

"We shouldn't be doing this" I whispered trying to catch my breath. "Why?" He replied sliding his dick into my already wet hole. "Because I'm your twin brother's fiancé and this is forbidden, I said dripping wet from my cum. "It doesn't matter, what are twins for, we shared a womb, we could share a wife too" He said with a grin on his face as he doubled his thrust inch by inch tearing me apart... - - - - - About some months back, Kylie Wintour nursed her broken heart like any other women who got cheated on would. After walking in on her husband cheating on her with their real estate agent, same period her parents passed away in a horrific car accident. Her whole world came crashing down as she was mourning and at the same time dealing with a divorce. Not too long she met Devin, everything changed for good. Devin is kind-hearted, charming and irresistibly handsome. He was everything Kylie could ever ask for. Their relationship worked out so well that Kylie thought she had it all not until she met Devon, Devin's identical twin brother. Devon is sexier and hotter. He's everything Kylie has been trying to avoid. Yet, despite her best effort, she finds herself falling for him. Kylie knows that giving in to this temptation would cost her everything - her relationship, and her reputation. However she can't seem to help herself as she had a hot steamy dirty affair with him. How did Kylie feel after this? What happens when Devin finds out? Will Devin ever forgive Kylie and his twin brother? Will her happily ever after be just right? I guess you'll just have to read the story to find out. TRIGGER WARNING: This Book contains matured contents. Read at your own RISK!

Blacmisa · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs


The next morning when I stumbled into my bathroom, I found a message scrawled in a beautiful, light pink lipstick on my mirror. It says "Say 'Hi!' to a cute guy today."

The words were followed by a huge, winking smiley face with long eyelashes.

Oh, Kim, I thought, I just came to the conclusion that I don't need a man. I left the message on my mirror, though, as a reminder to have fun and not take things so seriously.

Since it was weekend, with no special plans, I decided to go for a workout. After a quick shower, I donned my capri yoga pants and a sports tank, then I coated my exposed skin with sunscreen. I knew my mother was smiling down on me for that. She had always insisted on moisturizing and protecting. I pulled my thick, black hair back into a simple ponytail, skipped makeup (other than cherry Chapstick, of course), and tied my bright purple tennis shoes.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I decided that I was a solid six with my glossy, chestnut hair and big gray eyes. I wasn't going to win any beauty contests, but with makeup and a sexy dress, I could pass for a six and a half, maybe a seven. At least I wouldn't scare anyone off. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said to no one in particular, since Kim likely wouldn't roll out of bed until it was time for the lunch shift at Biggie's.

Bubble, one of Kim's stray cats that she was constantly taking in, shifted his head along the floor to watch me go. I told myself that it would be a much better workout without him, but the spotted basset hound had such sweet, sad eyes that I couldn't resist him.

"Do you want to go?" 'Go' must have been the magic word because he thumped his tail twice and started to maneuver his legs in an attempt to gain enough traction to stand up on the hardwood floor. It was such an operation that I was tempted to go help him, but instead I grabbed the leash and waited for him to join me at the door. Looking at his little body, I decided that a lack of food was definitely not a problem in Bubble's life before Kim rescued him.

Bubble and I made our way out at Bubble's pace. I found that I liked being forced to slow down a little. It felt like I was always rushing somewhere, even though I didn't know why I was hurrying. Habit, I guess.

Almost everyone we passed smiled at Bubble. I could see why Kim had fallen for him so quickly and taken him in. He was cute in a droopy kind of way. Unlike that awful yellow cat - Tobi, who skittered off or had a hissing fit any time I came near. I think Kim believed, at first, that I was mean to Tobi behind her back. Now that we had become so close, Kim knew that I would never intentionally harm an animal. That cat just didn't like me for some reason. She probably just wanted Kim all to herself.

As Bubble and I walked by the lakeside, I lifted my face to the sun and enjoyed the light breeze off the water. It was a truly glorious day, before a huge cute dog attacked bubble. Trying to fight him off, a voice came from behind, I heard him before I saw him. "Buddy, stop it! come here!!" he yelled. 

Just then, the dog ran towards him. I mean the guy was cute with his broad shoulders, great ass and well built physique.

When Buddy got to him, he bent down to lovingly ruffle its ears. He immediately tendered an apology saying it's unlike his dog to attack strangers. He looked up to me and I was met with one of the most gorgeous men I had ever laid eyes on. His dark hair was just a smidge too long, and he used an elegant hand to swoop it back off his forehead. And those eyes, they were the most amazing green eyes I'd ever seen. They looked exactly like the eyes from my naughty dream, they were fantastic and draped by long, dark lashes that most women couldn't dream of having, even with the help of mascara. He took my breath away.

I felt completely tongue tied, and we were too close for me to just walk away like he wasn't talking to me.

"Ummm," I stalled. Jeez! What is wrong with me? My breath was coming fast and I could feel my face flushing. I had to do something. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally got the word out.

"It's fine," I mumbled, crossing my arms awkwardly and intending to make a quick exit.

"I'm Devin, Devin Booker!" he responded and flashed me with a grin that just about bowled me over. 

"Kylie, my name is Kylie Wintour, nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand gently. Nice to meet you?? My thoughts screamed at me, how clever. He was way out of my league, and I just wanted to get away from him. I tried to push the negative self talk out of my mind, but it seemed to be just as stubborn as Bubble. Of course he chose that moment to plop his butt on the ground and sit for a spell. I coaxed him with a "Come on Bubble, let's go get a treat!" I whistled and tugged at him, but the damn cat refused to budge. He Was hissing and lolling on the ground as if he intended to stay there indefinitely. "Come on Bubble. We need to go," I tried again.

Handsome man and his happy, energetic dog stood there watching the whole exchange. Both of them had big grins on their faces, looking extremely amused at my predicament. Taking mercy on me, the man finally said, "It doesn't look like you are going anywhere for a while.