

Some marry for love. Some marry for evil plans. Some marry with force. Some marry because of the law.

SimaQat · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

All the places mentioned in the story are fictional.

Palace. Royal family. Money. Fame. What does more a person needs in life? Maybe this is just my point of view because Amira seemed unhappy. Amira Hakimi, daughter of Osama and Basheera Hakimi, current king and Queen of Hubaib. One of the towns in one part of the world we live in. In that palace, there were two families. Osama's family and his brother, Jaber's family. Opposite of Osama, Jaber had a son named Hassan.

Amira and Hassan were 23 years old now. Life was perfect for people living in the palace. Everyone was happy, except, Amira. Maybe because she wasn't 100% free as a princess. The only place she could go to was the market. Even to the market, she should've gone with the guards. Another rule was that a princess must marry at the ages of 20 to 24. And they should marry either a prince or a cousin who's going to be a future prince in some cases. Since Osama didn't have a son, then if Amira marries Hassan, he would be the future prince and king after, Osama's death.

Osama wanted Hassan to be the prince. So he had to talk to Amira, so she marries Hassan.

Osama: (Signs the servant) call Amira.

Servant: Yes sir.

The servant goes to Amira's room. He knocks and opens the door.

Servant: Princess, your father wants to see you.

Amira: Ok.

Amira goes to her father's room. She enters. Her mom and dad are sitting on a luxury sofa.

Amira: You wanted to see me?

Osama: Yes dear. Have a seat.

Amira seats.

Osama: You are 23 years old. You must get married soon.

Amira: I thought I still had one more year.

Osama: 24 is the maximum age. It's risky.

Amira: But

Osama: (interrupts) Listen Amira, your mother and I have a boy in our mind.

Basheera: Your cousin, Hassan. He is a good boy, and it's not against the law and regulations.

Amira: (Shock) Hassan?! Huh. No way.

Osama: Why not?

Amira: No offense dad, but he is not ready to get married. He is still a kid.

Basheera: Amira.

Amira: No, I'm serious. I mean why do men don't have limited age for marriage?

Basheera: We didn't make the rules.

Osama: We must obey them though. If you don't marry him or another prince, we would be out of this house and we won't be a royal family anymore.

Amira: That sounds great.

Osama: What?!

Amira: I don't want to be part of a royal family.

Osama: Don't say that. We have an amazing life.

Amira: No, dad we don't. only you do.

Basheera: AMIRA!

Amira: I'm telling the truth mom. Being a royal family is just fun for men, not us women. We have a limited marriage age. We don't even get to choose our own husband. We can't go out much. Life here is bad. Instead of living in a palace, I feel like I am locked up in a prison.

Osama: Go to your room.

Amira: Why when I tell the truth, I should immediately go to my room?

Osama: Go.

Amira: FINE!

Amira leaves the room.

Basheera: What is going to happen now?

Osama: She is going to marry Hassan. (Calls one of the servants) Nadia!

Nadia: (Enters) Yes, sir?

Osama: Tell the rest to make the palace ready for my daughter's wedding.

Basheera: Osama.

Osama: (To Nadia) The house should be ready by the next weekend.

Nadia: Yes, sir. (Exits)

Basheera: What did you do?

Osama: She must get married.

Basheera: But

Osama: There is no but Basheera.

Basheera: What about Hassan?

Osama: They know already.

Basheera: What about Amira?

Osama: I informed her.

Amira sitting in her room looking at the window. She sees everyone is putting royal chairs in the yard. She goes to the yard.

Amira: Nadia.

Nadia: Yes?

Amira: What is going on?

Nadia: What do you mean?

Amira: Why you are putting the royal chairs?

Nadia: What do you mean? Are you teasing me?

Amira: Why would I tease you? What's going on?

Nadia: Well, your father told me to make the palace ready for your wedding the next weekend.

Amira: WHAT?!

Nadia: You didn't know?

Amira runs inside and rushes to her father's room.

Amira: Dad! Why?

Osama: (Looking outside) I told you we should obey the rules.


Osama: You disobeyed me and my royalty, I'll do the same.

Amira: (Tear falls) I'm your daughter, dad.

Osama says nothing.

Amira: Mom?

Basheera looks down.

Amira walks backward outside. She goes to Hassan's room.

Amira: Hassan.

Hassan: Yes?

Amira: Do you know what is going to happen to us?

Hassan: Yeah, we are going to get married.

Amira: And you are fine with this?

Hassan: (Smiles) Of course. I cannot wait any longer to be a prince.

Amira: But I don't want to marry you.

Hassan: What? What do you mean?!

Amira: Don't take this wrong, you are a good boy, but I am young to get married. I don't want to.

Hassan: But it's a must. According to the rules.

Amira: Well if we both say we don't want to marry each other, then they can't make us.

Hassan: But I want to.

Amira: Hassan, please. I don't want to.

Hassan takes steps forward and grabs Amira's collar. He is mad. He Looks in her eyes and shrinks his eyes.

