
Distance and Love

Meisy_DS · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Tiara and Tifanny's Relationship

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Ara was so surprised to play when her guess was right, it was a childhood photo. It's neatly tucked away in the frame, but... this isn't Ara's first time in the apartment, why has she only noticed that her picture is there?

"Juna have this photo? Isn't it... I and him only met when I was in middle school?." she asked herself.

Ara hastily put the photo frame in its original place when she heard the voice of her boyfriend who had just come out of the room.

"Already?." asked Ara who stepped closer to Juna.

"Okay, come on?." Juna replied to which the three nodded their heads.


During the trip, it was fun to accompany the four, but the excitement was just a mask for Ara, she was still thinking about her childhood photo. She tried to remember if she had met Juna as a child, when and where? She really couldn't remember!

"Dear?." said Juna who broke the pyramid of Ara's dream.

"Huh huh?." replied Ara stammered.

"What are you doing, Ra?." now it was Gio who spoke to her.

"Why, no." the lie.

"Tiffany had a chance to see it, Ara was dumb, huh? Humm, isn't it fun, is it?." asked Tiffany who managed to make Ara feel bad for the three of them.

"No, it's not like that. Oh, how can I explain it, I'm usually the type who gets carried away easily in that atmosphere." clearly what Gio knew was a lie.

"Ra, hmm why again?" Gio asked in his heart.


Finally, they arrived at a field that was so wide and wide. Juna, Ara and Gio looked at each other with confused faces, why are they at the airport now? Tiffany? Don't ask, the girl had been missing ever since they reached the entrance.

"What are we doing?." asked a confused Gio.

"She said he was going to the beach, right?."

continued Gio.

"I don't know, maybe there's something Tiffany wants to take or something, I don't know either. We'll just have to wait." replied Ara.

"Ra, wait a minute. I want to call Tiara first, I'm afraid she hasn't taken medicine yet." whispered Juna.

"Yes." Juna immediately moved away from Ara and Gio, even though he just wanted to remind her to take medicine, according to Ara, there was no need to stay away, just stay beside her and make a call.

"Is there a problem with him again?." asked Gio.

"Why? Oh, no."

"Yeah, just keep on lying." Gio quipped to which Ara didn't respond.

Ara stares at Gio's back which is getting smaller and smaller, don't know where the man will call Tiara, the distance is too far.

"Is there something to talk about that I can't hear?." Ara asked in her heart.

On the other hand, Tiffany came out of a women's locker room. She just called her father while changing her clothes to simpler clothes. "Sip, father's permission has been obtained. Now it's time to take off!." she said happily.

She also rushed to meet Gio and 2 other people to give the news that they were going to a private island owned by his family by using her private plane. However, just as she was about to approach Gio and the others, her steps suddenly stopped, and she heard a familiar voice calling.

"That... Juna?." she said slowly.

Tiffany felt something odd with Juna's movements, she also intended to hear Juna's conversation, she hid behind a wall that was right next to Juna.

"I can't, Tiara. I'm with Ara, what if she gets angry again."

"Yes, after all, you have to go home Juna, I can't take care of it alone!."

The sound of the phone is big enough to make Tiffany can hear the conversation easily.

"Gosh, what's taking care of what? What are they talking about? This is Tiara, who was Ara's rival to find Juna, right? My cousin!." Tiffany talks to herself.

"I can't, Tiara. Please understand me, I'm Ara's boyfriend, she might even ask to break up later."

"Juna, listen! Ara is already in love with you, she can't want to break up. In your relationship, you take control, not hers!"

Tiffany's heart jolted, as a result, she was so shocked to hear the story of Tiara who tried to manipulate Juna.

"I take control?." Juna repeated which made Tiffany want to explain to Juna that she was being tricked by the woman on his phone.

"You want to stop anywhere in your heart, she will still be with you, Juna. You want to leave her no matter how many times she will stay with you, you want to go anywhere she will still wait for you. You can ban it, can't you? Why? Because she's afraid you're going to break up with her!."

Tiffany who heard this was already quite congested as a result, Tiffany then thought what if Ara immediately heard it, would the girl be okay?

"Damn Tiara!." she said indignantly.


"What? Private plane?!." Surprised Gio who couldn't believe Tiffany.

