
Disaster: Undesired Fate

"Am I deserving of existence?" A tale unfolds of a youth adrift in the void of purpose, entwined in the tendrils of sorrow and agony. Fate's hand guides him into a realm where his battles are not his own, yet the odyssey he embarks upon bears the weight of harrowing recollections. Nightmares grip him relentlessly, whispering of imminent demise should his vigilance waver. No solace, no clemency graces his existence, only the relentless grip of torment. The divine, indifferent to his plight, offer no reprieve, only a specter of death lurking in the shadows of destiny, woven with strands of blood and suffering.

Mvaoun · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 - Element (1)

As the goblin closed in, Darwin's blade ignited with flames, rending the creature asunder in a blaze of searing heat. I couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle before me.

"What is that? Is it magic or something?" I queried, my curiosity piqued by the display of otherworldly power.

"It comes from inner energy, you can also call it Shu. In this world, magic is quite rare; only a few out of thousands of people can use it. We rely more on Shu as a source of power because it is easier to learn," Darwin explained, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience.

"What is the difference between magic and Shu?" I inquired, eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of this new world.

"Differentiating magic and Shu is like comparing a river and a lake. If you use magic, you can utilize it as much as you want as long as you have the necessary intermediaries or preparations. However, Shu can only be used if there is still water or energy within your body," Darwin elaborated, his words resonating with the wisdom of ages.

'I see, so it's like Chi or Chakra,' I mused silently, drawing parallels to the arcane energies of my own world.

"I also want to learn to master it!" I declared, the fire of determination burning bright within me.

"Hahaha, you are in such a hurry, now you have to perfect every move in the absolute area first," Darwin chuckled, his laughter echoing across the training grounds like a clarion call to action.

"Okay!" I responded eagerly, ready to throw myself into the rigorous training regimen that lay ahead.

After days of relentless practice, I felt confident enough to challenge Darwin to a sparring match, eager to put my newfound skills to the test against a living opponent.

"Sir, I think it's time for training with someone who attacks. I can't keep practicing using dead objects only," I asserted, my voice tinged with determination.

"Yes, you are right. Now, practice with me," Darwin agreed, his eyes alight with anticipation.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, brimming with excitement as I prepared to face off against my mentor in combat.

As Darwin launched into a flurry of attacks, I found myself struggling to keep up, the absolute area technique serving me well as a defensive measure but leaving little room for counterattacks.

"You are good at defending but almost never attack at all," Darwin observed, his voice tinged with a hint of admonishment.

'Ugh, that's because you only taught me to counter attacks,' I thought bitterly, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Determined to prove myself, I launched into a series of attacks, each blow infused with all the strength and skill I could muster. But despite my best efforts, I found myself unable to land a single blow on Darwin, his movements fluid and precise as he effortlessly evaded my every strike.

"It seems enough for today," Darwin declared, putting an end to our training session as I collapsed to the ground, exhausted and defeated.

As I lay there catching my breath, the weight of my inadequacy pressing down upon me like a leaden shroud, I couldn't help but wonder how I would ever hope to defeat the Demon King when I couldn't even best my own mentor in combat.

At night, I continued to train, pushing myself to the limits of my endurance in a desperate bid to improve. And as the days turned into weeks, I found myself growing stronger, my skills honed to a razor-sharp edge by Darwin's relentless tutelage.

Four days later, I found myself balanced on a knife's edge against Darwin, our blades flashing in the light as we danced across the training grounds in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

"A hero is indeed extraordinary. In just one week, you can compete with me," Darwin remarked, his voice tinged with admiration.

"Thank you for the compliment. It's all thanks to you," I replied, gratitude swelling within me for the guidance and support he had provided.

And so, under Darwin's watchful eye, I continued to train, each day bringing me one step closer to unlocking the full extent of my potential.


The next day dawned bright and clear, heralding the beginning of a new chapter in my journey. With Darwin's guidance, I ventured beyond the walls of the palace for the first time since my arrival in this world, eager to seek out the knowledge and power that would enable me to confront the Demon King and emerge victorious.

As we made our way through the bustling streets of the city, Darwin regaled me with tales of the kingdom's storied history and the valiant efforts of its people to combat the forces of darkness that threatened to consume them.

'People are friendly to Darwin, maybe if King Grim is walking around here, it's very welcome and gets a lot of praise from his people,' I mused silently, taking note of the warm reception afforded to my mentor by the denizens of the city.

Eventually, we arrived at our destination: a modest building nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of the city streets. Stepping inside, we were greeted by a woman clad in the garb of a sorceress, her sky-blue hair and porcelain skin marking her as a figure of otherworldly beauty.

"Wow, you must be Ken. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Raynie," the woman said, her voice as melodious as a songbird's call.

"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you," I replied, offering a polite bow in greeting.

Seated within the confines of Raynie's chamber, the air thick with anticipation, she posed a question that cut through the silence like a blade.

"Darwin has informed me of your desire to harness the power of Shu to enhance your technique," Raynie inquired, her gaze penetrating.

"Yes! I seek strength beyond measure," I declared, my resolve unwavering.

Darwin, ever the silent sentinel, interjected with a revelation that sent ripples of uncertainty through my core.

"It appears that henceforth, your tutelage falls under Raynie's purview," he announced, his words laden with gravity. "My role as your mentor concludes here. Mastery of Shu shall be your compass on the path that lies ahead—a path fraught with peril and promise."

