, you spoilsport!"

Oooh! Who rattled the hornets nest? Lol

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