
Chapter 24

"I told you there's nowhere on this earth that I cannot find you."

For a moment Ava couldn't move or speak, her mind buzzing with dazed and confused thoughts.

Impossible. This couldn't be true. It couldn't be him...

She blinked. He was still there. She blinked again, only to find that her eyes were not deceiving her.

"How did you find me?"

She gasped out.

"There's no place too far, no mountain high enough to keep me from you. Know that I will always find a way to get where you are."

Had the words been spoken in completely different tone, it would have been the sweetest thing a man had ever said to her. When she could say nothing in response, his gaze swept over her from head to toe. She instantly clutched the front of her nightgown as if he could see through the thin fabric.