Hassan: Listen, young lady. I don't give a damn about you. I don't care that you are young, old, you want to, or you don't want to. I have been waiting to be a prince since I was 15. So, don't you dare take that away from me. It's not easy to pretend that you are that perfect boy for this long. Now, you will be a good girl and keep your mouth shut and be my wife next weekend. (Leaves her collar.)

Amira's eyes were full of tears. She runs to her room she slams her door and throws herself on the bed and began crying to her pillow.

Amira: (Crying) Why? Why I have to be the princess? Why do I have to be part of a royal family? I hate everything? I hate being a princess. I don't want to. Why? Why me? (Cries louder.)

Basheera enters.

She seats near Amira and she puts her hand on Amira's head.

Basheera: My baby girl. I know it's hard, but that's life. That's royal life. Not everything goes in a way that we want.

Amira: Nothing goes how we want.

Basheera: Maybe you are right.

Amira: (Sits) Mom.

Basheera: Yeah?

Amira: Did you even love dad?

Basheera: (Smiles) I liked your father as my brother. Not as my husband. We are like you and Hassan. Cousins. I was the only girl. I never saw your dad as my husband. Not even now.

Amira: Then why did you let him do the same thing to me?

Basheera: Because we must obey the rules.

Amira: I am sick of the rules. Don't you want to try something new? Haven't you ever wondered why our life is so boring? Because we re-live the same damn day. Again and again and again and again.

Basheera: I don't know girl. I just came to tell you that your wedding dress is going to be ready by tomorrow.


Basheera: Well.

Basheera leaves the room.

Amira becomes so mad that she starts yelling and throwing stuff. She was breaking everything.

When Nadia wanted to enter Amira's room, Osama stops her.

Osama: Don't. She will calm herself like this. (He turns to other servants) Nobody enters her room. (Turns to Basheera and looks in her eyes) Nobody.

Basheera looks down.

Next day. Nadia and Basheera enter Amira's room with a wedding dress.

Amira: (Mad) What's this?

Nadia: Your wedding dress.

Amira just stares.

Basheera: We just brought it so you could see.

Amira turns to the wall.

Basheera: Well, if you wanted to see it again it's in my room.

They exit.

Amira stands and goes in front of her half-broken mirror. She just stands and stares. With her tears falling.

Hassan standing in front of his mirror with a smile trying his suit. His parents Jaber and Mira are standing behind him and smiling as well.

Jaber: Wow, our son is going to get married soon. Time flies fast.

Mira: Yes. I mean it was just yesterday I was holding him in the hospital.

Jaber: I know. He is now going to be a groom.

Hassan: And the future prince.

Jaber: (Chuckles) Yes. But we are more excited about you being a groom.

Hassan: Really? You don't care that I am being a prince?

Mira: Not as much as your marriage. Wait? You only accepted to marry Amira just to be a prince? You didn't love her?

Hassan: No. No. I do love her. I mean who cares about being a prince?

Jaber and Mira smile.

Jaber: Ok, I have to go finish the paper works for the property in Dubai.

Mira: Ok.

Jaber exits.

Hassan: Wow mom, that was great acting I really thought you didn't care about the whole prince thing.

Mira: (Chuckles) Thank you. But you should be more careful, your dad and your uncle are smart. Don't mention this prince situation a lot. We have been practicing for this moment for years now.

Hassan: (Smiles) Yes, mom.

Next weekend. Amira couldn't fight against her father. She was sitting on a chair in her room. with her wedding dress. She stands and began walking in her room. suddenly she sees herself in her half-broken mirror again. Her tears fall. She wipes them and moves to her window. She sees everyone. Her family. Her future husband's family. Guests, guards, servants, everyone.


Osama signs Nadia.

Nadia: Yes, sir?

Osama: It's time. Go and get Amira.

Nadia: Yes, sir.

Nadia goes inside.

Jaber comes to Osama.

Jaber: Brother, can you believe it? Our kids are getting married tonight.

Osama: I know.

Nadia comes back alone. She goes and whispers something to Basheera's ears. Basheera worries and goes inside with Nadia.

Mia joins Jaber and Osama.

Mia: King Osama. Isn't it time?

Osama: Yes, yes. I told Nadia to get Amira.

Nadia comes back and walks to Osama.

Osama: Nadia. What took you so long? Where is Amira?

Nadia: Sir, she is not here.

Osama: What?! What do you mean? Have you searched other rooms?

Amira escaped from the back doors. She was running and running. With her wedding dress on. She didn't know where she was going, she was just running.

Nadia: We have searched everywhere. She is not here.

Hassan joins them as well. He had no idea.

Hassan: Uncle. Why isn't Amira coming?

Osama was so angry. His face was red out of anger.

Hassan: What's going on?

Jaber: Amira has run away.

Hassan: What?!

Amira reaches to a jungle. She was scared but she had to enter. She had to continue the path she has chosen. She takes a deep breath and enters the jungle.