
The project with Lucara!

Timmy and Nicky entered the company. Timmy went to his office and he dialed the CEO. The call didn't go through. An officer in the planning department knocked and entered.

"Sir the senior director is calling you in the meeting room." Latifah said.

"Okay...where is CEO..did he go to gabs?" He asked.

"I haven't heard from him yet sir.." she departed.

Timmy went to the meeting room and found the senior director and other directors seated. He sat at his normal spot and cleared his throat awaiting for the new announcements.

"Mr Morwa good morning,"Director Rebame said.

"Mr Morwa...I just wanted to inform all of the directors on the new updates" senior director Rodney began. " Unfortunately the CEO had a heart attack so he won't be around monitoring" they observed a silent moment as they paid their respects.

"But we still have an acting CEO..." " Lastly Mr Morwa you will be handling a massive project with Lucara.. I'm sure that was well communicated in our last meeting."

Mr Rodney breathed and scrawled his pad. "However because it is a huge project, the CEO decided to partner you with another director from the Gaborone branch..."

"Really!" He exclaimed " Sir I hear you. It will be a lot easier for me...I really appreciate CEO' efforts."

"The meeting is over you may all go" Rodney said and stood up to leave. On the way he kept on muttering nonsense. He was so jealous of Timmy for getting his dream project.

" It's Good he had a heart attack. That old man is evil.." " but as for Timmy I'll solve him myself."


Naledi and Joanne arrived in the company building and all hedded to their stations.

Naledi was very tensed about the new project. Ellon came and greeted everyone. She could see him through the blinds of her window. She matched out and followed Ellon to his office.

"Don't hasitate, come in Director." Ellon said after noticing her presence by the door.

She entered the office and closed the door. "The CEO is sending me away!" She yelled in agony.

"It's big Naledi...you can earn something much better with this project."

"CEO....I have a lot of errands here!" She exclaimed.

"Just chill... I'm not even here to stay. I'll be flying to SA in the afternoon..."Ellon stood up and approached her. Naledi could feel goose bums planting all over her skin.

"How about a secret sweet goodbye from a friend." He held her waist and slowly whisphered onto her left ear.

"And how should I live with the fact that I'm going far from home..." "Please don't take this too far CEO"

" How about I say I'll be reporting in Letlhakane after I return from South Africa. Then you won't have to worry about boredom."

She chuckled and placed her hands on his shoulders " really..you will do all it takes to convince me"

"I'm about to depart to SA later, how about we spend this time together maybe at a restaurant."

" Cut the chase Mr Marshall... Why don't you take me to your house and serve me"

Ellon was liking it . Naledi was now beginning to fall deeper into his charm.

But not so fast!

"So we still friends...nothin else?" Ellon asked.

"Yes..nothing else" she replied and leaned to kiss him but someone bugged in. Naledi scotted away and pretended to go through some documents.

"So sorry sir.. I didn't mean to.." Joanne said with a hidden grin.

"It's okay..."

"There is a report emailed by the Letlhakane brunch...here is the report sir" Joanne placed the tab on the desk.

"Are you My brother's Secretary?" He laughed. " We've already met earlier.. please don't tell a soul and burst my chances."

"I would never ... its good for her because after her divorce she blacklisted men." She whispered to him.

Naledi glanced at them and smiled. " Joanne I'll see u later...bye, Ellon let's go.its already 10 a.m."

"Okay bye..do everything I'll do.." Joanne said behind Naledi as they both departed leaving the company bursting in gossip and rumors.

Neo approached Joanne "you are Naledi's bestie please tell me if it's true that Ellon went to Maru estate last night with Naledi."

Joanne laughed and turned with a grimace "who told you that...is it that old cleaning lady who stays there."


"I new it...that granny is a liar..or you want to date Marshall junior... Sorry honney but you are out of his league..just look at your loose belly and you are fat."


The same afternoon that Ellon fled to SA Timmy and Nicky decided to chill at his house.

" Can you believe it Nikki I have just received bad news CEO decided to partner me with another director from Gaborone Brunch. I'm very Nervous because maybe he or she's experienced and is going to give me a hard time"

" but that will be more easier because the work will be done in a short time" " don't worry I'll always help you if you need my help" Nicky hugged him.

Timmy's phone rang and he answered it. " Hello this is Timmy speaking"

"We are from the housing department.. l wanted to inform you that due to shortage of staff houses in our brunch you will have to share your house with the other director while we look for accomodation...we are really sorry for the inconvenience."

"What! I'll have to share...it's okay..

Just tell me what to do"

"Vacate the other room..."the caller disconnected.

Timmy was tensed not only coping with the new director but living in the same house!

"Nicky I just don't like Rodney's rude ways. Just because CEO is gone he took revenge..."

"What if it's the acting CEO's decision." "I don't see this bad because you will have the opportunity to work from home together."

"But we won't be free here...I'm gonna miss you a 10 Nicky." He hugged her and stood up.

"Wait for me..let's cook together...we might not get the chance again."Nicky followed him to the kitchen.

"Chef Timmy to your service" Timmy wore the chef hat and apron.

"Wow you look good.then I'll be your helper Sir."


The following day Naledi packed her staff and got in her car after it arrived from the garage. She wasn't sure if going to Letlhakane was here wish. Ellon went to SA for a week and she was already bored. She somehow got used to him and aknowledged the fact that he was really the 'master of his art'

The road trip was very long and she played music along the way. A certain song by KHOISAN called NTU NTU SE THUBEGE played and reminded her of Timmy, getting married to him destroyed their friendship and now they had moved on and never talked. Maybe Timmy was abroad or something.

It was now night. Due to her many stops along the way she arrived late. The time was half 8. She arrived at the address and knocked twice.

"Where are people.."she opened the door and got in with her suit case. She walked in the living room and looked around. It was neat and tidy. Everything was well packed.

"God..am I living with a couple...it's so heavenly or maybe a middle aged woman..!" She muttered in her mind.

She walked towards a room and opened the door, it was dark inside. She looked for the light switch and and moved around.

Someone came out of the bathroom and noticed the stranger in the room. He switched the light on and saw the person.

Naledi's jaw dropped as her eyes fell on a half dressed man who was also fermiliar.

Water droplets ran along his body as his eyes widened in awe.

"You....!" Both exclaimed.
