
Dismissal was the fatal flaw

After the world had completely turned against each other due to the development of dungeons in the world, the FBI raid unit needed new recruits. Mike was known as a C- rank when it came to raids but suddenly he received mail that he was accepted into the job he applied for. What's weird about that was that Mike was sure he had failed the examinations. As suspicious as his new job was, it was the only thing that could save Mike from his unfortunate life, though he wondered whether he made the right choice.

Kzrzz · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

An interesting encounter

The building looked dull and desolate, despite its appearance the inside was probably bustling with people looking for answers. Mike had assumed there were a few hostage situations that had taken place in the HQ due to the shocking amount of bullet holes fired through the windows, though it could've also been due to corrupt officers testing new ideas. Mike calmed down and tried to collect his thoughts, putting on a facade of confidence. He dragged his foot towards the building. Gradually approaching the door. He gave the door handle a quick turn and entered the building. The reception was large and bustling with people, just as he had predicted. One thing he had noticed was that it was very yellow inside.

A loud voice echoed across the reception catching Mike's attention.

"I assume you are Mike Mitchels?"

"yes, that would in fact be me," I said approaching the lady in front of me"

"You don't look like how I thought you would. It is a miracle you were even accepted in the first place." The woman responded with a sarcastic tone.

"Ah, I see. Thanks for your input but how I got here doesn't concern you. I'm not here for you either, so if are my guide I would rather you do that quietly keeping all your opinions to yourself, mam." I challenged trying to keep my cool.

"I see what the file meant, arrogant and obnoxious." The woman before me said with confidence.

"you started it," I responded in a mumbled voice.

"Whatever" she scoffs." you are on floor 13B looking for a guy named Killian Tulssa. I don't recommend wasting any more time, he isn't the patient type. I don't even know what he saw in you, Killian hasn't accepted anyone into his squad for 2 years. The last was his partner and he isn't among the living anymore."

This woman was slowly angering me. She was almost making fun of Killian's dead partner. It wasn't like me to lose my cool over something like this but it seems like I was already attached to my future job. My eyes looked down to read the badge on her blazer. Jess Moreas.

"Didn't I tell you to stop lingering about here? stop looking at me and get going. I believe you can find where an elevator is."

"Alright. Jess Moreas." I say harshly, capitalizing each word" Let me get out of your hair now. Thanks for the warm welcome."

Mike walked away from the woman he already hated. Unfortunately, he'd have to see her each morning to sign himself in. He hoped to himself that there might be another secretary but this was probably a stretch. The government already pays the workers so I doubt they would spend some excess pennies on another pointless wage. Pretty much everyone knew how much the government loved capitalism, but this wasn't the time to discuss such trivial matters, his current job was far more important than pointlessly getting angry over a single secretary. Mike took a minute to calm his head before entering the elevator.

If his mood wasn't already ruined, the elevator had definitely done it. If the reception was a mansion the elevator might as well be a castle the interior of the elevator was far larger than Mike could've imagined. The elevator sides were polished and well-kept, Mike could've sworn that he could see himself on the railing if he looked close enough. You could clearly tell how much money was invested in the building. Mike scoffed to himself whilst imagining what he could've bought with all of the "wasted money" before him. He could never understand how the rich could just throw money at a project despite how helpful the building may be to society. It was just, ridiculous to him. Perhaps he was biased as compared to this luxury his house may as well be the slums but he knew he should just give up. Complaining about his own living ideals is petty, Mike personally believed that if you wanted to fix something you should work towards that goal despite Mike never being able to achieve it. This was one of the many reasons Mike greatly hated the rich. Either they were born into it, which made Mike angry, or they worked hard to achieve their goals, which made Mike jealous. He could never win in a situation like this.

The sound of the elevator doors opening brought him out of his rant. He wondered how long he truly spent thinking about the life of someone else in that elevator. Shoving all his thoughts aside he decided to take a step onto the floor labeled 1-3B.