
Disaster: Undesired Fate

"Am I deserving of existence?" A tale unfolds of a youth adrift in the void of purpose, entwined in the tendrils of sorrow and agony. Fate's hand guides him into a realm where his battles are not his own, yet the odyssey he embarks upon bears the weight of harrowing recollections. Nightmares grip him relentlessly, whispering of imminent demise should his vigilance waver. No solace, no clemency graces his existence, only the relentless grip of torment. The divine, indifferent to his plight, offer no reprieve, only a specter of death lurking in the shadows of destiny, woven with strands of blood and suffering.

Mvaoun · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - Element (2)

The once white crystal ball now remained unchanged, its surface devoid of any transformation, leaving me unsettled.

"Raynie, what's happening?" I started, my question left hanging in the air as I observed Raynie's distress, beads of sweat forming on his brow, hands trembling.

"Raynie?" I prompted, concern etched into my voice.

"This... this can't be real," Raynie murmured, his expression one of disbelief and fear.

"You! Your element..." He hesitated, the words seeming to catch in his throat.

I waited in silence, anticipation coursing through me, urging him to continue.


With that single word, Raynie's demeanor shifted, his agitation abating as he began to explain the nature of my element.

"Your element is Inanis... I'm afraid you won't be able to wield it yet," he revealed.

"Why?" I pressed, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension coloring my tone.

"You can only harness that element once certain conditions are met," Raynie clarified.

"So... what are these conditions?" My inquiry hung in the air, awaiting his response.

"In the beginning, there was no Shu in this realm. Then, from the shadows of obscurity emerged a wanderer, claiming origins unknown. This land... no, this entire world, shrouded in chaos and rampant with malevolence at every turn, greeted the stranger with hostility. Those who harbored immediate disdain for the newcomer launched an assault, only to find their aggression thwarted as if drawn to an unseen force, vanishing into the ether. It was then that the traveler unveiled his otherworldly talents—summoning fire, bending water, commanding wind, and shaping earth. Astonishment mingled with dread as the populace beheld his extraordinary prowess. Yet, among them arose admirers, drawn to his enigmatic power. In time, he established a bastion of learning, imparting the mysteries of Shu to eager disciples. He laid down a decree: wield Shu for malice, and face obliteration. Thus, tranquility graced every corner of the realm... until the fateful division of his soul.

"As the tale goes, the traveler sundered his essence into fragments, each fragment a sovereign over one of the elements. Alas, the king of darkness, consumed by insurrection, plunged the world into turmoil. He seized a mortal vessel, ascending to the throne of demon king. To quell his rampage, he must be sealed, yet the sole method demands the allegiance of all elemental kings. Regrettably, their ethereal forms render them impotent, dispersed across realms without suitable hosts to unify them."

"So... the demon king's invincibility stems from the essence of the king of darkness still bound within him?" I queried.


"And to unlock my elemental power, I must locate and unite with each elemental monarch?" I surmised.


'I grasp the gist, but where do I even begin?' I pondered.

"Wait, why would the traveler fragment his soul?" I interjected.

"Speculation suggests he served as an agent of divine balance, tasked with uplifting this realm from despair. Upon fulfillment, he dispersed his might across the cosmos," Raynie elucidated.

This turn of events caught me off guard, leaving me with no choice but to embark on the daunting task of locating each elemental king.

"So... what's my next move?" I inquired.

"It appears you must fortify your Shu until you can withstand assaults from my element," Raynie advised.

'Another uphill battle... but there's no alternative,' I acknowledged inwardly.

Resuming my training, I delved into meditation, honed energy flow techniques, and engaged in sparring sessions with Raynie.

Two weeks elapsed.

"Darwin wasn't exaggerating. You're a quick study," Raynie remarked amidst our duel. By now, I had attained a level of equilibrium, countering Raynie's elemental prowess with fortified energy resistance. The resounding clash of our blades filled the chamber, yet I struggled whenever Raynie unleashed his Cyro skills.

[Frost Area]

"Hey! That throws off my balance!" I protested as Raynie's icy attack caused me to slip, my footing compromised.

Raynie offered counsel, advising me to channel Shu to my feet. "If you can't navigate the ice, exert your strength to break through until you regain stability."

