
Noble Intentions.

"Serve the Queen, in the finest of silks. Send in the Royal Embroider. Get her the best of pearls. Perhaps, the ones from Tibet. Also, would she like a personal throne in the Royal Court?" Yun Ki bustles with excitement as he is stood in his Chamber before 3 important men.

The 2 architects of the Palace and the official Trader of Baekmin.

The men stare at the excited King who is dressed lavishly and is pacing in the sitting area of his bedroom.

"Agh, Pearls are rather standard. How about Gold from Ghana? We can have it made into bangles for The Queen. Don't you agree?" He asks, pointing towards the Trader as he makes notes and nods fervently.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty! You're always right.." He chimes.

"Ah, before I forget. Please have the Queen's chamber renovated while she's gone to her mother's home. I wish to have it all completed before she returns." He asks of the architects.

Yun Ki had never engaged himself in repair work.

Always had Chief Hong take care of it but today was different.

Soojin had asked of him to be able to take a leave from The Palace for 3 days.

She'd voiced her opinion at tea time, expressing how she was missing the gentle caresses of her ageing Mother.

She also hadn't visited ever since she'd gotten married.

It was long overdue and after last night's confession, Yun Ki was in no mood to deny his wife of anything.

She had to see the newer side to him.

She had to see him as a man who was okay with letting his Queen visit her family.

He'd sent in 2 maidservants and 5 guards with her.

They'd set up a tent outside Soojin's maternal home, watching her closely.

Quite frankly, he was worried as to whether he should let her go as just watching her disappear last night had given him a mini heart attack but he had to control himself.

Trust was an integral asset in a relationship, wasn't it?

"-Oh, don't forget the throne. I want it right next to mine, in the Royal Court..Meeting adjourned!" He exclaims, bowing before the men, leaving his chamber.

He had to keep himself engaged for 3 days, he thought.

He'd work on himself, on his temper and just as she returned, he'd shower her in gifts.


Soojin was surprised as she found herself knocking on her husband's camber, early morning.

She had been wanting to check on her mother and brother for quite a while and just tossing and turning in her bed with a mind filled with questions was becoming tiring for her.

She needed some time away from this lavish lifestyle and forced relationships.

What surprised her even more was how quick The King was in giving his approval and assigning her a palanquin.

SO here she was, sat in a carriage, on her way to Daegu.

She was anxious to see how her mother would be coping without her and a part of her was hoping she could improve the ties that had been severed so unjustly and abruptly between her and her Mother.

When the carriage stops and the guard announces the arrival, Soojin steps out, to be met by a two storied house.

One that had been repainted to a beige colour.

If she hadn't lived there all her life, she would've thought the house didn't belong to her, at all.

Just as she steps foot out of the carriage, straightening out her attire, she is met by the door opening and her mother running out with tears in her eyes.

"My daughter.." She cries, running out of her doorway, over to the fence, where Soojin stood, dressed in white silk, exuding the feel of Royalty, thoroughly.

Soojin's eyes water watching her mother dressed in a blue robe, that looked of the finest linen and she's happy.

She runs into her mother's outstretched arms.

"Eomma.." She cries, nuzzling into her mouther like a baby.

The maidservants carry her baggage inside the house.

"H-How did this happen?" She asks, pointing at the house.

Her mother wipes a tear away, smiling.

"Son-In-Law is really so generous. He had the entire house refurnished days after your marriage. Some Royal Carpenters showed up and within a week, a new storey was added and all our old furniture was replaced with the finest. He even sent in clothes for your brother and I. Soojin ah, they came in big chests, all locked and heavy.." She exclaims in sheer happiness.

Soojin can't believe just how great an act of benevolence the man has placed over her family.

She walks into the house, watching it carpeted.

There was a seating area with luxurious sofas.

"They're from Europe. That's what the contractor told us." She says as Soojin feels over the fabric, nodding.

She's so overwhelmed, it's insane.

She watches a table full of food and remembers the time she slept on a jute mat in the seating area, sleeping with a wet towel over her stomach to save herself from starving.

"He makes sure groceries are sent in, every 2 weeks. Soojin-ah, did you ask him to do all this for us?" Her mother, beams.

Soojin's eyes are glossy as she reminisces her mother wearing the torn and old clothes, hair messy and here she stood before her, looking groomed and pretty.

"I-I never mentioned any of you.." She whispers, a tear rolling down her cheeks.

She looks around being met by unfamiliarity over familiar nooks and corners of her own home.

"Where is Oppa?" Soojin asks.

Her mother grasps her hand, leading her down the hall.

Soojin opens the door to find her brother, laying on a bed.

He was being tended to by a foreign looking doctor.

"Hello, I-I mean, It's a pleasure, Your Majesty. I'm Dr. Oliver Jones. The Crowned King of Baekmin had called for me to tend to your brother. Excuse my poor accent. I-I am not fully learned yet.." He speaks, bowing before Soojin.

For a foreign man, he spoke great Korean.

Yun Ki was blowing her mind.

He had changed her family.

She walks over to her brother's bed, caressing his arm that looked a lot more nourished.

"We changed dear Joon Ki's treatment. Had him on a protein rich diet and he's gaining back his muscle mass." The doctor says.

Joon Ki looks at Soojin, smiling and she breaks down, grasping his hand to her forehead.

"Oppa!" She cries.

Her brother clasps her hand tightly, causing her eyes to widen.

This was a miracle!

He'd lost all control over his limbs, years ago.

The practitioners they'd shown her brother to, had all stated that there was no ray of hope to Joon Ki's recovery and here he was, looking as healthy as ever.

"Soojin ah, you changed our lives. You-You gave us things even your father hadn't been capable of providing us. Please convey our thanks to Yun Ki..I wanted to come to The Kingdom myself as a token of respect and gratitude but didn't want to leave your brother unattended. Soojin, he has blessed us. Your husband is nothing short of God in our eyes.." Her mother cries, now falling to her knees.

Soojin feels as though her heart has been tugged down by the heaviest of rocks.

Her eyes waver to a painting hung on the wall, of her seated next to her husband, whose lips curl up in a smile.

It's from the day of her wedding.

Had the man she'd been seeing as a Devil, been a noble-hearted misunderstood being, all along?