"It's okay, Gio. Don't you know how rich the Tiffany family is?." said Ara who didn't look the least bit surprised by Tiffany's invitation to use her private plane.

"You're not surprised either, Jun?." asked Gio who saw the normal look of the man.

"Why should Juna be surprised? Besides me, Tiara also has a private plane... right, Juna?."

The three people there were of course shocked, what was it that made Tiffany suddenly talk about Tiara? Moreover for Ara, the girl was silent and looked at Tiffany as if asking what she meant.

"Tiffany can't talk about Tiara without meaning, right?." Ara asked in her heart. Juna, who had been silent in shock, finally stood up and approached Ara.

"Ra." he said.

"Uh, sorry, Tiffany isn't offending you anymore, it's just a joke, don't take it to heart, okay?." said Tiffany suddenly.

"Yes, next time don't just mention Tiara's name in front of Ara." replied Gio.

"Girls are not clear like that, don't talk about it." continued Gio while glancing at Juna who turned out to be glancing at him.

"WHAT ARE YOU? WANT TO BE ANGRY?." he asked in a slightly higher voice than before.

"Don't talk about Tiara that kind of thing."

"Done!." said Ara slightly snapped.

"Ra?". called Juna softly.

"Ara, I'm so sorry..." she said feeling guilty.

Ara stood up and approached Tiffany, she took the girl's hand.

"Well, it's okay. After all, anyone knows, Tiara is rich, that's why she can be close to anyone without a hitch!." Ara said while pressing the last sentence.

"Doesn't matter, she looks like a monkey. No better than you." continued Gio who then approached Tiffany.

"Come on let's go." said Gio who nodded his head back to Tiffany.


They are currently on Tiffany's private plane. They are in separate rooms, Ara with Juna while Tiffany is with Gio.

"Is this the shape of the plane using rooms like this?." asked Gio in amazement.

"Yeah, so it's comfortable if you want to do anything." replied Tiffany.

"Oh, that's good. I'm going to buy a plane later."

"Oh yeah, Tiffany heard that Gio has a game-making project, right?"

"Hear from whom?"

"Gio's Dad! Hehehe."

"Eh, wait a minute, I don't think I have talked to him about this?."

"Ugh, I don't know, anyway, Tiffany got the info from Gio's Dad."

"Yeah, but I want to ask, I'm still curious, why are you suddenly talking about Tiara?"

"That's because we talked about private planes earlier?"

"Why Tiara?"

"Because it has something to do with Juna, right? They're friends."

"Is that all?."

"Yeah, really, what is Gio curious about?"

"I heard... you're still in the same family as Tiara, right?."

Tiffany was silent for a while before answering, she hadn't heard this news for a long time but this time she heard it again, it came straight from the mouth of Gio, the person she likes.

"You could say that..." she said answering Gio's question with a little doubt.

"How come?."

The 2 words that came out of Gio's mouth managed to make Tiffany remember her past again, the past where her family almost broke apart because of the arrival of new people amid their happy family.

"Want to know the reason?." asked Tiffany who got an exciting nod from Gio.

"So... actually... that tiara... hmm, the only daughter of grandfather's eldest child, Uncle Sam." said Tiffany.

"How come-."

"Don't cut it first, Gio. Gio must understand what Tiffany means, some people think Uncle Sam only has 5 sons, and even then from Aunt Dara, but he has another wife from which Tiara was born."

"Illegal marriage?."

"Yes, yes, it is impossible for a valid marriage, right aunt Dara is still alive today."

"Then where is Tiara's mother?"

"She died when Uncle Sam was about to take her to our extended family's house. Even though that was when Uncle Sam and Aunt Dara should have divorced."


"No, to be precise, she was poisoned by someone who until now has not known who did it. The woman suddenly fainted when the house and the car they were riding were only 2 km away, and in a panic, Uncle Sam immediately took the woman to the hospital. The family who received news from Uncle Sam at that time were shocked, even though the woman's death was also good news, it still shocked us because their child was still alive, which means the woman's shadow will continue to exist while Tiara is around."

"But, Juna always said that Tiara lived alone...?"

"That's because . . . greedy of her, no one wants to live with her, including Uncle Sam, her father."

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Hello guys!!! I hope you all can enjoy it. Please give me ur comment and don't forget to add this book in ur library, thank you!!

@d_i_a_n_t {Instagram}

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