
Disguised Blessing

It's one of your average stories of how one feels about a relationship. This is my story of how I met my lover boy and how it came to be. Hopefully you like true stories cause here we go on a roller coaster ride of emotions and complications. You'll soon to realize why this story is title Disguised Blessing.

xpressed_feels · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs


Wintertime. A season that I hate the most. "Giiirl," my best friend said from the other line. We talked about nothing over everything, and that's the fun part of having a best friend. Talking happened in the background from a virtual school. I had no care for that class. Going virtual had made it worse. Middle school sucks.

After a while, I tuned out the background and my best friend to admire the snow outside. It's a blanket of snow on the car and ground. White and frosted, bare trees were always a sight to me. Suddenly, a male figure walked by my view. I was intrigued by the sudden appearance, so I stood up from the couch. I got a closer look approach my balcony door.

It was a male who seemed to be around my age. He looked very charming and cute. He stood in the snow shoveling snow off one of the cars. His movements were like he was living carelessly. It was memorizing, and the way he moved left me in a daze. At that moment, I knew I was in love. Love, at first sight, seemed so dumb to me until this moment.

"Hey, B. I think I like my neighbor."