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During ascension, something goes wrong with the system, and it currently possess the body of a 5 years old kid, named Austin. As a system he had accompanied various hosts in various forms like Supremacy System, Harem System, Library, Desire Seeking, Dating Sim, etc. Now its his time to utilize all the power and experience.

Nikihil_Pandey · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


In a luxurious room, a young boy opened his eyes. He groan a little in pain, when some memory appeared before. While he was in daze, a maid entered the room, hearing the movement, and after which she ran to inform her head maid.

"So owner of this body is named Austin, a child without father. His mother had small shop in a town, which is destroyed in monster horde, and she also died in it, until he is rescued by someone. So does this house belongs to that man?" he was speculating, when doctors entered the room, followed by a couple.

"Duke everything is normal, theirs nothing to worry about", a doctor reported to couple.

''Duke', am I in some kind of aristocratic family', I just hope there is not any trouble right now.

"All of you leave this room", he ordered all the servants, and door is closed tightly. He slowly come closer to Austin, while looking at him, meanwhile a lady was also glancing him time to time, with anger and resentment.

"From now onward, you are Austin Lionheart, adopted son of Duke Lionheart, and we hope you don't bring any disgrace to our name, otherwise.." he said coldly, before leaving the room.

Lady looked at him and said, "I hope you don't bring trouble for us. We are willing to provide all kind of assistance for you, as well as a noble title when….huh what am I talking to child", she interrupted herself while continuing, "I just hope you don't disappoint us, otherwise you will regret a lot in future."


Few hours ago

"Malinda why did you do this?" an old man asked while staring at her daughter-in-law, staring at her intensely.

"Grand Duke, it wasn't like this. I was just bringing that boy, and was going to ask for your guidance, when that bastard's father spread the rumor. I am innocent", said Malinda while pleading.

"Bastard's father? Who is he to disregard my family reputation like that", he shouted unleashing the domineering aura, surrounding the estate.

"It's the current emperor of Glacia Empire, Emperor Alexander Drabourne XV. My elder brother", she said while gritting her teeth in anger.

Hearing this, everyone in the room was shocked, Grand Duke also softened a little. After thinking for a while, he said, "So is illigimate member of Royal family, huh. We had to handle this carefully, for now just let it be as it is."

After which everyone in the room left one by one, leaving Malinda alone. She fall on the couch beside her and sighed, "Brother why did you do this to me?"

Few days ago, Duchess Malinda Lionheart is invited by his brother Emperor invited her secretly in hurry. At the designated location, he begged her to take care of his child, and when she returned to the Duke's estate she was informed about the rumor which is currently circulating in the empire.

Today, the Duke and his parents invited her for the explanation, when she was sighing, a maid entered the room.

"Duchess, Duchess, that boy"

"Boy, what happened to him", she asked anxiously.

"He is awakened, and the maid reported that he was staring at the ceiling blankly for a long time…." maid reported everything, as well as add one or two point by herself.


Back inside the Austin's room, while he was processing everything that had happened just now, he heard a voice in his head.

"Congratulation on being chosen as the admin of Great System."

"Host can bestow or take back the system to other people, as long as they fulfill certain criteria and host chose to bestow to him. Host is recommended to pretend to sleep, if he is going to enter System Space for more information."

He followed the instruction and entered the system space. Instead of a particular system, is directly fused with the Mother system becoming admin of system network, and can regulate the system for other hosts.

"Congratulation, host has received the contract Gift pack. Do you want to open it?"

"Open it", he shouted excitedly.

"Congratulations, host is rewarded with the SPECIAL SYSTEM CONSITUTION, Key to farm system, Level 1 residential building and a basic training center."

Soon the fog before him cleared, and mansion appeared. The mansion have a small garden with decoration trees, a small pond and an altar. As he entered the mansion gate, a pixie flew towards him.

"Welcome host", she said while she flew around him.

"Who are you?" Austin asked.

"I am your assistant, also who will oversee the system in your absence."

"Can you tell me more about the mansion, and what do I have to do?"

After which they took a tour of the mansion. It isn't that huge, but had all the possible facilities. After which she told him, about system, and his role.

"You are bounded with mother system, and you can create or issue the existing system. There are various types of system, like Cooking, Warrior, Queen, Harem etc. You have various privileges as the admin, but also many limitation. Like you have access to all kinds of information for free, but you will have to use points if you want to learn any skills, spells, etc. You can enter any realm, but either the realm have a potential host or you have to use points to gain access to it."

"You can bestow anyone a system, but he must fulfill certain condition if you want to use readymade system, otherwise you have create one yourself. Also the number of system which you can issue, is directly proportional to your own strength", she said while relaxing on his lap.

After gaining full understanding, he used his rewards, and changed his constitution.


Few month's later

"What you said is true?", Malinda asked sternly while squinting her eyes. Hearing this, Austin looked back at her innocently and said, "Duchess what I said is really true, if you don't believe it, you can ask Mary she was with me."

Hearing this, she ring the bell, when her maid entered, "Jes, go call Mary."

After few minutes, a blonde maid entered the room, she is only 16 years old, and the personal maid appointed to the Austin.

"Can you tell me, what you saw in the second master this morning", she asked coldly.

"Mad.. Madam, Lady Lisa is kicking the Lady Neville, and this isn't the first time she had done that", she said hesitatingly. Hearing this, she frowned a little, and said, "Austin can you wait outside for a little."

"Now you tell me everything which you know, everything without missing a single detail", she said.

"Madam, ever since the Second Master and Madam…" Mary slowly started to explain everything which she had seen and heard. How the young lady is being abused and the treatment she received.


Inside the Grand Duke Richard's study room

*Bang* he hit the table in anger, completely destroying it. He was shaking in anger, hearing everything and looking at the report. "S2, go kill every single one of the Lisn Mansion, don't spare a single one of them, and bring that wench in front of me."

Next day, the news about the massacre inside Lisn Manison spread in the estate, it shocked everyone. Meanwhile, inside the main hall, several elders were currently sitting on the respected seat, looking at the lady tied in the chain, kneeling at the center of hall. Grand Duke looked at her, and said, "You really had a lot of courage, to abuse my own granddaughter right under my nose, Lisa."

"Grand Duke, please forgive me, I wouldn't do this again…" she pleaded.

"Forgive you? I really feel little sad to inform you, but you had already crossed the line and had gone so far that, death will be mercy on you."

"Guards go bring the slave merchant, we have a slave to sell", he said while storming out of the hall.


Inside the third elder mansion,

"That bitch is really useless, but how did the grand duke found about it?" asked a figure, sitting on the round chair.

"We should focus more on how to handle with the current situation. Not only do we have to eliminate that bastard before he gain recognition by grand duke, not to mention we have to re-plan everything."

Hearing all this, a middle aged man said, "We will have to stay low for some time, and observe the situation carefully. We can't eliminate the main family, otherwise we will only have the title, not the power behind it. For now, just return to your post, and do thing as usual."


"Austin, Neville these are the tutor assigned to you temporarily for the upcoming banquet. They will teach you basic etiquettes", Malinda said while pointing at the several people following behind her.

Slowly time passed and Austin's training started. He was thought everything, eating manner, walking, talking everything.

Finally the day of banquet arrived,

Duke himself appeared to take them.