"The real journey... to face the demon king?" I echoed, grappling with the weight of his words.

"Indeed," Darwin affirmed, his voice a solemn echo in the chamber.

With Darwin's departure, Raynie and I engaged in discourse, delving into the intricacies of Shu. Her explanations, delivered with the precision of a surgeon's blade, illuminated the mysteries of this ancient art.

"Shu is the lifeblood coursing through all living beings—a reservoir of untapped potential," Raynie elucidated, her words a symphony of knowledge. "Yet, to wield it, one must first unlock its dormant power."

As Raynie expounded upon the complexities of Shu, I found myself grappling with newfound revelations. The notion of harnessing elemental energies beckoned, promising untold possibilities.

"The hero who came before you possessed mastery over three elements—a feat reserved for legends," Raynie divulged, her words a tantalizing glimpse into the annals of history.

As Raynie concluded her exposition, I resolved to embark upon the arduous journey of unlocking my latent potential. With each passing moment, the anticipation of what lay ahead grew, a beacon guiding me towards enlightenment.

The following day, I embarked upon the ritualistic training of my energy, guided by Raynie's expertise. Through the meticulous application of her techniques, the flow of Shu within me surged, a torrent of raw power waiting to be harnessed.

"Do you feel it?" Raynie inquired, her gaze fixed upon me with unwavering intensity.

"A faint whisper, a spark amidst the darkness," I replied, my voice a mere echo in the vast expanse of the training room.

Undeterred by the ephemeral nature of my newfound energy, I immersed myself in meditation, seeking to attune myself to its subtle currents. With each passing moment, the veil of uncertainty lifted, revealing the boundless potential that lay dormant within.

"It is done," Raynie proclaimed, her words a harbinger of newfound strength.

Raynie, lurking by the door, then sidled up to me. "Now we begin the drill to channel your energy into a weapon."

I was thrown off by Raynie's earlier discourse on elements, unsure of my aptitude. "Didn't you mention knowing one's elemental affinity eases the conversion of energy?" I probed.

"To transmute energy into an element is far trickier than mere channeling. First, you'll master energy channeling, then the alchemy of elemental transformation," Raynie elucidated.

Raynie handed me a dagger and a sword. Perplexed, I inquired, "...What's the purpose of this?"

"Attempt to cleave that sword with the dagger," she instructed.

'As if that's plausible,' I mused, though I obliged despite skepticism.


"This is preposterous! How could a dagger sunder a sword?" I exclaimed.

Raynie seized the dagger I held, elucidating, "That's why even in releasing raw energy, it holds significance."

Abruptly, the dagger emitted a cerulean aura. Raynie swung it at the sword, causing it to fracture. I stood dumbfounded, awestruck by the feat. "...How...is this possible?" I stammered.

"That's Shu. My manipulation yielded pure energy sans elemental infusion. The potency of your energy determines the output of the channeled object. For those aspiring to become Mages, they embark on arduous Shu refinement," Raynie expounded.

"Aah, it's clearer now," I acknowledged.

Raynie substituted the sword with a wooden block. "Now focus your energy into this dagger and hew the wooden block before you."

I endeavored to channel my energy into the dagger, encountering considerable difficulty. The emitted aura was faint. Despite my efforts, I struggled to fracture the wooden block.

"Aah, no different from an unaided attempt," I conceded.

Raynie proposed reinforcing my Shu through meditation. Complying, I secluded myself in contemplation. Eight hours later, I endeavored to channel my energy anew. Success greeted me; the dagger, imbued with Shu, emitted a cerulean aura akin to Raynie's.


The wooden block yielded effortlessly. 'Like slicing through parchment,' I marveled.

Witnessing my progress, Raynie proffered another sword. 'At last, success.'

"Ahahaha, the hero's a madman. In a mere few hours, he's mastered Shu channeling," Raynie chuckled, evidently pleased with my advancement. It appeared Raynie had prepared an array of swords for my training, furnishing me with another.

"Now infuse Shu into this sword," she directed.

"Very well," I consented.

Raynie wielded a sword, infusing it with Shu. "I'll assail you."

"Wait...what?" I barely managed before Raynie lunged, sword in hand.

"Uwaaahh!" I reacted instinctively, evading her onslaught. Raynie persisted, her strikes bearing a lethal intent.

"Why the aggression?" I interjected.

"It's the swiftest method to fortify your Shu," Raynie retorted as she continued her barrage. Despite the blinding flashes from the clashing Shu, I held my own, parrying each blow.

Finally, Raynie desisted, urging, "Now withstand my single strike." Surprisingly, her sword morphed into a semblance of ice as she struck from the side. I braced myself.

"Ugh!" I grunted as my Shu-infused sword shattered upon contact.

"How...is this possible?" I queried, bewildered.

"My sword turned frigid after my strike," I noted.

"That's the disparity between raw energy and its elemental conversion," Raynie explained.

"Aah, I see. In essence, elemental infusion amplifies Shu's potency," I deduced.

"Indeed," Raynie concurred, producing a crystal ball. "This tool discerns your elemental affinity. Channel your energy into it."

With Raynie's guidance, I delved deeper into the mysteries of Shu, unlocking its potential one step at a time. As the echoes of battle faded, I stood on the precipice of greatness, ready to confront the challenges that awaited.

"What is this!?" Raynie exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment.

In that moment, as I channeled my energy into the crystal ball before me, the veil of uncertainty lifted, revealing the elemental truth that lay hidden within.