Attempting his suggestion, I found myself faltering. "I can't seem to manage it," I confessed.

"Not yet. Concentrate on gathering Shu at your feet, preventing its flow through them," Raynie coached.

Yes... I've relied on channeling Shu into objects too frequently, neglecting to hone my ability to focus Shu on specific points. Recognizing these deficiencies, I recommenced training, beginning with bolstering the flow of Shu, refining my awareness of Shu's pressure upon my body, and mastering attack techniques under Raynie's tutelage.

Three days elapsed, during which I sensed a marked improvement in my strength.

"It appears you've made considerable progress," Raynie remarked, prompting us to resume our practice routine.


Evading Raynie's initial strike, I countered with a futile attack from the flank, fully aware of its inevitable failure. Undeterred, he unleashed his skill once more.

[Frost Area]

"Heh, that won't faze me anymore," I chuckled confidently.

"Let's see about that," Raynie challenged.

Leaping into action, he aimed a blow at my head. Drawing upon my newfound strength, I channeled Shu to my feet and advanced.


The ice conjured by Raynie's skill yielded to my strength, allowing me to thwart his assault and employ the absolute area technique without hindrance.

"I've imparted all I can. You're now prepared to face the monsters," Raynie declared.


I remained silent, brimming with anticipation as I contemplated the commencement of my primary mission in this realm.

"Thank you for your guidance," I expressed sincerely.

"It's my pleasure. Now, it's time to report back to the king at the palace," Raynie instructed, signaling the culmination of our training.


With newfound resolve, I embarked on the journey back to the palace. As I traversed the city streets, I remained vigilant, scanning my surroundings for any signs of trouble. Yet, no sooner had I reached a secluded corner of the city, I found myself accosted by a group of individuals.

'The pitfalls of urban life,' I mused inwardly.

"Hey, look who's stumbled into our turf," one of them jeered.

"Apologies, I'm new to these parts," I offered, attempting diplomacy.

"Hah, so that's how it is. Well, to pass through here, it'll cost you two gold coins," another demanded.

"But... I'm strapped for coin at the moment," I confessed.

"Damn it! Fine, scram," they spat, dismissing me.

Reluctantly, I began to retreat, but before I could make my escape...


A sharp blow struck the back of my head, sending me into darkness. When consciousness returned, I found myself bound to a chair in a desolate chamber.

"Uuh... where am I...?" I groaned, disoriented.

"Heh... looks like our little guest is awake," one of them sneered.

"What's the plan, boss?" another inquired.

"We all know the rules forbid elemental usage, but rules mean nothing if we don't enforce them. Let's teach this fool a lesson," the apparent leader declared.

"But boss... if something happens to him..." a hint of concern crept into the subordinate's voice.

"Don't worry, no one will ever find out," the boss assured, callous and indifferent.

Trapped and helpless, all I could do was watch as the situation unfolded.

'What now...' I fretted internally.

[Fire Ball]

'Huh!? A mage?' I reacted instinctively, channeling Shu to my head to withstand the impending onslaught.



I braced myself against the onslaught, their surprise evident as I stood firm.

"Why didn't it work!?"

Despite their repeated attempts, my trained energy rendered their attacks futile. Yet, the heat persisted, a

testament to their fervor.

"Why don't you try attacking?" The boss urged his comrades.


[Air slash]

[Rock punch]

Their assaults continued fruitlessly, prompting me to fortify my body and break free from my restraints. I surveyed the room, seizing fragments of the destroyed chair to fashion into weapons.

"Attack again!!"

Undeterred, they launched another barrage, but I paid no heed, charging towards them with determination. I struck them with the chair fragments, channeling my frustration into each blow.


Frustration boiled within me, reigniting memories of past conflicts.

After subduing them, I systematically incapacitated each one, fueled by a surge of pent-up anger.

'FUCK, DICKHEAD, PIECE OF SHIT, DAMN!!!' I cursed inwardly, my fury

reminiscent of my tumultuous school days.


"Please!! Have mercy!!"

"We were only following orders!" one pleaded, hiding behind their hands.

'Orders? But I've just arrived, with no enemies,' I mused.

"Who gave the orders?" I demanded.

"Ra-Raynie," they whimpered, the name sending a chill down my spine.