
Disguised Blessing

It's one of your average stories of how one feels about a relationship. This is my story of how I met my lover boy and how it came to be. Hopefully you like true stories cause here we go on a roller coaster ride of emotions and complications. You'll soon to realize why this story is title Disguised Blessing.

xpressed_feels · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs


"Yo, can you help me take out the trash?" A male voice asked from the kitchen. I groaned, "Why? You can't just take it out yourself like you normally do?" My brother started to beg me, and so I gave in. He went out first as I got ready to go. Once I got ready, I grabbed the trash and headed out the door. The hallway looked eerie, as always. I have no idea why my mother chose this place. It gave me the creeps.

On my walk to the dumpster, the wind was howling. The sun was blazing and burning my skin. Why does the dumpster have to be so far from us? The smell of the dumpster was intoxicating. I threw out the trash and turned around to head back home. Glad that's over now. As I was enjoying the scenery and the sight of the clear blue sky, something went past me. I looked beside me to see a male. I didn't get the chance to analyze him, but a gut feeling has me thinking that he is attractive.

I haven't seen him before, but I won't let him get in my head. I'm in a relationship, and I won't betray their trust. But he does seem like he just moved in. How interesting. I made it inside my home and went on with my daily chores.