
moved on

Nicky fastened the buttons of her blouse and Went after the visitor who just got into their house without permission.

"Are you lost Max ?" Nicky dragged his hand.

"I miss you so much and you are here with him, didn't you tell me that he's your superior..." Max turned to face Nicky and held her fingers.

Nicky could smell alcohol from his breath.

" Max are you drunk! Get out of my boyfriend's house...I long dumped you three months back." "You really can't keep on harassing me."

"Max...how many times am I going to tell you she's my lady. Now let her go." Timmy snatched Nicky's hand from Max.

"You are busy banging my fiance and you tell me to fuck off. Nicky come-on let's go home. Does your parents even know you are here ?"

" Max please leave" Nicky requested

" That! I bought you that lingerie to dress up for me but instead you decided to show it to Fucking Timmy..."

"Nice choice Max...if you have such great tastes then why are you following Nicky around. Dude she is mine. I'm sure you get to meet gorgeous ladies everyday at the gym and in social media. You are an influencer just leave us man."Timmy said.

" Nicky lets go home... babe please give me a chance." He crushed on the couch as a tear rolled down his chick " I still love you. I will change..please" he bowed his head as he felt the gap in his heart.

Timmy and Nicky felt a little sad. Nicky strolled Max's back " Max please don't do this. Just go home..it's late."

" Yeah...you guys can do whatever fuck you were doing, I'll crush on the couch." Max took a cushion and crushed on the couch.

"Gosh! This guy really loves you Nicky..." " You might choose to sleep with me or here with him." Timmy matched to his room still angry. He could relate to Max's pain, he once felt that gap too in his heart.


Naledi arrived at Mass hotel and hedded to the dinner area. It had been a year ever since She met the CEO. She was nevous and crossed her fingers to have a great meet with her employer. Her outfit really bothered her as she never got the chance to go home and change. She was wearing her usual formal wear consisting of a black skirt, tugged in was a white shirt, a black blazer and her black heels.

She read the email again and hedded to table number 10. The table was empty, she looked around and sat down fixing her collar.

" You really are punctual just like said." A male voice emerged from her back. She turned her head and saw someone new.

" Hello Miss Naledi Sebina..." He said with a grin.

Naledi was dazed for a while upon noticing the fine virile specimen that just appeared Infront. " Is this a blind date... Joanne set me" she wondered and wore a serious face.

" Sorry but the seat is for someone else" Naledi alleged as he tried to sit down.

"What if I steal you from that man who seems to come late. He certainly is a fool to leave a gorgeous lady like you."

" Well I'm not waiting for any guy..I'm actually on a business meeting." She didn't want to blow her chances.

" Wow !" He exclaimed and sipped his wine." Which can only mean you are single..."

She laughed and then remembered. " Sorry sir but I'm waiting for___" he interrupted her.

" The CEO of MARUAPULA REAL ESTATE company...who might be a bachelor." He quoted as he mischievously gazed at her.

She realized something, the macho had a fermiliar face. " You are Ellon Marshall! Oh my god...and you purposely flirted with me. Where is your CEO I thought he's coming."

"Well my brother had a heart attack so I'm the CEO for now."

"Oh..!so sorry about your brother." She silenced for a sec " you flirted with me.. Ellon."

" So you still remember me from the interview a year ago." Ellon sipped his wine.

"Yes I do..you kept on glaring at me with your eye sides."

" Even today I'll do the same...I know it's wrong to flirt right now but I can't help it."

"Why did you call me here then Ellon sorry CEO?" " was it a blind date or a business meeting?" She asked

" Seriously there is an upcoming project so my brother assigned you.. The details about it are on the contract just review it and sign."

"Ok" Naledi took the document and opened it however Ellon closed the documents and kept them aside.

" Relax..let's chat, who knows I might be your admirer"

"Look Ellon.you are a great guy but I'm not the girl to ask...plus I had a really long day and I just want to go home and shower." Naledi slid the document into her handbag and gulped the remaining quarter of her wine 🍷.

" Okay let's go..." Ellon let the way for Naledi. He drove Naledi to Maru estates and safely led her in.

"Well...I guess it's goodbye." He leaned on the car body of his Mercedes and licked his lower lip randomly.

Naledi was tempted more, Ellon wasn't willing to go so soon. He just wanted to get Naledi's consent to go ahead with his plans.

"Ellon.... Go you just said goodbye a zillion times. Are you going or you want something else?"Naledi asked.

"I want something else..."

"Ellon..please don't make this look awkward, your my superior now...I really want to shower "

He stepped forward. "Okay then tell me your feelings about me"

" He's making it harder for me.." she muttered and retorted "Nothing except that you are naturally appealing...."

Ellon got close to her and held her waste. His fingers gripped to her skin and chills swift on her spine. Now she couldn't hold back from Ellon.

"The guy I sort envied last year is now here...why am I bursting my chances. He could be my lover someday."Naledi thought.

"We don't have to be lovers Naledi...we just need to have a secret." He whisphered.

Naledi turned to kiss him softly and stopped as she was confused on what to do.Ellon shifted and stood Infront of her and began french kissing as Naledi moved backwards into the house. Ellon closed the door behind them without even looking.

Naledi fastly removed her blazer and reached to Ellon's tie and threw it away. She unfastened the buttons of his shirt as Ellon took off his blue blazer and tossed it on the floor.

They had already reached the kitchen counter and Naledi pushed Ellon onto the counter and felt his stone hard chest and traced her slim fingers on the humps of his abs.

Ellon picked her up and placed her by the kitchen counter. He impatiently removed her blouse kissing her harder as he leaned on her. He slowly planted kisses from behind her left ear along her neck till her shoulders. He picked her up and Naledi rounded her legs around his torso, they hedded to Naledi's room and then Naledi closed the door.


Max woke up to the delectable aroma of stir fry vegetables. He stretched from the couch and met Nicky's eyes.

". Nicky! Babe you came back to me" " did you cook for me..it smells so good"

She slapped him. "You are sick!"

Max looked around and noticed something.

" Fuck! where am I "

"In my house..." Timmy walked in the living room. "Breakfast is ready Nicky, lead your ex to the dining please."

"Timmy..you cook! " He was astonished. He wasn't a man who cooked for a woman but now he understood why Nicky might have left her.

"Max I understand your pain but today I don't want drama. Come to the dining" Timmy led Max to the dining.

He enjoyed the food "I gotta say you know how to cook. I usually do recipes for my blog but I think this might fit too."

" Max please don't act as if .." Nicky qouted." Just go home and relax.."

"Thanx for everything..but Timmy I will not give up on Nicky." Max stood up and left.

"How did you deal with him.." Timmy stood up and went to the study area to get his files as he prepared to leave for work.


Naledi woke from under her white quilt. She was exhausted from last night. It had been long since she been with a man. She kept on replaying last night's moments and grinned , she had never been pleased like that in her life. Timmy was nothing compared to Ellon. She opened her eyes and met Ellon's bright smile. He sat on the bed side starring at her shirtless.

"You are up so early, we barely slept." Naledi said in a low tone still sleepy.

" Look at ur makeup all messed up..yet still cute." Ellon said

Naledi raised up and leaned by the bed board. " You are funny. But..last night was not supposed to have happened...now please let's act like.." Ellon gave her a pause by striking his index finger on her lips.

She felt her heart starting to raise, setting her vessels onto high speed mode. She exhailed.

" Naledi..but your body says otherwise are you sure you regreat it." He kicked the quilt away.

"No... I am undress___" she paused upon noticing her vest and shorts on. "Did you do this..thanx"

"Still I can care for you better if you allow me to,"

"Ellon...I just don't like fast things plus you are my boss." She swallowed after remembering the texture of his chest. She extended her hand and felt the texture again.

Ellon raised his eyes and gazed at her as she traced on his chest, tickling him. He was aroused. He remembered the day of the interview how he got aroused by just seeing Naledi and he had to seat in one pose.

" Don't tease me when you know that you won't allow me to.." "anyway...it's your choice, this could be our everyday life." He kissed her neck and went on and on.

Naledi chucked "stop it we have to go to work." Naledi smelled something delicious. "Nice...who's cooking..wait did you cook!" She exclaimed.

"Yes...I just wanted to spare you the trouble."

"Wow..your amaizing Ellon, your future wife will be lucky." She remembered how Timmy never cooked for her.

"I'm going to shower" Naledi stood up

"Should I join you?"

"No..just go and finish cooking.." she laughed and hedded to the shower room.

Ellon wore his shirt and left the buttons unfastened. He went to continue cooking. There was a knock at the door."should I .." he matched to the door and opened the door.

"Naledi I just_ _ _" Joanne froze after seeing the macho Infront of her.

" Hi..."

"Who is you.?" She exclaimed

"Come in. Naledi is still in the shower...surely you can wait." Ellon convinced her.

"Sure" she followed him in still dazed. " Did Naledi get a man that too a hot guy..." "OMG..like I'll literally go on my knees for this guy." She thought as she sat on the couch and watched Ellon go over to the kitchen and finish cooking. " Charming, polite, good cook and virile too."

Naledi walked from the passage to the kitchen wearing her mini sleep shirt and hugged Ellon from behind.

" You cooked..so romantic."she wisphered. " You smell nice did you shower early."

" Yeah.."Ellon replied and smiled

"Let me hold you longer.. before you leave and never come back again"

"I can always come if you allow me to."Ellon turned to kiss her cheek.

Naledi hugged him and giggled." Are you sure CEO..you and your bother don't like our branch."

"I have to go to SA tomorrow but I promise I'll come back."

"Sad.." when both turned they saw Joanne standing there with folded arms.

Naledi pushed Ellon away and approached Joanne. " Joanne..you are here!" She exclaimed as she pushed her to the living room.

"Naledi...girl...who is that hunk?"

"Joanne it's just no one."Naledi lied

However Ellon came in " nobody..really.." he turned to Joanne "I'm Ellon__" before he could finish Joanne interrupted him.

" Ellon Marshall, Mr Marshall's younger brother. Naledi told me about you last year..."

" Ellon..." She approached him and fastly fastened his shirt.

" You are selfish..."Ellon said and grinned.

" Naledi you better keep him save." Joanne said and winked at him.

" Let's go and eat." Ellon held Naledi's waists leading her to the dining while Joanne was shocked. Ellon turned to the room leaving the two friends.

"He cooked for you...not like ur ex husband..."

"Friend..I know but he's the CEO now...his brother had a heart attack.'

"He's a good cook." "Whatever I came to tell you that I saw Timmy and some slay chick in Instagram...he is so happy. And you are here worried when you got a great guy."

Ellon came back holding his car keys. "Ladies I gotta go home and freshen up." He left.

Naledi took time and opened the contract, she was stunned after seeing the details. She could not believe it. The real question was what was in the contract that shocked Naledi.
